Chapter 1 - White Fox Girl

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in his shocked moment because of the fox girl covered in mud, V's jump back, sticking his hand out and then a black fire appeared in his hand, "tell me who are you!? why are you here!? who brought me here!?" the fox girl who saw V summoning a black fire out of nowhere tremble in her fear and slowly walk back, "tell me or i'll burn you down" in her fear, the girl's tear started to flow, in a tremble voice "g.. g.. g.. gomen (sorry)" realizing that he only fighting a powerless little fox girl, V put down the fire and try to calm down, after V calm down and the girl stopped crying, V try to talk to her "can you tell me where am i and who are you?"

Fox Girl: gomenasai, watashi, kimi no go wa wakarimasen (i'm sorry, i don't understand your language)
V : huh?
Fox Girl: ano, onegai, watashi no koto shinjite kure (uhm, please, believe in me)
V: come on now, i don't understand what are you talking about
Fox Girl: onegai, kimi no atama wa, sawara sete (please, let me touch your head)
V: i tell you that i don't understa-

the girl run to V and touch his forehead, then the girl started to say something but V couldn't understand either, confused in her action, V just stay silent and remain calm because V doesn't sensing a killing aura from the fox girl
the girl release her hand from V's forehead

Fox Girl: t.. t... there, i.. i.. i'm done
V: what? you can speak in Vampire's language? why not telling me first?
Fox Girl: i.. i.. i.. i can't, i give you blessing so i can understand your language and vice versa
V: so you to a vampire? what family are you from?
Fox Girl: s.. s... sorry, i don't understand what are you talking about
V: huh? so if you're not vampire then what are you?
Fox Girl: i.. i.. i.. i'm a goddess, a fox goddess
V: a fox goddess?
Fox Girl: uhm.. if.. if.. you don't mind.. it's dangerous in here, you can get killed from the knight
V: the knight?
Fox Girl: uhm.. if we're not hurry... they can fou-

a large horse army full with heavy armor and a lance appear and surround them
knight: there she is the fox goddess, she with someone, take her at all cost, kill the other one too if he was a threat to us
all other knight: yes sir
The confused V was aware of the knight that surrounding him and the fox girl, actually V doesn't want to catch any attention but his instinct wanted to protect the fox girl, V stand out and stand tall in front of the fox girl while the fox girl was shivering, V then tell her to stay in his back but the fox girl do the opposite of what V tell her to be, the fox girl walk slowly to the knight

Fox Girl: i'm the one that you want, this man over here has no connection with me
with her tremble voice, the fox girl stand out to protect V
knight: then why are you helping him up? that doesn't make any sense right?
fox girl: that's..
knight: then you two are our targets, attack both of them
all knight: yes sir!

the knight try to attack the fox girl, but V swiftly kick the knight lance with his leg
the fox girl surprised that V kick the knight weapon with his bare leg
V: whoa whoa wait there, you're not gonna kill her right?
knight: *smile creepily* well at least we make her unconscious and playing with her body
V: humans *V stare to the knight with disgusted views
knight: huh? are you say something?
V: can all of you filthy maggot stay silent?
knight: what did you just said? you weaklings
V: i said shut up
knight: you're gonna regret this idiot

the knight jump out from his horse and draw his sword, try to attack V and the fox girl, but V once again kick the knight sword and make him throws far backwards.. the other knight who saw their leader getting throw, start to attack V with all of their gear, but V hold the fox girl (princess carry) and then jump high into the heavy rain sky and land on the tree
V ask her a question
"why they're targeting you? you're not some kind of runaway right?"
"no i'm not, it's because they want my power as a goddess, i've been held in their castle for over 3 years i can't take it anymore, they're torture me brutally so i run away from them"

V realize that the girls body was all covered in wound, don't know what they do to her V just stay silent
Fox Girl: look, i know you are powerful, but confronting the knight, you can get yourself killed
V: we don't know if we don't try
Fox Girl: no, stop, please don't, i'm the one they're targeting not you
V: so?
Fox Girl: so you don't have to get a wound over a stupid goddess like me
V: *stay silent
Fox Girl: *voice tremble* i do scared, but at least, i can save you, at least i can save one life in my useless as a goddess

V then fall down into his though, it is hard to believe that there's a goddess fox, with a wound all over her body, but after all that happens to V, hard to say that this was the afterlife nor it was a dream, it's all look real to V

V stares deeply into the fox girl eyes and then laugh
V: so do you want to go back to that place where they're torture you?
Fox Girl: it's all to save so it's oka-
V: tell me honestly
Fox Girl: because i'm a godde-
V: tell me honestly dammit!! tell me your true feeling!!
Fox Girl: *tears start to flows down* i.. i.. i don't want to go back there!! i don't know what to do!! i can't even save my own family, so please at least, let me... let me save you, i know it was selfish, but i don't want to be useless again, i want to be useful to somebody, even you, even the one that i don't know
V: *smile sweetly* good, 

V pat the fox girl gently, seems surprised towards V action, but in the same time she feel relieved, V try to calm her down but the fox girl cry goes harder, and then V tell her some kind of contract

V: hey let's make a contract
Fox Girl: a contract?
V: yeah, if i can beat all the knight down there, you tell me your name, but if i can't the i'll go down on my own death, how's that sounds?
Fox Girl: if you want to know my name i'm gonna tell you, my nam-
V point his finger to the fox girl lips, indicating to shut up
V: *smiles* let's make a contract, after that we'll talk
Fox Girl: it was impossible for you
V: i know, but if i don't try then i won't be able to know my power
Fox Girl: i don't want it
V: as i expected, *V summon a dagger* okay if you don't want to make a contract, i'll go kill myself with this dagger, so you're not gonna be able to save me again
Fox Girl: what? that's not fair
V: i'll count to three if no answer then i stab my own heart 1
Fox Girl: please don't, i want to save you as a goddess
V: 2
Fox Girl: stop please
V: 2.5
Fox Girl: noo noo noo
V: thr---
Fox Girl: fine fine, you win, i'll take the contract
V: *laugh* yeah that was easy

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