Chapter 53

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The accident of Jin crossed his way to the room of Towa becomes a habit for Jin, as every night after the archmage leaved the room, Jin always entered and give Towa a food so she can replenish her energies, as she doesn't get any food when she held captive there.

And the time they spend together, is only makes them grow closer and closer each time, Jin laughed when Towa did something, and Towa just becomes more opened to Jin.


On the third day Jin arrived at the room, Towa was almost lost her consciousness but she tried to hold it in just until Jin get inside.

*Door Opened*

"Ughhh... Jin.." Jin run to Towa and grabbed her head while smiled to her, "you okay?" Towa nodded and closed her eyes, Jin brought his pillow and blanket for towa to rest while putting the food aside.

"Jin.. can i asked you something?" Towa speak while closing her eyes, "Un.." Jin nodded while letting out a voice as a sign Towa can ask him anything, "you're not feel disgusted at me?" Jin confused when Towa asked him a question but Jin replied to her with another question, "why should i?"

Towa opened her eyes slowly, "you sure is a weird person Jin, no human been this nice to me" Jin looked and patted down Towa's head, "is that so" while smiled.

Jin's eyes looked at the door for a moment and he looked at Towa again, "you know, maybe this is going to be last time i came here" then Towa get up and looked at Jin, "eh? are you serious?" Jin nodded slow as Towa feel shocked.

"i see.. take care of yourself okay?" Towa smiled to Jin, as she feels heavy all over, it's exactly the time when she tried to believed in Jin and he just destroyed the hope.

Towa feels awkward to Jin since she won't be able to meet him again tomorrow, she feels time ticking so fast when the moment Jin walked away.

"i'll be going now, have a rest okay?" Jin walked away from Towa and headed to the door when Towa shout to Jin, "Jin! Thank you! If i ever go away from this, i'll definitely going to see you again! so don't you ever dare to forget me!" Jin nodded and turned his head to Towa.

"You don't have to do that" Jin smiled and walked away leaving Towa and her world destroyed, Jin got out from the door and sealed the door again when Vey was there waiting for him

"Well well well look what we found here?" Jin looked at Vey and talk, "V.. Vey?" and Vey taking a sharp disgusted look at Jin, "what are you doing there Jin" Vey smiled with a creepy face hiding her true intention.

"I.. i.. just..." Jin doesn't say anything and get shivered, "looks like you hiding something from me Jin" Jin getting cornered.

"looks like i have to teach you a lesson Jin" Vey teared her own dress revealing her sensitive parts, and she shouted, "Guards!! Help Me!! Jin about to rape me!!!"

Not a moment, every knight appeared and surround Jin on the area, since Jin know this would he happen, he raised both of his hand as a sign of surrender.

They tortured Jin and brought Jin to dungeon, "KHUKHUKHU NOW YOU ARE A REAL TOYS JIN!!!" Vey laughed like a maniac.

But one thing they didn't know, Jin wasn't an ordinary creature.


Jin acted like he was unconscious all along, and he feels someone chained him to the wall, when he opened up his eyes, he's correct both of Jin hands got chained onto the wall completed with a steel rod got attached to his leg.

"You got nowhere to go with that chain on you, so don't think to escape" the knight on guard mock him off.

"great, got chained like a prisoner? what a great day" As Jin play with his thought, he tried to concentrate on his hand and a slight wind appeared on his hand, "looks like i don't have any problem to convey my powers, hope they don't mind if i break free" Jin pulled his arm from the wall, but the chain was strong enough to not break, instead the wall who attached to the other end got destroyed.

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