Chapter 33 - Behind the story

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"Have you found her place yet?" an old man sitting on his throne sipping his wine

"Yes My Lord, we've found her village where she live" one high knight kneeled down before the lord

"Good, soon her power will be all mine, and i will use it to conquer this land" he's grinding widely with his wine on his glass

"As soon as the preparation was complete, we're going full charge toward that village my lord" a knight explained

"Very good, looks like it'll be an easy way to victory hahaha" the old man laugh creepily 

The sun was already swallowed by the night sky, every hard activities were closed, and all the villagers were resting their body and soul after all of hard work trained by noble vampire.

Supposed to be asleep yet a nocturnal creatures was freshly woke while gazing to the moon, but his gaze was interrupted when someone knocking on his door.

He could feel somebody's pressure behind the door, but he also known for a while that there was a group of girl villagers who has been standing outside who've decided to finally knocking the door.


V who still have a hard time accepting a human to become his comrade wasn't feeling easy inside, but he just walked through his place and opening the door.

*The door was opened*

"Ah... Good Evening, Mr Vampire" one girl who knocked were flustered.

"*i never know he was so handsome from this close*" one girl behind whispered to her friend

"Uwaaa, he's so handsome" one girl praising V's face

"can i be your future wife?" one girl made a brave statement

V who was confused doesn't know what to do with all of that expression and praised from the girls, but he keep himself together and walk outside in front of the girls.

"do you need something from me?" V talked to the girls

"we brought you this as a sign of our gratefulness of you bringing back our loved ones, *even though you're now one of my loved one too*" the girl who was keeping herself together explained to V while carrying a basket full of handmade cookie while the rest of the girl was shouting slowly because of V

In his hard confused times, Lars appeared out of nowhere, and immediately teasing V over his new 'fans' "looks like it's hard being popular on this new realm isn't it"

But V doesn't stay still while getting teased, "thank you for your love, but if you want to know more about me, you can ask that man over there" V pointing to Lars

"Eh!?" Lars was surprised by that sudden statement but it was enough for the girls to moved from V to Lars, and Lars was overwhelmed by a lot of question about V.

"i'll leave it to you partner" V smiled and immediately flew away from the place.

-In the mean time-

"V!?" Shirakami was startled.

"Yo, i never had any chance to asked about your condition since yesterday, and i was in my place when i want to know your condition" V explained.

"ehh? well uhm yeah... it's just like you saw yourself hehe, i've regained my stamina and healed my wound but that's not it, i mean how long have you been here sitting on the fence of my balcony?" Shirakami flustered little bit and still feel awkward to V.

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