Chapter 11 - Betrayal

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-Moment before V attack the village-
after flying for a few moments V slam himself into the ground which causing an explosion sound,
"it's almost the time" V smile to himself before revealing his vampire energy with red glowing eyes, twin fangs and a long black tails, "now let's have some fun and shows those humans what True Blood really are"  V walking on the road.

Walking with his vampire energy revealed, V look up to the sky and found an entire army riding a pegasus with a lady knight leading the army, "Holy Knight Army Spotted " V smiles and without a moment he intercept and appeared in front of the entire army which making the army stopped shocked because of V appearance floating in the air alongside with his eyes, teeth and nails.

Appearing in front of the entire army with his energy revealed making the entire army shivering from their spine, "we're finally meet aren't we?" V said while glaring to the army
Knight: who are you? this is The Holy Knight business, don't interfere and get lost
right after the knight talking, V pointing his finger to the knight and suddenly a large icicle appear out of nowhere and flew through the knight helm and head.
The knight fall down from the pegasus, there's monstrous hands who catch the knight before he fall down fully to the ground, all of the knight thought that V saves the knight who have fallen down, yet V crunch his knuckle which making the fallen knight body crushed.
Euridice appear from the army, drawing her blade ready and immediately slashing through V's neck, but V catch the sword with his teeth.
Euridice: *shocked* who are you? and why are you after us?
V: you're searching for the fox goddess right? i can tell you where she is
Euridice: we're not telling you our destination and our mission
the knight was about to help Euridice deal with V but Euridice stopped them
Euridice: no, no, this guy isn't a guy you can handle, leave the rest to me

Euridice swing her sword again but this time she targeting V's chest, yet V catch the tip of the sword using his only two fingers.
V: come on now, i know where the fox goddess are
Euridice: why did you telling us her location
V: because i know what are you holy knight after and i just want a little bit help from you

"asking for help to the holy knight in exchange with the fox goddess location? i don't know where he know about what are we after and what kind of help he wanted, i must be careful with this person" Euridice think in his mind about V
Euridice: what kind of help do you want us to do?
V: oh, not much, and it would be easy for you knight to do it 
Euridice: what is it? i'm hearing
V: give me a proper place so i'm not the same with the lowlife humans also knowledge of this city

hearing V's request makes Euridice think, "lowlife humans, it means he doesn't want to be in the lowest of the chains in this society, seeing his power and his potential could make a great asset in our power, also he demand a knowledge which means he seeks to grow stronger" Euridice smiles as she agreed to give V what he want, knowledge and proper place to live.

Euridice: alright then, lead us to the fox goddess and we will grant all of your wish after we get back to my castle
V: *smiles* alright then, i'll lead your army by then
Euridice: we'll have a contract by then?
V: *smiles*
Euridice: okay then, what's your name by the way?
V: just call me V, the one who's gonna catch the fox goddess
Euridice: just V? what kind name is that?
V: euhh, i hear this everytime i say my name, well just call me V Melchio if you insist
Euridice: alright then, sir V Melchio please lead the way
V smiles and commanding all of the knight
V: fine all of you miserable knight, follow my order
V command all of the knight to follow him but there's one knight who doesn't want to follow him and was about to attack him from behind yet Euridice hold the attack by her sword
Euridice: stop it soldier
Knight: miss Euridice but-
Euridice: do you want to end up like the knight who have fallen down?
Knight: *couldn't talk*
Euridice: if you don't want to end up like that, better go back to the line
Knight: yes miss
then the knight get back to the line he was before

V leading the entire army of Holy Knight to the Startails Village

-Present times, Shirakami was captured-
from the place where Shirakami get chained up, V summon the Vindicative sword, "crush them before your very eyes" then V throw Vindicative into the direction of the Startails Village and summon a white lightning who struct the sword and imbued the sword with white electricity.

"V, just because of myself, you're.." Shirakami who've been chained and has been carried like a slave just remain silent and thinking about her mistake about V, but V who has totally turn against Shirakami just calmly fly with the entire army of Holy Knight.

V: hey lady knight, can you tell me what kind of country this country was?
Euridice: i have a name too you know, call me Euridice, but if that's too long just call me Euri
V: fine then Euri, can you tell me the condition of this country?
Euridice: this country ehh? well, you must have known Emperror Girardus Tomiyaki the 3rd right? 
V: no i don't know, who is that?
Euridice: are you serious? where are you come from?
V: you wouldn't even know even if i tell you
Euridice: well i've been go to many place before, so i will know where you from, tell me
V: Moonstead
Euridice then being silent for a moment
V: you don't know doesn't you?
Euridice: well actually, yeah, i don't know
V: told you before
Euridice: tch.. fine then.. Girardus Tomiyaki the 3rd was the emperor of the Inthaseon Empire, he was the one who unite all of the 4 kingdom, Wofaecea, Vreffailux, Iccharruen and Agruifena and create the center of them all Inthaseon
V: Inthaseon empire, Wofaecea, Vreffailux, Iccharruen and Agruifena i see
Euridice: yes, 4 kingdom and one center, comes with 4 king and one high king
V: the emperor was Girardus, and who was the other four kings?
Euridice: well there's Prince Haruki Obsilvane from Wofaecea, Count Tamura Khorilgane from Vreffailux, Cardinal Himura Garren from Iccharruen, and lastly Bishop Tamaki Yvonus from Agruifena
V: hmm.. interesting
Euridice: we're still in the Wofaecea area,
V: under Prince Haruki i see
Euridice: yes, exactly
V: so what happen to this "emperor"?
Euridice: before the emperor unite the 4 nation, they're fighting over area and reign above the other, "The Strongest Reign Over The Weak" that's the rule before emperor came and stop their war with his power
V: so you can say that the emperor was the strongest person in this world?
Euridice: well you can exactly say that because the emperor have over than 10 million
V: 10 million what is that?
Euridice: power counter, every power in this country was count using the power counter, the greater the number means the stronger the person are
V: oh that's cool *think in his mind* (so it's the same in here using power counter as well)
Euridice: mine was 2 million, by the way, what was your number?
V: oh probably only in 1 million, i'm no stronger than you
Euridice: but you hold my swing attack earlier? how can someone below me could hold my attack
V: it's simple, i'm no human, so the counter doesn't count the real number
Euridice: tch, i see
Euridice who still doesn't trust V fully just keep curious about him and planning to take him down while there's a chance
they both continue their conversation while riding to the Castle.

after riding for one and half day, they finally arrived in the castle, V flew down from floating until they landed ground.
Euridice: we're here
V: hoo, so this is your castle, it's pretty big and strong
Euridice: it's given to me as a present for conquering the poor village before, it's not hard to take over one village
V: hmm, well i don't really like human either, if i were you, i just go and burn all the village in my sight
Euridice: no need to go that far, we're still give them a chance to live who following our rule
V: let them bow down i see
Euridice: exactly
V: fine by me then, anyway i'm keeping my promise to show you the fox goddess, don't forget to give me something i want
Euridice: yes of course, let's talk in my room
V: alright then *smiles* also, i want to have some talk with the goddess, would you give me a moment for that?
Euridice: alright then, after we talk in my room, i will give you privacy moment with her
V: nope, you will go with me
Euridice: me too?
V: yeah, so i won't have any rebellion from her
Euridice: indeed, alright then, i'll go with you after we talk
then V ordering the knight, "take her to the prison, don't touch them till then, i want to have experiments with her"
Knight: yes sir!

the knight brought chained Shirakami far deep in the dungeon below the castle, wet and dark place where Shirakami once held in, and now she's back in this place again, now with the increased number of the guard.

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