Chapter 2 - Bloodlust

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Making a contract with some fox girl, not bad V not bad or so V though to himself as he fall down to the ground and the knight already waiting for him
V: all of you knight, i'll let you choose.. lose all the blood or lose all of your body parts?
Knight: are you mocking the order of the holy knight? we are the holy knight who trained under Miss Euridice, we are undefeatable, because we are the holy knight.. all of you, attack him at once and kill him where he stands
V: i don't know who Miss Euridice is, is that a food? if she was a human, then i'll consider her a food

The knight all charges in to V standing place, but V dodge all of the attack easily
V: come on, is that all you got?

all knight were furious hearing V's taunt
Knight: don't hope that you're gonna survive us, boys give him what he should, let him know his place below our feet as a bug
V:as a bug? whoaa *V taunting the knight as he trembling in fear

then again one knight swing his sword to V, V stand to the side a little bit "whoa almost hit", one knight in the left try to stab V with his lance, but V jump and do the rolling in the air "yeah perfect score", then one knight bring a morning star charges towards V, V duck down rapidly "you missed"
consumed in anger and furious, the knight keep attacking V
knight: what are you fools doing? can't you kill a single person in the woods while using a complete gear?

Fox Girl: how come someone has a dodge ability like that? is he not a human?

knight after knight attacking V with all what they got, but V was a vampire after all, he can easily dodge all of the attack, V doesn't even move a single footstep from his original stand where he land from that fall.
V: really? that all you got after a long blabbering about how a holy knight should win in every battle because you are under Euridice lesson?
Knight: shut up, our win was absolute, no one can defeat us, because we holy knight was under Miss Euri-

V then disappear from the place he standing before, then got the knight leader shocked because he appear in front of him
Knight: wha-? how come? 
V: yeah go on with your bullshit of this and that but let me tell you something, in my life, if i make a contract with someone, then i'll finish the contract no matter what, even if it cost my life
Knight: he... he.. he.. only taunting, he was absolutely powerless, you guys, help me and kill this cocky bastard
V: *smile psychotic* if you're not convinced yet, let me show you then

Fox Girl: how can a human have this kind of power? this is insane

V once again disappear from the sight of knight leader and reappear grabbing one knight neck and lift him up with ease
knight: arghhh, arghhh let me go you filthy, i'm a hol- *the holy knight struggling
V: a holy knight right? but can a holy knight survive a death?
knight: whatever you said, you only a powerless humans *still struggling
V: human you said? let me show you something,

V opening his mouth and revealing his twin fangs from his mouth, then he changes his eyes color from blue sapphire to glowing red blood thirst of blood, then V releasing aura of his noble vampire blood making all of the knight fall down trembling in fear

Fox girl: he... he... he's.. not.. a human..

V still holding the knight neck
V: you can call me true blood, you can call me vampire, you can call me whatever you want, but calling a me a mere human?, that's insulting my pride, and that's the beginning of your torment
Knight: *the knight spit to V's face* you just a weak human nothing more, if you're that powerful then kill me, i won't surrender even if i have to face the death itself
V: *smiles* as your wish

V slam the knight he holds to the ground once, the knight groans as he barf a lot of blood, the knight still mocking V as human, V doesn't take any moment, he slam the knight into the ground again
the knight groans in pain, "even if you're gonna facing the death itself, but you're not gonna expect me to kill you instantly right?" V then slam the knight again to the ground, again, and again, and again, multiple times slamming the knight body to the solid ground, resulting the knight going unconscious, V smiles psychotic as he enjoy tormenting the knight who arrogantly facing him without hesitation
"Now, who's next?"

Fox Girls: he... he... he's worse.. than.. the devil.. himself..
the fox girls tremble as she saw V's brutality to kill all the knight

another knight stare fearly to V
Knight: wha.. wha.. what is that? is that even a human?
V appear in front of the knight
V: didn't i tell you to not call me a human!?
V stab his hand to the knight chest and grabbing his heart
Knight: uarghh!! *laugh* you think i'm gonna die only by your thrust? i have an iron hear-
V put a curse to his heart that makes him slowly paralyzed
V: take a good rest will you

walk down slowly to the knight leader, he burn down all the knight who dare to face him as an opponent, one by one knight turning into an ashes because of V's black fire
finally, V confronting the knight leader and lift him off
V: well, well don't you want to see me below your feet as bug? now who must know their place? filthy humans?
Knight: *tremble in fear resulting cannot speak
V: well, looks like it'll be the end of you
V took out his arm ready with black fire to thrust the knight leader's chest
Knight: f..f..fine, fine you win, forgive me, i'm begging you, please spare my life
V: hoo, is this the true nature of a human, getting cornered and they begging for their life, i'll let you feel how the despair is, now look deeply to my eyes
V delivering the soul of the knight leader to depth of the underworld, the underworld accepting the soul of the knight and keeping them inside for eternity

then V go back to the tree where the fox girl was but the fox girl looks terrified from V
V: hey what happens? there are none of them was left
Fox Girl: wha... wha.. what are you? *shivering
V: why are you scared of me like that? you wasn't that scared of me before?
Fox Girl: s... s... say that.. to.. your.. aura..
the V realize that he's emitting his vampire energy and forgot to shut it down
V: oh.. okay sorry.. *laugh nervously
after V seal the aura, the fox girl then jumping to V and hugging him tightly, failed to keep his balance in the trunk of the tree, V fall to the ground with the fox girl still hugging him
V: ouch, this is gonna hurt tomorrow morning, hey lil foxy, you can let go of me now, we're landed ground
Fox Girl: i.. i.. i was so scared.. *started to cry loud*, what should i do if you're gone, i'm gonna be failed as a goddess
V: *smiles awkwardly but hugging back the fox girl* yeah i know, but i won't fight them in the first place if i know i won't have the chance to win
Fox Girl: huh? *still crying*
V: i have the eyes knowing every living thing power, this eyes displaying a number, if i see the number exceed more than my number, then i don't have any choices to run, but i see them in the first place and they're not exceed my number, that's why i make this contract with you,
Fox Girl: *still crying* i don't know what to say, i just glad that you're still alive
V: well yeah sort of, now tell me your name lil foxy
Fox Girl: it's Shirakami, Shirakami Fubuki
V: that's pretty weird for a goddess fox
Shirakami: *punches V* i don't want to hear it from you
V: ouch, *laugh a little* yeah okay
Shirakami: i've tell you my name so tell me yours too
V: it's V,
Shirakami: only V?
V: i have a name but everyone call me V so yeah
Shirakami: *pouting* i tell you my full name so you have to tell me your full name too
V: ahahaa well i'll tell you after you explain to me what happened to me
Shirakami: not fair, not fair
V: whatever you want to call it, but i won't tell you *sticking tongue out
Shirakami: you.. youu.. fine then..
V: good then, now let's go
Shirakami: let's go to where?
V: well uhm.. yeah.. actually.. uhm, i don't know where is this?
Shirakami: *laugh* you stupid creature, but let's hurry, it's dangerous in here
both V and Shirakami take their walk from the jungle

the knight who witnessed the brutality of V cannot believe what has they see, a vampire? no, a demon hunger of death, a demon who kill to satisfy his hunger, this is not anymore a fight between one vampire with holy knight, it's a massacre of humanity, it's a bloodlust. All knight who dares to facing V as an opponent has their fate twisted to facing the death earlier

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