Chapter 20 - Bat and Fox

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V commanding all of his servant to gathering the resources from the nearby woods and river for creating a the campsite, so he and Shirakami with the rest of them could sleep over there.
After seen such a noble view of V and his servant, Shirakami left with an amazed reaction on her face, "i never knew a vampire could have a demon servant, what in the world are you V" a question appeared in Shirakami's mind yet she couldn't answer it either for V was an outsider of this realm with no one could understand a bit who he was.
"If a normal human seen this power, they would have run immediately and saving their life yet why do i have such a bravery facing the otherworldly creatures, no wonder i was such a foolish goddess" then Shirakami shake her head and smiling while approaching V and poke his cheeks

V: Shirakami? what are you doing?
Shirakami: *smiles* it's nothing, anyway you never told me about your servant
V: hoo, you're not terrified of them?
Shirakami: i've seen worse, why would i get terrified over them, beside you're the one commanding them, so it's nothing
V: hee, where do this bravery came from? *pinch Shirakami cheeks
Shirakami: ouch ouch *hit V in the hand* what are you doing
V: pinch a short fox *stick tongue out and laughing
Shirakami: *pouting* you always make fun of me and mocking because i'm small
V: hahaha, it's because you're small and cute makes me want to make fun of you *laugh*
Shirakami: *pouting and poking V in the stomach*
V: hahaha ouch hahaha it's tickling stop it
Shirakami: take it, it's because you always make fun of me
V: okay okay it's my fault so stop it *laugh*
Shirakami: no i won't, until you recognize me and acknowledge me being a goddess 
V: *laugh* stop stop, okay okay, i acknowledge you as white fox goddess, so please stop it
Shirakami: really?
V: yeah yeah, so stop it okay?
Shirakami: you're not gonna mock me again or make fun of me again?
V: yeah i won't so please stop
Shirakami: hmm.. i don't believe you so take this
V: no no no, please please stop *laughing while trying to hold Shirakami's hand*
but after V holding both of Shirakami's hands, she become quiet and silent before talking again to V
Shirakami: V, i always wanted to talk about you about this, but the moment always get ruined and i'm not getting the perfect time for this
V: hee.. what do you want to talk about?
Shirakami: i've been thinking about this all this time, the thing that i want to talk about
V: uh huh.. well take your time and tell me what do you want to said okay?
Shirakami: back then when we're in the river, and you chaining the robber to the bottom of the river, and i shouted a thing to you about being a human
hearing the thing that Shirakami want to talk about turned out about the identity of V which far away from being a human makes V change his face and turned away from Shirakami, acted like he doesn't want to hear anything about it nor wanted to talk about it, back again it was a secret to Shirakami about the heart of V
Shirakami: well you know, i never-
V: you should get some rest, my servant will finish their task soon, and we can get some rest, i'll wait for my servant over there

then V was about to leave Shirakami but before V could leave her with Yuna and Euridice, Shirakami holding V's right hand with both of her hand, "tell me honestly V, the pain you've endure all this time back at your realm, i know it's a selfish wish but you help me more than once, so this time let me repay yours, i'll do anything about your pain so you can release all of those pain and live a new life", at first V trying to release that grabbing hand of Shirakami but his action doing the opposite which holding Shirakami's hands tighter, he never felt like this before, in fact that there's someone who actually cared a lot about him and was trying to help him out of his pain, his heart was beating really fast yet there's still a hesitation inside of his heart, a pain of his traumatic memories that could never easily get erased when a beloved parents got taken away from him in front of his very eyes, then after a while V release the grab of Shirakami's hand from his hand then turn around facing Shirakami while looking at her right in the eyes before smiling,  "there's nothing we can do about this, neither you nor me" then he leave Shirakami and go a little bit to the outer side of the area to wait for his servant came back from their task.
"i'm not trustworthy right? *sigh* i'm still a useless goddess after all" Shirakami takes a deep breathe and blowing the wind from her mouth while keep thinking about V and his past, but there's nothing she could do about it because V doesn't open his heart to her.. well.. for now.

One hour has passed since the conversation between V and Shirakami, the servant of V came back with all of their task completed perfectly without flaws, then V ordering all of his servant to gave him a task report, "line up and tell me your progress"

Rewolf: Master V as your ordered excluding Ruscher that you've ordered to scouting the area, we're back from our task and bring all the items that you've needed,  i've brought the tree that you've requested, there's 5 tree in total, it's enough for you to build a hut with campfire,
then Rewolf put the tree in front of V and got back in the line while V just nodding, "next"
Lygast: as your requested master V, i've go down to the deepest part of the river to catch 18 fresh fish from the river, here it is master V
then Lygast proceed to spread a tree leaf before placing the fish in the leaf, but again V just nodding while shouting "next"
Reckon: master V, i bring you the wild sheep's wool, it's enough for you to create 4 blanket master V
the same as the other servant, Reckon put the wool in the ground in front of V and step back, "next"
Nyx: i'm the last master V, here's the meat you've requested, i've found a big and fat boar inside the woods and i take the meat for you master V
same as Lygast, Nyx put spread a leaf in the ground before putting the meat in the leaf, V who was only nodding and shouting calling their name one by one
V: Rewolf, Lygast, Reckon, Nyx you are the loyal servant that i'm proud of, i never regret the decision to create a contact with all of you and creating a loyal servant to me, i'm expecting all of your loyalty for eternity or until the day i face my death, take this as gift from me
then V create 4 sphere of energy and gave them a power so they can grow stronger, "i'm really sorry about the gift that it's not that good but at least you can grow stronger from this" V apologizing for he can't give them the best gift, but Rewolf doesn't approve with V's statement

Rewolf: receiving a power from the True Blood, moreover from the Melchiore bloodline, it's a real big honor for us, even though you don't have to give us the gift, just let us serving you, it's all enough for us
V: *smiles* i appreciate that, well now go and join Ruscher in his scouting, be prepared if there's an enemies approaching, twist their death if they're trying to attack
all of the servant: as your ordered! master V!
V: oh yeah by the way Rewolf
Rewolf: yes master?
V: would you mind gave this to Ruscher *throwing a bottle of blood to Rewolf
Rewolf:  i will master V
V: okay, thank you
Then the 4 of the servant all disappear from the place they're stand and spreading out to watching the area, before Shirakami came and approaching V again

Shirakami: you're looks so dignified in front of your servant, as expected from a noble vampire isn't it?
V: well of course, now let's go prepare the hut with campfire
Shirakami: again you never fail to give me a shocking moment with all of your power
V: *smiles* who do you think i am? 
Shirakami: yes, yes, you're the great V from another realm i know, i know
V: *laugh*

then V proceeding to build the hut completed with the campfire while Shirakami preparing the food from earlier

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