Chapter 23 - Big Heart

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After one crazy night, the sun has risen indicating a new day has arrived

Shirakami was waking up and tried to open up her eyes, right after she opens up her eyes, she saw V's face in front of her, took a minute for Shirakami to realize that she was hugged by V while asleep, this accident makes Shirakami blushes red.
Embarrassed but comfortable, probably the best description we can have about Shirakami right now since she feels really embarrassed but letting V hugging her and putting her head in V's chest, but suddenly V moved his hand to Shirakami's head before patting her in the head

Shirakami who's already blushed became even more blushed, but in her embarrassment moment, Shirakami put herself together and stare at V's
"he's been through a lot, somehow i can feel the pain he endure all this time" Shirakami remember V's dark past when she staring at V, "i wish i can take away the pain, but i know that i'm nothing more than just a useless goddess" Shirakami though to herself while patting V's hair, she know her weakness but she keep trying her best to support V but then V suddenly opening his eyes.

V: *slowly opening up eyes* you... should... be more... proud of.... yourself
Shirakami: eh? V!?
V: yeah... *kiss Shirakami in the forehead*
Shirakami: ehh!! uhm.. g-g-good m-morning i-i-i guess?
V: good morning, i never knew that you are this clingy in the morning though
Shirakami: s-s-stupid V, i-i-i'm not clingy

then Shirakami wakes up and pushing V back from his position, at the same time Euridice has opening up her eyes and looking at V with a trembling in her body, V notice that Euridice was staring at him and he approached her with a cold look in his eyes
"Well, well, well, look who have awaken here, the arrogant female warrior" but the brave and fearless female warrior Euridice was no more, when V approaching her slowly, she already kneeling down before V and begging for the mercy

Euridice: Please!! have mercy on me
V: hee? why should i?
Euridice: ehm.. why should you.. uhm.. i don't know...
V: do you know how much pain that you cause from your arrogant and stupid action?
Euridice: i know.. and i know an apology won't enough, but please spare my life, i don't want to died yet, i'll be responsible for that
V: you should have thought it before you do it

then V raising his right hand and pointing to Euridice while Euridice was trembling and scared for her life, but then Shirakami stopping V and pulling his hand.

Shirakami : it's still morning V, no need for you to be joking in early morning
V: what's the matter it's fun though
Shirakami: she already admit her fault, so what is left for her is to make up for her crime and sin, that's all, don't make her trembling all over again
V: ahh, so boring
Shirakami: well if you-

Before Shirakami could even finish her sentence and words, Yuna pouncing from her place to Euridice place to attack her with her sword, but V immediately draw his sword before parrying Yuna's sword attack and grabbing her hand with his monstrous soul hand while throwing her to the ground to lock her movements.
Making Shirakami surprised and Euridice fall down the ground.

V: whoa, wait a minute lil girl
V: calm down..
V: calm down Yuna
Shirakami: Yuna please calm down for a while okay, she's going to repay her sin, so there's no need for you take a revenge on her again, it's all alright, beside i'm okay now, V's with us now
V: i said calm down

V opening his palm and the sword in Yuna's hand start to reacting before the sword flew into his hand, Yuna suddenly feel her body was so heavy and barely can stand up

Yuna: what are you doing V? my power? 
V: don't worry, your power just return to where it's belong before
Yuna: what? how can?
V: it's my power in the first place after all
Yuna: tch, give it back to me V
V: why shou-
Kurokami: why should he?

Kurokami appeared in front of everyone and cutting V's sentence before he could even finished, saw such a thing, V smile and get back from his place while staying quiet
V: interesting
Shirakami: what? how can? i'm still conscious right?
Yuna: i'm going to give Fubuki her revenge
Shirakami: Yuna i-
Kurokami: i don't need you to take my revenge Yuna
Yuna: wait what? who are you? you like... Fubuki? but with black color?
Kurokami: i'm Kurokami Fubuki, Shirakami's negative feeling has creates me, so basically i'm Fubuki too
Yuna: what? how can it be? it's impossible
Kurokami: you can ask that vampire over there *look at V*
V: don't look at me, she just using my powers that's all
Yuna: this doesn't makes any sense
Kurokami: it is doesn't makes any
Yuna: then why? why you don't want to take revenge? if you are Fubuki then you must be know how painful it is 
Kurokami: it won't solve anything, even if i take her life, it won't gave me my parents back, beside, she said she's gonna pay all of her sin, so let her be and let her paying up all of her sin
Yuna: and what if she don't?
Kurokami: V!
V: *nod*

then V creating Euridice figure from the sand nearby him and then without any moment, Kurokami draw her sword from her back and swing to the figure right in the neck resulting the figure's head to fall down, even after the cut, V summons his monstrous soul hand below the figure and crunching the figure like an egg shell being crushed in the palm of hand.

Kurokami: we'll do that, so you don't have to worry,
Shirakami: i never thought that could happen thought, it's like a knife pointed to her neck
Yuna: you're kidding me right? 
V: now you're understand right? indeed it is look like a knife pointed to her neck

V stopping his sentence before raising his arm which holding the sword and take a glance to the sword and then twisting the sword, so the sword now pointed to Yuna and V taking a sharp glance to Yuna "so don't make the knife turn it's direction to other" V action making Yuna shivers in fear but then V spin the sword and holding the blade while pointing the handle to Yuna.

Yuna: i understand...
Yuna grab the handle of the sword and suddenly her power came back and she can properly standing up now

V: now pack your things girls, we'll returning home to Startails now

Kurokami goes back to her place inside of Shirakami's body and then Shirakami started to packing things up alongside with Yuna but Euridice was hesitating and then approaching Shirakami slowly

Euridice: uhmm...
Shirakami: ehh? what is it? can i help you?
Euridice: i know it's not my place to say this but

then Euridice suddenly kneel down before Shirakami
Shirakami: what are you doing?
Euridice: i wanted to apologize to you after what i do to you, i know my action are unforgiven, but at least let me repay it even thought i don't know how to repay it
Shirakami: i know, it is hurt when you know your parents was taken from you and being sold to the slavery, indeed it's hurt
Euridice: what i can say now it's just i'm sorry
Shirakami: and all the torture that i've been through, it would be hard just to let it go
Euridice: i know i've been doing so much to you, but..
Shirakami: but i'm trying just to let it go, so prove yourself that you've change and don't do anything evil, from now on, you have to help us no matter what

hearing Shirakami's statements makes Euridice shocked that a little fox girl could have big heart, then Euridice proceed to kneel once more to thank Shirakami, but then suddenly V coming to Euridice with a look of a killer

V: don't do anything stupid or else
Euridice: i won't, i won't

then V left Euridice behind and helping Shirakami to pack the things

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