Chapter 15 - Cornered

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-Outside of the Castle-
Shirakami was thrown from the portal, falling down to the ground, and then a familiar voice could be heard, "FUBUKI!!"
Shirakami: ehh? Yuna!?
Yuna: yeah Fubuki..
Shirakami: what are you doing here?
Yuna: V gave me a message
Shirakami: a message?
Yuna: yeahh, when i get thrown back to the village, V throw my sword back to me with a message "Yuna.. my body won't hold it any longer, use your sword to track me down, wait there and take Shirakami away"
Shirakami: what? what does he means can't hold it?
Yuna: i don't know either, but we don't have any choices except to follow him
Shirakami: but, V, i don't know how to say it but i just have a bad feeling about this
Yuna: what do you mean?
Shirakami: i'm worried about V, he's alone in there
Yuna: i'm worried too, but what do you want to do? i can't let you go inside
Shirakami: i want to but i have this ki-

but suddenly from the direction of the castle appear an explosion launching V away from the castle making V falls down to the ground in front of Shirakami and Yuna with damaged clothes and wound all over his body
Shirakami & Yuna: V!!!
V: Shirakami!? Yuna!? what the hell are you doing!? 
Shirakami: V! your body.. you're pushing yourself too hard
Yuna: what has happened V?
V: ugh.. i'm fine, there's no time to explain, hurry!! get out from here, i'll buy you some time
Knowing that V was really powerful before, Yuna sense something weird about V.. "does V have his own weakness? his body couldn't hold it any longer, but what?"

V insist that he want both Shirakami and Yuna to left him out there and run to the village but even he has told them so, Yuna and Shirakami were staying there and helping V.
And in the moment where they're are idling, Euridice and Eldridge was already jumped out from the castle and landed far from V and the others.
Euridice: look uncle el, the god has sent us their blessing
Eldridge: that's right Euridice, looks like our prey was already given to us
Euridice: it would be an easy job isn't it?
Eldridge: that's true Euridice

Appearing before them, V immediately standing up and trying to protect both Shirakami and Yuna, "I'll hold them up, you two run from here to the village" after saying that, V once again vomiting a blood out of his body.
Shirakami: you can't do this V, i'll stay with you, no matter what!!
Yuna: if you're insisting on taking them both on your own, you'll die eventually
V: just go goddammit!! you have the power to protect her, then protect her!

V shouting to Shirakami and Yuna saying that he's gonna be alright, Shirakami and Yuna doesn't seems to have any choice rather than run away and do as V told them.
Shirakami: i won't leave you V behind V
Yuna: me too,
Shirakami: we have a contract doesn't we?
Yuna: you have show me a strength, now let me-

before they can even finish their conversation, Euridice has already charging through V and kick him in the stomach, V thrown far to the back hitting a rock behind him, "useless fool and his comrades" Euridice strike through the wind and swing her sword to V but Yuna immediately rushing through and holding her strike with her sword, "your opponent was me" Euridice smile inside her helmet as she accepting the challenge Yuna threw at her.
Shirakami running to the place where V was, but unfortunately Eldridge was there too catching Shirakami with his magic
Eldridge : don't think that i'm just gonna letting you go after what have you done to our comrades
V: then come at me old man, let her go *vomiting blood*
Shirakami: ughhhh
Eldridge: ho ho ho then what can you do in that state? no one can stop the empire reign over all the world
V: filthy emperor alongside with his ambition
Shirakami: ughh.. 
Eldridge: a trash like you should known their place below our feet
V: you.. let her go!!
Eldridge: i'm gonna crush you too, but first i'm gonna kill this fox

With V become weak and Shirakami got caught, Eldridge casting his biggest spell to erase the existences of Shirakami, "goodbye.. weak creatures" the spell was released to Shirakami, resulting Shirakami to faint and laying in the ground, V who lost the sense of Shirakami's existences becomes really mad and starting to releasing an overwhelming aura

fainted Shirakami thought to herself, "if only i have a power, then i would be able to stand by his side so he doesn't have to carry all those burden alone" then suddenly a mysterious voice could be heard, "i'll lend you my power white one", confused Shirakami looking anywhere but after she look towards the voice, a figure revealed, it was Shirakami? her clothes was exactly the same only the on she wore was a black clothes.
Shirakami: ehh!? myself!? who are you!?
???: i'm you, but i'm with the darkness
Shirakami: what do you mean?
???: you have all the positive feeling and energy where i'm with the negative feeling
Shirakami: so all this time?
???: yes, your negative stores in me as your power
Shirakami: then you're...
???: Kurokami.. Kurokami Fubuki, i'm your existences of power
Shirakami: do i have such a power?
Kurokami: your power creates the existences of me
Shirakami: then i really could stand by his side?
Kurokami: exactly, now just rest assure and leave everything to me
Shirakami: then.. i believe in you

With Shirakami still fainted, V trying to fight Eldridge but he was too weak because of his body couldn't hold it anymore, "if i was the Blood King, then i would never have a dependency on blood again" so all this time V doesn't drink a blood which makes him weaker, he was a vampire after all. But in his weakness suddenly a dark aura appear on Shirakami where Shirakami stand up and changing her form, turning her white hair into black, and all of her white clothes changed into black and a long sword was hanged in her back, "Enemies" Eldridge surprised because of Kurokami appearance where she was the white fox and then turned into a black fox, doesn't take any long moment, Kurokami draw her blade and stab Eldridge right in the stomach leaving a hole inside her body, then Kurokami look to V and approach him.
After approaching him, Kurokami started to open her clothes and showing her neck to V, "you're hungry right? then take my blood" Kurokami offering her blood to V but V refuse to accept the blood.
V: i'm not taking any of Shirakami's blood
Kurokami: but i'm not Shirakami, i'm Kurokami..
V: but doesn't change the fact that you was also her in any ways
Kurokami: whatever, but look into your condition, what can you do with such a condition, if i was you, i'm gonna take the clever decision
V: so you're saying that i'm making a stupid decision?
Kurokami: i'm telling you the fact
V: tch.. fine then, give me your blood then...
Kurokami: alright then...

Kurokami give her neck to V as V open his mouth revealing his fang and started to stabbing it into Kurokami's neck.
But V doesn't drink much blood from Kurokami as he was the True Blood and only a little could last far more longer than ordinary vampire.
"Thank you for the meal Kurokami" V smiles and Kurokami replies his smiles with a punch in his shoulder. 

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