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Humans, yes, humans, such a weakling race.
Born with greed
Can never get enough with what they have
Always wanting more, more, more and more
That's why humans always in the bottom of the food chains
Becoming our food

-Melchiore Mansion-
New Maid: i don't know why my heart is racing right now
Maid 1: well, it's natural because you're gonna serving the young master after all
New Maid: i think yeah, by the way what is the name of the young master? i never knew when i signed up to work here
Maid 1: it's a long name, Vernon D'Arche Melchiore
New Maid: wow that's similar like some kind of aristocratic
Maid 1: well it's a long story, i'll tell you other times okay? *wink*
Maid 2: i hope you're not surprised when you see the figure of young master *giggle*
New Maid: ehh? surprised? is young master kind of perverted disgusting person?
Maid 1: *smile* just go prepare and go see him yourself
Maid 2: after that you're gonna know *cover her lips*
New Maid: ehh, that's not fair, but okay, i better go right now
Maid 1: fighting
Maid 2: good luck

the new maid goes to prepare all what she can prepare and go straight to Vernon's room

in front of Vernon's room door
New Maid: *slap her face* i can do it, i can do it, even if he a perverted disgusting person
the new maid then proceed to slowly open the door, revealing a luxurious master bedroom
New Maid: *though to herself* wow, this is one of the best room i've ever seen
the maid then opening the curtain and slowly approach the bed where the young master sleep, when she beside the bed, she was surprised that Vernon have a white hair and pale skin, "is he alright? is he sick? why does his hair white? and why his skin was very pale?" the maid though to herself, despite her curious, the maid continue to work his job
New Maid: *slowly calling young master* young master Vernon... wake up young master Vernon, it's morning already
Vernon:*still sleep*
New Maid: young master Vernon, wake up, it's morning and the breakfast ready
Vernon:*slowly waking up*what.. what.. did you called me again?
New Maid: young master Vernon..
Vernon: *slowly open his eyes* didn't i tell you...
when Vernon open his eyes, the new maid shocked that Vernon have a pair of blue sapphire eyes which amaze her and a handsome face
New Maid: *flustered* yes.... young master Vernon? is... something.... matter?
Vernon: *waking up* didn't i tell all of you maids, to never call me Vernon?
New Maid: ohh i'm so sorry young master *bow down*
Vernon: *realize new maid* a new face? since when?
New Maid: ahh yes young master, i'm the new maid, my name is Tilly, i started work today young master
Vernon: i see, welcome to the family then, let me tell you something
Tilly: thank you very much young master
Vernon: first, i have a traumatic moment with my name, so i don't want you to call me Vernon, just call me V
Tilly: as your order young master V
Vernon: second, drop the formality when there's only us in the mansion
Tilly: uhm why to drop the formality young master V?
Vernon: because of something, i don't like the differences and gap between me and the family, when someone work for me or serving me, i'll considered them as my family, so that's why i don't like my family to call me young master or something else, the other maids has already known and calling me V without any formality, so please, just call me V
Tilly: if.. if that what you want.. then i will call you V from now on
V: *smiles* third, to answer your curious, i'm not a human, so that's why my hair and my eyes are different than human
Tilly:*though to herself* how can he know what i'm thinking? 
V: it's because this *lift up his lips with his finger*

Tilly shocked for moment, because what he saw was not an ordinary teeth, but some twin fangs inside V's mouth

V: i'm a vampire, Tilly, i'm not an ordinary creatures
Tilly: *still shocked but trying to get herself*
V: well i'm hoping to see you work hard in here *smiles*
Tilly: *flustered* y.. y.. yes, master V, i mean, V
V: *smiles then go out from the bedroom*

after the conversation and knowing the truth, Tilly help V to prepare for his school, serving the breakfast, prepare the uniform, and everything else
V going to the school

-Early Morning, Road to school-

??? : "And then the fox goddess gave human her blessing" dude, this book really really interesting, i love how the fox goddess was so kind giving human her blessing and all, but in the end she got betrayed by the humans, this is a masterpiece V

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