Chapter 25 - Collision

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At the battle site, there's 75 full armed knight trying to fighting one person who wears an aristocrat clothes that they never seen before.
"Γρήγορα, παραδοθείτε" one knight shout to the man and then drawing his sword and pointing it to him, turns out that the person couldn't understand the language that the knight was using right there, but he could understand that the knight wasn't so friendly by pointing a sword to him.

"i don't understand what are you talking about, but from your gesture, i could see that you're not so friendly aren't you?" the knight doesn't seems understand the language he use neither but then the knight was shouting to him, but again the man couldn't understand the language they're using, "i told you that i didn't understand aren't i? and by the way where am i though?" 

Suddenly the knight who was pointing a sword, swung his sword to the person, but the person could easily dodge the attack and making the entire knight group in shock of his power, "whoa what's that for? i mean i just came here and doesn't know anything and trying to ask nicely to the knight on patrol and now you're trying to kill me? come on now, you don't wanna do this don't you?" the knight doesn't react to his words even though he's trying to give the knight an understanding, but then one knight draws his sword and swing the sword to him, but again he dodge the attack.

"Looks like we're doing this the hard way, it's useless to use the words isn't it, rather than that, humans really disgust me" the man open up his button and throw it up to the sky, then the man lifting his fist and a black magic circle appear on his fist, "let's do this barehanded before my blazer reach the land"

Suddenly, the mysterious person starting to disappear from his place, and appear in front of one knight before he blast the knight's stomach in one punch, "yo, humans couldn't even hold this weak punch?" then the knight behind him tries to charge him and slash his back, but then he tilt his head to him and punching the sword with his barehand resulting the sword to shattered couldn't hold his power continued by a punch to the knight's head making the knight fly up high above, "come on don't tell me you're this weak"

The knights was really shocked to witness such a monstrous powers in front of their eyes, it's like they're facing a demon.
The man keeping his attack to one knight after another, "okay i take back my words, let's not use barehands now, rather than that, let's use this" then both of his hands turns into a demon arms with a claw on each fingers, the knights realize that the man's eyes was turned into red and a twin fangs could be seen from his mouth.

Without thinking anything ever again, the man charges through the knights horde using his claws to strike through the knights, shattering all of their armor, flesh and bones.
Blood was everywhere and a decapitated body parts was left in his trail of monstrous bloodlust.

"You seems to enjoy the bloodlust, mind if i join the party?, Lars"

 V was smiling while staying in the sky and catching the blazer while throwing a twin sickle attached to chains targeting two knights behind the person with demon arms and then ripping their flesh out of their bones

The person turn his head to V and laugh, "maybe i could do some little bit of help from the True Blood of the Melchiore Bloodline" turns out that the person fighting the knights was V's old friend, Lars.

Yuna: there he is guys, but he's with another person standing side by side, who is he? and yet, he's got a demon arms!!?
Euridice: is he a friend of his or something?
Shirakami: he kind of having a same aura with V
but Rewolf seems surprised to see the person next to V
Rewolf: i couldn't believe this, another True Blood?
Shirakami: do you know him?
Rewolf: no one doesn't know him, the descendant of the Nikolaevich family, Lars Alveinder Nikolaevich

Shirakami and the other was arrived in the place where the battle are and was about to approaching V and Lars but Ataxia and Rewolf holding her up
Ataxia: no Shirakami
Rewolf: we better watch from far away
Shirakami: ehh? why?
Ataxia: soon you're gonna know
Rewolf: just watch closely
Shirakami: but why? and who is the person next to him?
Ataxia and Rewolf was telling Shirakami to watch closely, indicating the they both knew something about V and Lars

The knights that wasn't able to hold Lars's attack now was about to face their own death, then V throw a chain to the ground while jumping and pulling himself to land on the ground and give Lars his blazer back, "i just about to ask why you were here but looks like these humans won't let us do it don't you think?" then V smile to Lars "well let's clean up this pile of garbage first, we settle the matters later" then Lars laugh at V "yeah exactly, just like in the past"

Lars turn his arms back to his normal arms and then a sword appear in both of his hands while V doing exactly the same thing to Lars but rather than sword, V summons a dagger in both of his hand, and a noble vampire aura was released from their presence.
Yuna: their eyes!! it turns it's color to red?
Shirakami: is he the same kind as V?
Euridice: what are they actually?

V and Lars pointing their weapon at the knights
V: now we'll let you all choose your own deaths
Lars: lose all of your blood or lose your soul?

Shirakami and the other watching from the other side gazing while in an awe at V and Lars
Shirakami: they're, synchronizing each other?
Ataxia: True Blood Unison
Shirakami: true blood unison? well i remember when Rewolf and probably the other mentioning that V was the True Blood, but what is the real meaning behind that?
Ataxia: Nosferatu
Shirakami: Nosferatu?
Ataxia: exactly, there was several strongest vampires in the history, they have a power exceeding a normal vampire while not carrying any of vampire weaknesses, this several vampires was called nosferatu and V alongside with Lars are their descendants
Shirakami: huh? *showing a confused face* what do you mean?
Ataxia: you know V and Lars last name right?
Shirakami: Melchiore and if i'm not mistaken Nikolaevich?
Ataxia: correct, Melchiore and Nikolaevich was two of nosferatu's last name, so meaning V and Lars inherit their ancestor's power because they are born in the bloodline of their family, the longer the bloodline was, the more powerful the inheritance of power they got
Shirakami: i never knew all of this, i never knew for a family names could affecting their powers
Ataxia: but now you're know aren't you?

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