Chapter 29 - Punishments

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"With these own hands, i shall gave you the punishment for the sin that you have committed, Death shall be your punishment" and then all of the people there started to cheering because V have to pay his sin with his life.

"so death isn't it?" V seems relaxed despite his punishment of death, but on the other hands Shirakami and the other was worried and scared because V was about to be murdered.

Then the guardian of the village started to approaching V with their complete weapon, V started kneeling on his own while one guardian was walking slowly while drawing his sword.

V smiled to the guardian but the guardian don't care at all to V, instead he started shouting "with these sword, i will crushed your sin and make your soul clean again, so whoever you are, may your soul found it's peace beside the goddess" V closing his eyes and looking up

The guardian swinging his sword to V's neck.
"V!!! NO!!!" Shirakami shouted while closing her eyes which started to get watery
"Open your ears and listen closely" Lars told Shirakami to hear something but she doesn't know what until a sound could be heard from V's direction


The whole village was surprised moreover the guardian who responsible to kill V, "WHATTT!!?? IT'S IMPOSSIBLE RIGHT!? IT NEVER HAPPEN BEFORE" the guardian was really surprised even trembling while witnessing the sword who have to cut through V's neck, instead of cutting the sword was broken and shredded into pieces.

Once again V was smiling while standing up, "looks like your toy wasn't enough to kill me or even touch me" the whole village started to get panicked, the chief surprised too but he remains calm before one of the guardian starting to raising his sword.

"you don't have to fear and feel scared the people of Startails Village, because i am Sir Alfonso, the strongest swordsman in this country shall fight evil and banishing them into the underworld, this creature was nothing compared to my skill, i could easily take him down and bring peace again to this village"

the whole village who was in panic turned into a cheering shout to Alfonso, but then V started to talk to the whole village

Lars: and maybe this is where thing going to get interesting

"i really grow tired from all of this ridiculous cheering for nothing at all"

Alfonso: huh? you have committed a sin against goddess and now you're throwing a mockery to me? i can't even believe it, looks like i have to really take you down

Alfonso put down his sword and stabbing V right in the heart but V just remain relaxed and standing there healthy while his heart was being stabbed.

Alfonso: i couldn't believe it, you..

V: didn't i tell you earlier? your toy couldn't even touch me, i just removing my barrier and let you stabbed my heart, but that doesn't mean you kill me

V grab the edge of the sword and crunch his arm, instantly the sword was shredded into pieces just like the first sword used to cut V in the neck.
Once again the whole village was surprised by V's power while Alfonso was trembled in fear.

V: all of you was a fool isn't it?

Alfonso: you dare to call this village a fool?

"Exactly as i said, all of you was a fool" V talking while breaking the chains holding up his arms

Alfonso: what!? he broke the chains easily!?

"Putting too much trust to the untrustworthy guardian" V kick the chains in his legs and broke the chains

Alfonso: with only a simple kick he broke the chains!??

 "Get to reliable into device that you doesn't even understand how it works" V grab the collar in his neck and suddenly the collar was dropped into the ground like a trash

Alfonso: how strong are you!??? you broke the ancient relic easily!! just how strong are you!!??

"I'll let you know the true power of darkness" V change his eyes from blue sapphire into bright blood red


"If you are truly strong, then i believe you can survive from this" Then V releasing his noble vampire aura and releasing a strong intimidating aura to everyone in the village while showing his twin fangs

Alfonso: WHAT IS THIS!!??

The whole village was trembling down and kneeling because of fear has entering their hearts, and they doesn't have the bravery to survive against V, beside they all tumbling down on the ground.

"Looks like i have my expectation too high, you all pathetic, and doesn't deserve to even live or stepped in this world" V taking back the intimidating aura of his back to his mana.

The whole village couldn't say anything, because they're trembled in fear because of V's power

"You're underestimating us too far.." Alfonso trying hard to stand up with his leg before he cast a yellow magic circle and all of his power alongside with his energy recharged.

"If you really that strong, you're not gonna be scared to accept my challenge into duel right?" Alfonso taking off his gloves and throwing it in front of V.

