Chapter 34 - Path of the villager (W)

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"i've taught all of you the way to get stronger yesterday, and there's a lot of you who got a good potential, even under the pressure of my aura you can still get the hold of yourself, you've trained your mental and body well" even in the early morning the villager had to gather around to be trained with V as their instructor.

"now, who confident enough to prove they've already get stronger" V asked the whole village but the whole village was raising their hand, so V read through the power measurement and searched for the weakest one before pointed to one person and asked her to spar with him.

the girl was confident enough with V before he release his aura, the girl started to trembled down but she still trying her best to stand still in front of V.

"good! now let's see how far have you become" V bow down to her and she prepared her stance.

the girl and V was staring at each other sharply.

V disappear from his place, the girl was staying sharp and predict where V would appear.

She got her stance and blocking to the left but V was not that easily predicted, he appeared on her right before disappear again.

But this time the girl got her stance and her sharpness even more, and once again predict where V would appear, and now she jumped out and blocking to the back.

She was right that V would appear from her back but she's no match for V since he already pointing a a wood into her neck.

"good, train yourself more and you should be able to block my attack" then V bow down again to the girl.

"you're all have sharpen your instinct, but instinct won't be much of use without power, now let's start your martial arts training" V explained and the villager was excited.

"oh yeah, i won't teach you about this so that guy over there would teach you" V pointing to Lars.

"i don't expect this but okay" Lars was shocked but still get the hang of the condition but the villagers was surprised too when they know V was not the one who's going to instruct them about the martial arts.

Then V walked to the back of the villagers and letting Lars to take his time to teach the villagers, and they were passed by each other while giving each other a clap.

"Guess you just wanted to take break with Shirakami don't you"

"Oh don't worry, i enjoy torturing them while they get strong"

Both of them were smiled and go through their own way.

Then Lars now was in front of the villagers, "alright folks, it's time for you to learn how to do some martial art, i'll explain it to you, i'm not as evil as V thought" with Lars's statement, all the villagers was laughed.

"Yeah, well you know exactly how scary his aura was, even as his comrades as the same race with him, none could ever match with his aura as the True Blood" the villagers was focused hearing Lars.

"Alright so let me tell you how vampire fought with their enemies, anybody brave enough to spar?" Lars asked to the villagers then one person came up to Lars and accepted his offer to spar with him "it would be my honor to have a spar with you" the boy bow down to Lars.

 "don't hold yourself, hit me with all of your strength"

The boy have his first strike straight to Lars but Lars having his stance and turned the boy's fist to the left with his hand, then the boy have his strike again resulting the same condition as Lars turned the boy's fist to the right.

Then the boy use his leg to attack Lars, but without hesitation Lars kicked the boy's leg ending up with the boy backed up a bit.

Then Lars stepped out left and right in a speed motion, the boy followed up Lars step at first but then he couldn't followed again since Lars was moving in a fast movement.

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