Chapter 10 - Fiery Night

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"Because they kill my parents and take away everything from me!" V's words still in Shirakami mind, thinking about what should she do, Shirakami think a lot harder than before.
"come on Fubuki think, what should you do, he help you through the woods and yet you can't help him" Shirakami talk to herself in the middle of her way to the house.
"i'm one of an idiot person right?" Shirakami looked down and sighed yet she can't do anything right now whether than wait until the best time for V.
"there's no use thinking about it right now, whenever he's feeling a little bit calm, i'll talk to him" Shirakami put her spirit.

But right after Shirakami makes a decision, the chief approaches Shirakami.
Shirakami: chief? what are you doing right here?
Chief: Fubuki, you have to come with me
Shirakami: come with you? to where?
Chief: just follow me Fubuki, and you'll know
Shirakami: alright then chief

The chief bring Shirakami to an old church above the hill, not only in the church, they both climb up to the highest part of the church where the whole village can be seen. Shirakami who still confused why the chief bring her to the church at night, "there Fubuki, can you see?" the chief pointing to the west, right above the village gate, Shirakami do as the chief told and see to the pointed ways, how shock Shirakami that she saw a bunch of holy knight forming a line facing the village, Shirakami trembling in fear and start shivering, "The, the, the holy knight... they're.. coming after me?", the chief couldn't said anything to Shirakami as he does know how Shirakami feared the holy knight after they're taking Shirakami from her parents and held him in the prison, "Fubuki, maybe i shouldn't tell you this but, take a look once again to the army and who's the one leading the army use this" the chief handing a telescope to Shirakami, taking the telescope and see further into the army, making her shocked and can't believe what she see as she saw V in front of the holy knight and beside her there's the leader of the holy knight captivating her Euridice, Shirakami burst down a tears, "V? why he's there, why he standing there with Euridice beside him and leading the army" Shirakami fall down to her knees not able to stand anymore, Yuna came up and helping up Shirakami.
Yuna: let's go Fubuki, i'll escort you to the secret passage leading you away from the village
Shirakami: V.. why V.. why he's there
Yuna: i can't believe it either Fubuki, but the one thing i know, this village is over, at least this village could save you, you are the main priority
Shirakami: no, i don't want to, i don't want to know anymore
Yuna: you already give us the prosperous that we want, now it's time for us to repay you Fubuki, come on
Chief: Fubuki, even if we're ended up dead, we would always be in your heart, now Yuna.. take Fubuki away
Yuna: yes chief
Shirakami who has been down and doesn't know what to do, only can accept what chief ordering, yet she couldn't understand why V standing there, but suddenly a shouting can be heard from the army, the familiar voice who have helped Shirakami back in the wood.

"hear me out you filthy village, i give you chance, give me the fox goddess and i'll let the village stays in the ground, but if you're resist to give me the fox goddess then i'll burn down the whole village with this"
V raise his arms and a black magic circle appear below the whole village gate and wall, a black fire emerges from the all of the magic circle, burning down the wall and defense system of the village at once, the village and the holy knight are shocked to saw V's power, yet V shouts again.
"that's only the beginning, if you refuse, i'll let these fire burned you down".
Euridice: that's amazing, keep this up and this is our victory
V: *smiles*

back at Shirakami place
Chief: hurry up Yuna, while we still can hold it
Yuna: let's go Fubuki
Shirakami: no Yuna.. *back on her feet* i'm the fox goddess, i'm the one they want
Yuna: what do you think you wanna do?
Shirakami: of course i will face V
Yuna: that's crazy, we don't know if V would still consider you as his friend or not
Shirakami: i don't even know but, if this could save the entire village then i'll do it
Yuna: come on now Fubuki, you're not on your own mind
Shirakami: no Yuna, i love the village as much as i love my parents, so if my parents come back.. at least the village still there
Yuna: no Fubuki, come on, while we still can go
Shirakami: please Yuna, please, let me finish what i've start, V become like that because i couldn't understand the pain he endured all this time, so please let me fix that
Yuna: you're too crazy Fubuki
Shirakami: maybe i am but if i'll ever face the death itself, i want to fix the friendship between me and V, please Yuna.. for me, for your best friend
Yuna who couldn't resist the request of her precious friend only can accept the the request
Yuna: mou.. fine then, but i'll come with you, if anything could happen to you, at least i will go with you
Shirakami: you don't have to Yu-
Yuna: no, i'll go with you, or i have to drag you to the passage beside, i owe V once, let me repay him too
Shirakami: *smiles* fine then, let's go facing V

Shirakami and Yuna running through the chaotic village and arrived in the gate where the guards not allowing Shirakami to go facing V
Yuna: move aside, let Fubuki go and facing the enemy
Guard: i couldn't allow that, because the village priority was to protect goddess Fubuki at all cost
Shirakami: i do this because i need my village to support me from behind, and one guy from the enemy line was my friend, he act like that because of my mistake, so let me go and let me fix my mistake
Guard: but goddess Fubuki, the village couldn't afford to lose you once again, you already get back safely and it's impossible for us to let you go again
Shirakami: listen to me, i get back to the village safe and sound because of that man in the blazer *pointing to V* so let me go face him, this is my order as your goddess
Guard: but Miss Fubuki
Yuna: i will be with her, so you don't need to worry
Guard: alright, just make sure you protect goddess Fubuki
Yuna: don't worry, i will
Guard: all men, open up the gate, let goddess Fubuki go

