Chapter 24 - Roadway

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V: okay girls, are you packed up and ready to go?
Yuna: V can i ask you a question?
V: huh?
Yuna: i know we are going home to the Startails Village, but what are we gonna use? are you serious we're going there by walking? it could take us for a week
V: of course we're not going to walk you idiot
Shirakami: are we gonna call Ataxia again V?
V: yes exactly *smiles*
Yuna: wait what? Ataxia? who is that?
Shirakami: oh you're going to love him, he's so cool, go on call him V
V: i don't know where you get that decision but Ataxia is a female
Shirakami: ehh!? really?

then V proceed to call Ataxia

"Come to me my chariot!!!" V chanting a word to summon Ataxia from his magic circle, "I'm here fulfilling your call master" V and Shirakami was smiling to Ataxia but Yuna and Euridice was surprised and to see a skeleton horse with purple flame in it.
Then after summoning the chariot of darkness, V and Shirakami approaching Ataxia  while Yuna and Euridice was scared of Ataxia, "I never heard a skeleton horse could be tamed in this realm" Yuna and Euridice thinking the same thing

Shirakami: Ataxia! how are you? thank you for the ride last time
Ataxia: it would be my pleasure Ms.Shirakami, you look really happy today

"IT CAN TALK!!??" and again Euridice and Yuna thinking the same thing towards Ataxia

Shirakami: please, just call me Fubuki, everyone calls me that beside that one grouchy vampire over there and yeah, we're going back to the village today
V: hey...
Ataxia: i see, so Fubuki it is, well let's have some fun traveling today 
Shirakami: yeah *smile widely*
Ataxia nod a little bit and give Shirakami her head just like before and Shirakami once again pat Ataxia in the head, picturing the bond between them, then V approaching from behind
V: yo my friend, i might makes you work all out today
Ataxia: master, with a pleasure, i'll do it for you
V: well actually i guess it won't be a big matter for you though, because you are the king chariot after all
Ataxia: thank you for the compliment master, but compared to you, i'm nothing at all
V: from my side, you more than that though, i'm glad that you are my chariot
Ataxia: the pleasure was all mine master, but, there's something off master
V: what is it?
Ataxia: i never expect for you to bring other humans with you master, is it what i think is it master?

V smiling to Ataxia and just about to gave Ataxia an agreement of her statement but then V remember his parents death in front of his eyes at the Melchiore mansion, immediately V change his expression and refuse to say the decision of his trauma to Ataxia

V: no, not at all Ataxia
Ataxia: then why you bring them with you?
V: i have no reason for this Ataxia, i just move with my instinct on
Ataxia: then i won't ask you again my lord, i believe in what you believe master
V: *giving Ataxia a headpat* thanks Ataxia

V continue his conversation with Ataxia and Shirakami while Euridice and Yuna just keep staring at them amazed by the bond between master and his loyalty servant.
"is he really a creature from this realm?" Euridice talk to herself while Yuna replying her word "i never though for a vampire could be this strong" both of them were amazed by V's power and aura, they could feel the differences between them and V.

After the conversation between V and Ataxia, V walk a little bit farther from Shirakami and Ataxia before he calls Rewolf
V: Rewolf!
then Rewolf answering the call from V and appear in front of him while bowing down before V, leaving Yuna and Euridice once again having a shocked moment after seeing a huge wolf monster in front of them.

Rewolf: i'm here and ready to take your order master
V: you see two humans over there?

V pointing to Yuna and Euridice, not in a moment after V tell Rewolf about Yuna and Euridice, Rewolf giving them both sharp gaze which making Yuna and Euridice started to sweat down and shivering a little bit.
"That big wolf over there won't attack us right V?" Yuna ask to V as she scared to Rewolf
"Do i have a chance to live in here?" Euridice scared as she saw a big wolf monster glaring to her while getting ready to attack her

Rewolf: my fangs are ready master
V: they are not an enemies Rewolf

Rewolf was very surprised hearing the humans was not an enemies
Rewolf: pardon my rudeness master but aren't you have a grudge on humans? but why you take these two humans with you?
V: i still have the grudge on me, but if i kill both of them, those little white fox over there gonna cry, at least for the girl wielding a sword
Shirakami: you're calling me?
V: no, not at all, you can continue your business
Shirakami: oh okay then...
Rewolf: pardon my foolishness master, but i couldn't understand
V: you don't have too, because i don't understand either
Rewolf: as your wish master, i believe in what you believe as your loyalty servant
V: thank you Rewolf *giving fist bump to Rewolf claws* can you give them both a lift in your back to our destination?
Rewolf: no need to ask master, your wish is my order
V: *smiles*

"Okay girls, we're ready to leave this place and begin our way back to Startails Village, Yuna and Euridice will get on Rewolf back and then Shirakami will get on Ataxia" V and Shirakami was in their high spirit while Yuna and Euridice couldn't even speak while they're riding a giant wolf in his back.

V closing his eyes and then taking a deep breathe until his lung was full of air before exhaling it all out while opening up his eyes, "not long after that weird magic dragging me down here, but i feel like this was already my home" then Shirakami smile towards V "wherever you are, whenever there's someone waiting for you in some area, that was your home"

Not replying Shirakami's words V then shout "let's go", without any moments, Ataxia, Rewolf alongside with V starting to run with their full speed in their way to the Startails Village

In the middle of their way to the Startails Village
Shirakami: wait a minute guys, i think we need to stop for a while
Yuna: what is it Fubuki? 
Shirakami: i think i hear something over there 
Euridice: are you sure? i don't think i can hear it though?
Yuna: probably it's just your imagination Fubuki
V: no, it's not her imagination, there's a battle over there
Yuna: what? seriously?
Euridice: well what we're gonna do?
V: there's like 75 armed knight trying to fight-
Shirakami: what is it V?

V stopping his sentences without saying anything again and then immediately take off from the land to fly away to the place where the battle are.

Shirakami: V wait.. where are you going?
Yuna: V what happen?
Ataxia: there's no time to ask Shirakami, hold on to me and we'll follow him, follow me Rewolf
Rewolf: i'm right behind you Ataxia

Both Ataxia and Rewolf was following V, but V rushing to the battle site with full speed

"it couldn't be real right? what are you doing in here"

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