Chapter 42 - Mansion of the Queen

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On the way to Botan's mansion, Noir gazed from one angle to another, taking a deep glance to his environment.

"so this is your village?" Noir asked as he followed Botan

"yeah, exactly as i said earlier, this is my village" 

"so you're in charge of this place, am i right?"

"well not exactly, since there's the elder in this village"

"wait, okay so, you're the queen? but the elder who was in charge? what's the point of your title then?" Noir got confused

"i may be the queen, but i'm more like the guardian to this place" Botan explained how she guard the village

"hee... what a surprise,  sounds like a boring job for me, wasting time just to feel like imprisoned in your own dome"

"well what else could i do, since this village is all what i have" 

"i mean like, have you ever go outside from your village to have some journey or something?"

"no, never, even thought i want to step outside but my job was to protect this village so i can't leave this village goes unprotected"

"as i expected, how long have you been protecting this village?"

"i don't know exactly, but i've been guarding this village for a long time"

"must've been a boring life isn't it?"

"why so? you look like you're bored in your life for something"

"exactly, my life wasn't that interesting back in my place"

"hee... i bet you are the king in your place, got everything you need ready and got bored with the luxuriousness, should i call you king Noir?" Botan teased Noir

"well, there's a point you're right and there's a point you're wrong, but you're not wrong about me got bored with my life at my place" Noir doesn't showed any response to the tease.

Botan feels awkward about the jokes, but instead she keep asking Noir about his life, "so, tell me how'd you live in your place?"

"oh not much, just a boring life, becoming the true heirs of my own bloodline bla bla bla, ruled over my own people bla bla bla, not much"

"i've been curious, you are the true the descendant, and the true heirs of your own bloodline, are you some kind of king in your own place?"

"i told you earlier, that's the wrong point"

"wait.. so you're not the king?"


"oh i know, you're waiting for your father to give the throne to you right?" Botan guessed the thing happen on Noir's life

"no, it's wrong"

"eh!? then how?"

"*sigh* do i have to explained from the beginning?"

Botan nodded hardly because she was excited about the story.

"well, if i had to tell you then it goes on to the seven brother of the ancient vampires called the Nosferatu"

"whoa now you talked about your great grandfather"

"yeah it's like i tell you some documentaries thingy, but yeah they bear powers exceeding normal vampires, but carrying no weaknesses, it's the only reason why they're feared by all of the vampires"

"that's awesome, you got a huge amount of power but not carrying any of their weaknesses"

"you think so? but yeah all of their descendant was called the True Blood, the longer the bloodline, the more powerful they became since they carried the power of the blood in their vein"

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