Chapter 45 - The Flower, The Lion and The Night

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"there they are, kill where they stand" but those bandit's power was no match to Noir and Botan's power.

Noir and Botan going on a berserk all over the entire village, just to bring death to the bandits, alongside with taking any useful documents on the burned house.

"we searched up for a long time here, there's no useful documents or information, they're all burned down to ashes"

"there's no point in searching this village anymore, let's go, we're just wasting time here" Noir asked Botan to go, but Botan saw a glimpse of paper laying down on the ground.

"wait Noir, i think there's something there? " Botan came and picked it up

"it's a map? of this land?" Botan confused but Noir was already fed up by the village condition 

"We figure it out later, for now let's get back"

Boten nodded and got back to the wyvern's back alongside with Noir

And they was about to fly away from there, leaving the village burned down into ashes

As they tried to figure out the map


A scream could be heard from above, Botan saw 2 person with a little girl chased by a group of  knights on the same village, as Botan want to save them, but she realize Noir won't even allow her to do so, and yet Noir doesn't even spare a passing glance.

but Botan still insisted on saving them all, she talked to Noir "hey Noir, you think i can?" but Noir staying silent while standing up on the head of the wyvern, "i mean like, i'm just gonna-" but without Botan finishing her words, Noir throws his lance onto the knight.

"You don't have to, i'll do it for my appetite" Noir jumped down as he got followed by 3 griffin behind him.

but when Noir landed on the ground, things are too late

The little girl was on her knee, staying silent in a shock, while her parents layed down on the ground with sword scar on their back, and impaled chest

Noir witness the death of the little girl's parent, in fact one knight was impaled on his spear, but still couldn't saved them.

Botan landed on the ground, and got shocked when she realize Noir failed to save the parents of the girl.

"who are you? this is the paladin business, get lost" the paladins told Noir to go but Noir taking off his glasses and his emerald eyes turned blood red.

"Noir..." Botan saw Noir unleashed his vampiric blood, and she reflexed jumped up to the girl as she protecting her.

"As the day from white bloods incidents, i always carried forth this grudged on human race, as we despised them with my brother's lost" Noir float up as he cast a barrier on Botan as well

"let's start the blood festival" a portal opened below Noir, and a numerous  mythical beast were unleashed.

Noir jumped down and ordered all of his beast to destroy all of the paladins.

The massacre were occurred and the village who was burned down turned into a lake of blood.

Noir got back to Botan after all of his beast were sent back to their belong, "i never expect for you to be this-" Botan tried to talk to Noir but Noir just walked passed her to the corpse of the parents and carry them away, "bring her with us, we'll leave this place" Noir then jumped up to the wyvern's back alongside with Botan before 5 dragons appeared and destroyed the entire village.

On the sky, Noir regret that he couldn't make it in time, but the little girl came and approached Noir while Noir kneeling down, "nii-nii... hand~" as confused as Noir does but he still give his palm to the little girl "eh? my hand? here" and the little girl handed over a bag of torn paper with a little rope tied onto it's side, "eh? what is this?" Noir asked to the little girl as he confused with the thing on his hand.

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