"it's been a long time since someone throwing off their gloves at me, but it's rude to refuse the challenge after some knight trying to defend his pride isn't it? fine then i accept the challenge" V smiling while he picking up the gloves with his telekinetic magic, deliver it straight to Alfonso without pulling out his hand out of his pocket.

"soon you will learn the true power of the guardian" Alfonso started to bragging up his power and skill but V doesn't seem to care about it, he just go straight walking in the direction to the river on the riverside, the place where he tries to drowning 10 muggers.

Then Alfonso following him with the people of the village behind him.

At the riverside

Alfonso: alright, here we are the place where we gonna fight for our pride, may i know your name?

V: should i gave you my name, can you even remember it?

Alfonso: no need to worry young man, i can remember the name of the warrior who are worthy as my opponent

V: worthy as your opponent? so you're thinking we're on the same level?

Alfonso: exactly, i can handle your aura earlier, and that means we're equal both on physique and power

"very well then,." V raising his arm and opening his palm while a purple magic circle appeared and he grabbed the smoke that turns into sword. "This blade, was forged by one of our legendary ancestor", then V throwing the sword to Alfonso, but Alfonso couldn't catch the sword, so the sword stabbed on the ground instead.

"if you can defeat me, i'll give you the sword, of course my full name as well" V smiling as he pointing to the sword

"whoa, indeed this is a legendary sword, i can feel humongous number of power imbued in this sword, but since you broke my sword earlier, you don't mind if i use this sword to fight with you isn't it?" Alfonso has disgusting view in his face, V could feel it that Alfonso won't play fair, but there's no obstacle could hold him up since he always blasting through his way.

"oh don't worry, feel free to use it" V was smiling

"then don't mind me if i do" Alfonso running to the sword and pulling it, suddenly Alfonso feel so powerful that he feel he was stronger than V.


"tch.. filthy" V talking on his own while Alfonso was already shouting and getting ready to attack V, "BE PREPARED FOR YOUR DEATH FOOLISH YOUNG BOY!!!" Alfonso running towards V while raising the sword.

On the other side, V just calmingly walk straight to Alfonso, "this is over, i'm the winner"

"DIE!!!" Alfonso swinging the sword with all of his strength, but the sword was passing through V without damaging him, Alfonso was shocked because the sword couldn't damaging V but V already kicking Alfonso in his stomach.

Alfonso was kneeled because the pain in his stomach and  V back kick Alfonso on his back.

"UARGHHHH!!" Alfonso falling down on the ground but immediately standing up again and facing V again

"This is ain't over little kid!!" Alfonso shouting to V but V raising his hand and opening his palm, suddenly the sword in Alfonso hand flew it's way to V's hand.

"WHATT!!?? HOW CAN IT BE!!? MY SWORD!! GIVE IT BACK!! ALL OF THE POWER!!" Alfonso running straight to V unarmed and V pointing the sword into Alfonso's neck

"Let me tell you something, this duel was already over when you picking up my sword, you're too fazed with the power on the sword while you're unaware that the power on the sword was my power" V revealing his triumph card

"But if you think that you could use that power to kill me, do you think our ancestor was a fool to let someone used their masterpieces and hunted us down? no, the sword recognize our blood in our bloodline, so the sword won't give any damage to our races" V sharply glaring to Alfonso while Alfonso already shivering

"It's ridiculous from the start if my power could actually hurt myself, but if i can be honest to you, this is the replica of the sword that i create earlier, think if i would give the legacy of my ancestor to some stranger?" V leaving Alfonso on his knee, but Alfonso was trying to attack V from behind.

"Silent!" a monstrous soul hand appear behind V and grabbing Alfonso up to the sky before slamming him down to the ground.

Then V get back to the place where people was watching him

"Listen here weaklings, this village was too weak to defend itself, i'm going to train all of you to defend yourself, now... those who doesn't want to get the training raise up your hand at once" then all of the village was raising their hand, they don't want a stranger to train them, "who do you think you are giving an order?"

"ahh that's what you think isn't it?" V smiling towards the people of the village, but then all of the village suddenly agree to V trained them with one of them speak to V, "we're accepting your kind offering master V, please trained us to be stronger"

"ahh that's more like it, if all of you weaklings was accepting it from the start i wouldn't have to use all of this" V smile again and turns out that behind his back was already 10 pillars of black fire ready to burn all of the village.

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