Then the guard opens up the gate for Shirakami, "thank you very much, at least the village are safe" then Shirakami and Yuan take a step forward to V
a holy knight approaching V
knight: sir, there's two girl approaching here, what should we do?
V: let them be, just prepare for my order
knight: yes sir!
then the knight get back into the line, waiting for V's command

Yuna and Shirakami arrived in front of V
Shirakami: V.. i can't believe this, why are you doing this?
Euridice: hello there fox goddess, you miss me?
Shirakami: Euridice, how could i forgot you
Euridice: *laugh* good then, you such a brave one escaping from my prison
Shirakami: i'm not get back to that place
Euridice: hoho, but look at your condition, what can you do?
Shirakami: *stays silent*
Euridice: even your beloved V just left you,you must know that your place was below my feet *laugh*
Shirakami: you *grind teeth*
V: this is our target, chain her up gently and don't hurt her!
V commanding the holy knight, the holy knight nodding following V command by surrounding Shirakami, but Yuna doesn't stand still after saw her precious friend was about to get chained up, she draws her sword and pushing the holy knight back to the line, the holy knight want to swing their sword but V stopped them
V: hold it, i'll handle her myself
then V approaching Yuna and stand in front of her
V: i don't need this human, you better get back to your village if you're still love your soul
Yuna: i'm not backing up, i'll protect Fubuki no matter what, even if it's costing my soul
V: *smiles* hmm famous last word
the sword that Yuna held suddenly fly from her grip to V's hand
V: Vindicative, a sword choosing it's own master yet i'm the True Blood, so i don't have any problem mastering this
Yuna: *shocked* what.. my sword? how can you?
V: lowlife humans won't understand like this
V swing the sword to the sky and a darkness energy emits from the sword as V slashing through dimension
V: you see now? you have no chance against me, you better go back
Yuna: i'm her friend, armed or not, i will not go back
V: *smiles* such a fool decision

V approaches Yuna slowly but Yuna doesn't stand still, she tried to attack V with her fist and leg, but that's all pointless because V can hold the attack and dodge the attack easily.
Yuna keep attacking V with her leg, but V grab Yuna's leg and make Yuna fall to the ground, with his leg V slam his leg to Yuna side making Yuna shocked, "now you know our difference right?" V glaze to Yuna  and grabbing her head, "this is what you get if you dares to defy me" V said that to struggling Yuna while floating up to the sky, "now know your place human!!" V's eyes changes into red and his fang show up as he throw Yuna to the village, after throwing Yuna back to the village, a monstrous hand appear above Yuna and slamming her to the ground.

V: now chain her up gently and don't hurt her
Shirakami: *holding down tears* Yuna!! V, why you do such a things, why? you can talk to me if you ever had some pain in your memories, i'll help you V, just let me know
V: *turn arround* do it fast, we'll leave this village immediately, this is our victory
the holy knight who have been terrified following V's order but the knight who doesn't like Shirakami start shouting to her
Shirakami: V, i don't care if you take me but at least tell me how do you feel
Knight: silent you useless fox! *slap Shirakami*
Shirakami: *fall down*

V who hear the shout turn his head and saw the knight slapping Shirakami, disappear from the place he stand before, he appear again in front of the knight who slapped Shirakami in the face.
V: didn't i tell you to do it gently *stares to the knight*
Knight: *terrified* uhm.. well.. i thought.. that she.. making our ears... hurt so.. i just..
without second though V grab the knight's neck and lift him up, "listen here you lowlife, if you ever disobeying me again, i makes sure you face the death faster, you understand?" V release him from his grip as the terrified knight nodding and obeying V who walk away from him, "but on a second though..." V stopped for a moment and summon a sword in his hand, "you better facing the death right now" V talks as he slashing the knight and then shred into pieces.
"i believe after this there won't be any of you who dares to go against me" V glare to the holy knight who terrified seeing a predator killing his prey, and Euridice approaching him.

Euridice: i know he was a stupid knight, but don't you think that killing him was necessary
V: i don't really care about humans live, if they're worthy they may stand beside me but if they're not, i can twist their fate to face the death earlier

V statement making Euridice thinking again to her mind, "what an arrogant person he was", yet V was replying to Euridice, "even if i'm arrogant, i'm not filthy like any of you humans".
Euridice was shocked in a moment but she was able to keep her mind
V: we got what we want, we don't have any business in here anymore, we're returning to the base, lead the way Euridice
Euridice: as you want
knight: yes sir!

with every knight he brought alongside with Euridice, V go to their base with Shirakami in their hands

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