Chapter 44 - Reason of the Night

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The next day after the mayhem at the stripped lion village, both Botan and Noir was back again at the elders room with Botan announcing her acceptance of Noir invitation.

Botan and Noir kneeled down before the elders.

"respected elders, i have come here faster than one week as i have found the reason to accompany Noir on his journey" Botan announcing her state

"oh.. and would you mind tell us about your reason queen?" the elders asked Botan about the true reason.

"as your words last night respected elders, seek one creatures of the night as it will lead me onto their kin, and Noir was one of them" Botan explained the truth but Noir doesn't seem to understand, "wait.. you've known about me for a time being? why didn't you tell me tho?" Noir asked Botan.

"well Noir, i don't even know myself for the first time, but you've told me your story about your race, so it all makes sense now" Botan explained about what she got from Noir.

"Okay so, how did you sure that he was one of them?" the elders once again asked Botan how she was so sure about Noir.

"Last night when Noir saved me, he told me the stories about his kin and when i track it down to the elder's word, it's all connecting" Botan explained.

"First off, creatures of the night, it's pretty obvious as Noir wasn't a human in the first place, he was a vampire, and he's a nocturnal person"

"Next, seek one of them as it will lead me onto their kin, Noir never mentioned that he's the only one vampire who lived right now, so if i keep being with Noir, i will eventually met his family"

"Kindred of the darkness realm, i believed it's all refer to the family, and Noir mentioned that vampire was divided into 7 True blood families, as True Blood refers to the powerful ancient vampires, which means the other 6 was like a brothers to Noir"

"The last one, inherits their own bloods, although i never fully understand this at first, but i do know, Almatochysia, legacy of Noir's ancestors formed as the power of Noir and the other True Blood"

"So it's all matched between your words and Noir stories"

Botan explained all she could get from elder's word and Noir stories, "i never thought my stories would be so complicated on this place" Noir doesn't believed what he hears on that time.

"very impressive queen, we expected nothing less than our great queen" the elders praising Botan as she know Noir is the one they seek.

"as for you Noir, we trust our queen in your hand, but as we witness your power last night, it wouldn't be any problem for you to protect her, as she too a powerful woman" the elders trusted Noir to protect their queen.

Hearing the statement the elders make, Noir just smiled as he stands up, "no need to worry about her safety respected elders, anything dared to ever touch her would be turned into dust" 

"no need to go that far, but as we expected from creature of the night" the elders laughed as they announcing the statement.

"Noir, not only you saved our queen, but you gave out strong protection for our village and go as far as destroy anything in your path, so the permission for taking out our queen, was granted and also, you can think our village as your village too, as you trying to find your way home"

"i appreciate your kindness respected elders" Noir bowed down to show that he really appreciate the choices of the elders.

"as for you queen, be careful on your adventure, always be cautious anytime and anywhere, we're the stripped lion village would be ready to welcome you home anytime"

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