She hears you sing for the first time

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***Pairing: Taylor x female!readerWarnings: None Requested: No

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Pairing: Taylor x female!reader
Warnings: None
Requested: No


It has been a long and stressful day, and Taylor was finally on her way home.

There was nothing else in the world Taylor wanted then to come home to your warm and welcoming greeted you normally give her once she steps in through the door.

You ended up having to pick up and take over a last minute shift at your part time job, and you had gotten home just a few minutes before Taylor did. It was a busy shift and you were exhausted, throughout your shift, you were able to buy yourself a ten minute break to let Taylor know where you were in case she beat you home. It didn't take long for the memory to sink in that of you having a last minute call into work, so she initially thought that was where you were after walking in. Once she got closer to the bedroom door, however, she could hear the shower running and your voice in faint distance.

When she got to just outside the bathroom door, she then understood that it was you singing was what she was hearing. Now you've heard Taylor sing in the shower before, even her singing her own songs. For the longest time, Taylor had been asking you to sing, wanting to hear your voice. But each time you would decline in fear of your own insecurities about how you might sound to her. Once when you were in your own world, you felt more then just confident, you really enjoyed it. Often times, when you were home by yourself, you would to an imaginary audience.

Taylor couldn't help the smile that spread her lips as she listened in, recognizing one of the songs to be a favorite one of yours.

"Wasn't it easier in your firefly-catchin' days?
And everything out of reach
Someone bigger brought down to you
Wasn't it beautiful runnin' wild 'til you fell asleep
Before the monsters caught up to you?"

It was when she couldn't hear you anymore she was about to knock on the door, letting you know she was home. But when you shut the shower off, she decided against it and went back downstairs to act like she had just gotten home from the studio. She waited until she thought you were dressed to let her footsteps be heard, calling out your name.

"(Y/n)? I'm home!"

"I'll be there in a second!"

Taylor remained at the bottom of the stairs, as she couldn't help but think what a beautiful, angelic voice you had, whether or not you thought so yourself.

Without knowing, she started humming to the same song she heard you singing, still waiting for that warm greeting she always looks forward to from her favorite person, to the one she loved most.


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