Chapter 50

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The Kingdom of Agruifena, they always said Agruifena was the city of war, the strongest stronghold of them all since every powerful warrior all around the world reside on the city of Agruifena.

Bishop Tamaki Yvonus, the strongest warrior of them all, leading the Agruifena city with his power, he known for his humble personality towards the people of Agruifena yet could turned into a monstrous beast when it comes to his enemies.

But he lacks the morality for anyone, playing with his victim like a tools on his hand, and banished them after he finished using them as a doll.


"Is it ready?" Bishop Tamaki asked to one of his servants.

"It'll ready soon your holiness" the servant kneel over behind him.

"make haste! the sooner we could grabbed our hands on that thing, the sooner we could reign over!"

"by your order your holiness"

"now go!"

The Bishop ordered the servant to make the preparation, continuing their worked underground.


Below the palace of Agruifena, deep inside an underground dungeon, a few archmages lifting up the seal that sealing one of the prison room, they're not alone since a few armies coming with them.

A few hours passed and the group of archmage succeeded in opening up the seal, inside the sealed room, they could see a girl with horn and wings complete with tail on her lower back, she was chained on her leg and arm.

the archmage proceed with cautious as they know, one wrong move could resulted in their death, since they deal with a real demon.

One of the archmage approached the demon girl slowly until they now face to face, the demon girl slowly opening up her eyes revealing a lime colored eyes glowed in the dark, "wake up you filthy demon" the archmage slapped the demon girl on the cheeks.

As strong as the rage on her hearts, she couldn't do anything since the chain was imbued in magic, restraining her power and movements.

"May this could erase all of your sin by becoming the puppet to Bishop Tamaki" the Archmage grabbed a magic crystal on his hand, the demon girl looked at the crystal which making her disturbed, just about the demon girl feel irritated, the archmage thrust his crystal into the chest of the demon girl.

The demon girl shouted as hard she could, since the pain on his chest was unbearable, the tears from her eyes flowed down naturally as she tried to endure the pain, not long after the infused, the demon girl turned into a terrifying giant monster, the knight was on guard since they could lose the archmage.

"no need to be cautious, she showed us her true form, and the chain restraining her movement" the archmage staying calm for every knight and his apprentice.

"you shall rejoice, since your sacrifice would be the stepping stone for Bishop Tamaki's reign" the archmage laughed, "sooner or later, with my power i would be able to control you.. Demon!" the archmage lift his power and the chain released a strong lightning, weakened the demon.

After a few moment, the demon layed down powerless, all of her mana and stamina was drained into the crystal, "good work for today" the archmage then thrusting his hand again to the demon chest, grabbing the crystal that've been infused with the demon's power, as soon as the crystal was taken, she's back into demon girl which layed unconscious.

"just a few step more until you become our puppet, don't die until that day" the archmage leave the room and sealed the room again, the demon girl limping all over her body. 

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