Chapter 30 - Magic

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The sun begin to drawn far from the east, all of the villager supposed to be inside their house, resting their body after the long hard day of work.

But there's one creature emitting his noble vampire aura, restricting the villager from going home and taking a rest.

"weaklings!! take a lot of good rest while you can.. we'll began tomorrow before the sun rises" V gazing through the villager

But one of the villager shouting to V "how can we know exactly the time, if you only say before the sun rise?"

"oh don't worry, you'll know" V was smiling, but the smile carved on his face leaving a suspicion on the villager's face

"now go! take all the rest you can before the real showdown begin" With all of the conversation, V sealing off his noble aura, letting all of the villager go, but then from the crowd there's Shirakami approaching V

"i uh.. " V stuttering his word but Shirakami slapped him really hard on the cheeks

Not a single words spoken from Shirakami, V little bit shocked but realize that Shirakami has been holding on her tears.

"i'm sorry" V looking straight to Shirakami's eyes but Shirakami burried her face straightly in V's chest 

"don't ever do that ever again" Shirakami sounded weak, but V know what to do without even replying a single word only a nod on his head while keep patting Shirakami's head in his hug

Knowing the fragile body holding on a big pain, there's no chance for her to holding on the pain so long if not because she was used to it since the beginning

-Later that day-
The silent of the night sky was all over the Startails Village, but there's Shirakami in the middle of the night, gazing through the horizon with a sad expression in her face

"you feel depressed?" Yuna came to Shirakami

"Yunaa.. well, i'm just thinking" Shirakami replying

"i bet it was all about V?" Yuna trying to guess

"no, it's not about him, it's about me" Shirakami looks down

"then? what happened?" Yuna was curious

"it's nothing important, really" Shirakami implying

"Fubuki, i've known you long enough to know that something important was on your mind, come on share it with me, your burden" Yuna insisted

"it was just, no matter how hard i'm trying, i always end up being saved by other people, even some creature from another realm just came and trying to save me, but when the time for me to save him, i end up by not be able to do anything just to save him" Shirakami explained

"i think it doesn't matter right? as long as you have somebody behind you to keep saving you, don't push yourself too hard, you don't have any choices back then right?" Yuna tries to comforting Shirakami

"it's true, but if i end up always getting saved by somebody, i'll became the useless goddess eventually, but myself right now was the useless goddess after all" Shirakami sighted

"you already pushing yourself too hard, maybe try to learn with V tomorrow, and you'll end up getting stronger" Yuna giving out an advice

"i'm not going Yuna, i don't want to be the reason everyone have slow progress on getting stronger" Shirakami explaining her thought

"it's okay isn't it? to learn slowly while progressing with the others?" Yuna cheering Shirakami up

"yeah maybe" Shirakami sit a little bit while burying her face in her hands

"it's already this late, we should get back" Yuna tell Shirakami to get back to the house

"you go on ahead, i still want to be here for little longer" Shirakami told Yuna to go to the house without her

"alright, but don't get back too late" Yuna leaving Shirakami on her thought

"and maybe try to cast some magic, no need for offensive magic, maybe try with a simple magic like light?" Yuna giving out an idea

"yeah maybe i'll try it later" Shirakami agrees

"alright, goodnight Fubuki, i'll see you in the house" Yuna left the scenery

"be careful on your ways" Shirakami saying goodbye

Even after Yuna leave her behind on her thought, Shirakami keeps over thinking about her condition that couldn't do anything to save V, but even on  her depressed condition, she tried her best to cast some magic, just like Yuna has told her to do it

"alright, let's try this magic" Shirakami trying to cast the light magic, but she can't

"come on, i believe in myself, i could do it" Shirakami convince herself but still failed at the magic casting

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