Chapter 28 - Trust

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On the way to Startails Village
Lars: so you're saying that this wasn't our realm? is that what'd you mean?
V: exactly, don't you feel anything strange?
Lars: indeed i feel something was off when i got here
V: you never told me how'd you get here?
Lars: i was attacked, by a white magic, and when i thought i was dead, i'm alive and facing humans
V: so it's the same
Lars: so the white javelin isn't it?
V: exactly
Lars: hmm...
V: there's no point for us to solved it now, let's just continue where we go in this path
Lars: you're talking like there won't be any obstacle ahead
V: *smiles* no matter what or who, i don't care, if they try to get in my way, i'll twist their fate
Lars: as i expected from the strongest vampire

Shirakami, Yuna and Euridice couldn't catch up with the conversation they have, beside they could only hear and confused.
Shirakami: hey V... i want to ask you something?
V: huh? what is it?
Shirakami: back in your world, how many True Blood was there?
V: there are 7 including me, why?
Shirakami: 7? you're kidding me right?
V: no, it's really 7 including me
Shirakami: now i'm wondering how strong your world are, only one of you was enough to destroy this world
V: well at least our world was not in a pinch though
but then Ataxia suddenly shout
Ataxia: we're arrived master

They talking on their way to Startails Village but they not realized they was already arrived at the Startails Village
Shirakami: we're here guys, Startails Village

With their arrival on the Startails Village, Euridice feeling little bit uncomfortable since she was the one who ordered the knights to messed up in the village.
"Keep walking forward even if you do some mistake in your past" Lars talk to Euridice, he was comforting her because she's feeling uneasy.

They arrived at the gate, but suddenly the guardian of the village appeared and charging to V, Lars and Euridice, while the other guardian running to Shirakami and Yuna and immediately taking them inside the village.

Shirakami: hey wait-
Yuna: hold a sec-

The village was on a caution phase because of V attack earlier which kidnapping Shirakami from her village.

"i already expected this would happen from the attack earlier" V shaking his head and smiling while one guardian shouting to him.
"surrender at all cost and we may spare your life" but even after the warning shout from the guardian, V still shaking his head and smiling.

"V, can i handle this? they should know" Lars was asking V permission about something
"no Lars, we're about to handle something" V refusing to Lars
"but V, they're threw a mockery to you, how can you let them stepped on your pride?" Lars assuring V
"i tell you we're about to handle something, we have a pride as a noble vampire, so we dealt things as a noble vampire" V gave Lars his pride as noble vampire
"fine then, but if things go wrong, i deal with them" Lars crunching his knuckle

Then V eyes was staring straight into the guardian of the village, sharp intimidating glare, "i'll surrender if you agree with my condition" the guardian was refusing his condition at first, but with V sharp glare, the guardian feel a little tremble and agreed to have the condition, "tell me your condition" V smile sharply, while pointing his view to Lars and Euridice, "both of them was not my friend, it's Shirakami and Yuna friend, so they don't have to surrender with me" then the guardian think a little bit before sending some other guardian to take in Lars and Euridice.

"i'll follow your lead V.." then Lars was taken inside the village as well as Euridice, "we have fulfill your condition, now surrender at all cost" without any moment, V raising both of his hand, indicator of surrender, 8 guardians appear out of nowhere before putting chain to V's hand and leg.

A steel necklace with ancient engraving was placed in V's neck.
V: what is this thing?
Guardian: this was an ancient relic where it could sealed flowing mana inside your body
V: sealing mana?
Guardian: we're sealing your power, abilities and magic within this steel necklace, so basically with this, you're just a human, nothing more
V: just a human i see
Guardian: this is the strongest ancient we can get, nobody could escape from this necklace unless it was opened with the key, so if you ever had any intention to escape, just give up
V: oh i won't do that

Then V was taken inside the Startails Village as a prisoner.
The people of Startails Village was staring at V, they're throwing a disgust view to V as he was trying to burn the whole village as well as kidnapping their goddess.

"Kill him"
"Make him suffer"
"Humiliate him"
"Don't show any mercy to him"
"Torture him"
All of that mockery was thrown to V but instead of getting wrath, V just staying calm relaxed even smiling.

Then he was brought in the middle of the Village where the chief of the village was already there to decide the punishment to V.
On the other side, Shirakami and the other was witnessing V
Shirakami: i can't see this anymore *running from the other*
Lars: *catching Shirakami's arm* what'd you gonna do?
Shirakami: let go of me, i'm going to save him of course
Lars: and how'd you gonna do that?
Shirakami: this is my village, i have any rights inside it, i'm going to release him and make him my servant so he won't get any mockery
Lars: and you want everyone in this village having their rage and use it against you?
Shirakami: it doesn't matter, i'll save him no matter what
Lars: and if it's happen what are you gonna do to them? punish them? or kill them?
Shirakami: that was...
Lars: you couldn't even get that answer right? so just sit down and let V handle all of this
Shirakami: but i couldn't hold-
Lars: i'm the same like you, i can't even hold it, but if V say that he's going to handle everything, he's going to keep his promise, all what we can do just put our trust in him
Shirakami: but V..
Lars: trust me, i have a long past with him, so i trust him more than anyone, you loved him right?
Shirakami: well.. i do but..
Lars: then put your trust in him like he was putting his trust to you

Back at V
"Do you know that you have sinned through the goddess by touching one of their incarnation and even go as far as hurting her" the chief asked directly to V
"i don't have any intention to hurt her though, but if you want to keep it that way, i don't have any problem with it" V smugly defend his action
"Do you know that whoever have sinned to a goddess should be punished in many ways?" the chief again cornered him
"then decide it, my punishment, i'll accept whatever punishment you gave me" V once again glaring sharp to the chief

The chief feel a cold in his spine because of V sharp glare to him, "okay with this, i'll decide it myself your punishment" the chief raising his staff claiming he's going to gave a punishment to V while V just keep staring at him, "bring it to me old man"

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