Chapter 32 - Path of the Villager

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"I would never have guessed, a white fox could heal any deceased with her power" an old man grind while mumbling on his own

"Take her at all cost, she's the key to rule this empire, destroy anything stand in your way" sitting on his throne, he ordered all of his army

"I don't care what or who are you, it'll look the same to me as a mere humans, but even the weakest creatures could dominates the strong if they knew how to deal with it, so watch and learn till you found your way to fight" V gave the courage to the villagers before some guard of the village started bragging his power and position.

"it would be easy for me to get to the top, it would be no time" the guard whispered but V could hear it clearly with his sharp ear.

He never thought a vampire could have a sharp ear and bragging out in front of V, without any hesitation, he walk through the horde and approaching the guard with his gaze focused on the guard.

The guard was talking with his fellow guard before he realized that V was already in front of his face, smile was carved on his face but the guard could feel another meaning behind V's smile

"okay so, from your words before, i could see that you feel really confident about your power, why don't you take a few step forward and demonstrate what you know about powers in front of us all" V challenged the guard to demonstrate his power, but the guard looks hesitant.

"what happen? didn't you feel proud of yourself before? if you really feel proud then please, the stage was all yours" the guard knew that he was wrong and feel could be butchered anytime soon but he feel that he would get butchered right now if he didn't demonstrate.

The guard take a step forward in front of the villagers, and started to demonstrate about his power, but even one without experience on the battlefield could easily tell that the guard was confused about which one should he demonstrate.

V know what he do, so he raised his hand and a sand statue of humanoid appeared "why don't you show us what'd you know about martial arts"

The guard looks hesitant but V staring him with a sharp glare as he prepared his stance, he's just about to land a fist onto the sand statue, before V appeared behind the statue grabbing the guard's fist and throwing him to the ground.

Everyone was in shocked after looking at some ridiculous power in front of their very eyes, but V staying silent as usual without any word.

"is that all? all of your brag about your power just turned onto nothing after all?" V stare down to the guard as he humiliate him in front of the villagers

But the guard wasn't stay down, he woke up and stand on his feet, signing V he won't gave up, "i'm not giving up, i'll do my best and i'll show you my true potential" the guard talk to V as he smiled and summoned one barrier "prove your strength and break this barrier with your own power"

But the barrier was not for the guard to break but just a decoy for V to have his strike.

The guard nodded and started to have his guard stance, but in the moment he was about to have his fist, V crunch his knuckle and the barrier was shattered before Lars jumped out from behind, "too slow" Lars grind and thrusting his fist to the guard.

But before the fist could touch the guard, Lars stopped his attack leaving the guard shocked and falling down to his knee, "first lesson about fight, your enemies not gonna wait for you to strike a blow and would do any ways to prevent your attack, so keep in mind to always be prepared before something happen" Lars explained and V approaching slowly to the crowd.

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