Chapter 16 - Blood Prince

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Wounded Eldridge heal himself but the wound stay there leaving Eldridge holding the pain, but not in a second, Eldridge summon a hundred of shadow skeleton under his control, guarding him and also ready to charge and attacking both V and Kurokami.

"Looks like you've made a good decision isn't it?" Kurokami make fun of V while poking his cheeks with her fingers, "hmph.. whatever you said" but after replying Kurokami, V started to feel weird inside him, like something dangerous was released, something strong was unchained, strong enough to make V fall down to his knee. "are you going to die?" Kurokami asked a ridiculous question but actually concerned about him, yet V just stay silent while holding a pain in his body, "i'm fine.. " but after a few moments V get back to his feet and feeling a tremendous power being released to him
Kurokami: come on tell me.. are you gonna die or not?
V: like hell i'm gonna die here
Kurokami: then what actually happen to you?
V: i don't know.. but i just..

but even in his confused moment, V remember something in his mind "could it be? it's impossible right?" V smile then stand tall in his position
Kurokami: are you lost your mind already?
V: yeah yeah whatever, at least let me handle this old man first
Kurokami: hmmm, so arrogant for you to say, i feel like you were a different person just a second ago
V: i'll take your words as a compliment thank you *smile*
As V smile to Kurokami, V release his aura as a noble vampire "i'll set this done once and for all"
Kurokami: can you do it alone?
V: what are you talking about? *laugh*
Kurokami: then-
V: of course i need your help, not possible for me to fight alone if there's one person that wanted to fight beside me isn't it?
Kurokami: *smiling* alright then, i'll help you as you want
V: you know what to do right?
Kurokami: exactly as you want *smiles*

After saying that, Kurokami draw her blade and charge through the horde of the skeleton army followed by charging through behind Kurokami with a summoned sword in his hand, even thought they didn't talk at each other about the things they should do, they understand each other very well.
Kurokami who striking in the front suddenly jump away to the back behind V, with his sword, V charge the energy inside his body and releasing a huge pulse which creating a blast energy swing by to the skeleton, resulting the skeleton to be pierced and shred into pieces, but even after shredded into pieces, the skeleton starting to get healed and combined with each other creating a whole new skeleton army, "Hahaha, you don't stand a chance against my skeleton army, no one can ever reach me if i already summoned the skeleton army" Eldridge stand high in his power and arrogance, believing that no one can touch him, even the strongest person in this world.

V and Kurokami doesn't stopped for a moment, they keep charging and rushing through the horde of the skeleton army
Kurokami: it's never end, they just keep generating and generating
V: don't let your guard down, we're keep charging, if the skeleton keep regenerating, we'll keep charging
Kurokami: you're one crazy creature, they just keep draining our stamina, keep this cycle through and it'll be the end of our fate
V: not yet, let's go, we're going again
V and Kurokami keep attacking and the skeleton army keep regenerating one after one while Eldridge has already healed his wound, "now that i've recovered, feel this wrath of mine and descend into the darkest pit of hell!!" Eldridge summon again his skeleton army but this time even stronger and even more scarier than before, V and Kurokami saw the new army of skeleton
Kurokami: V, look that way
V: tch, this whole army already made us tired enough now came the second one and far more stronger than before
Kurokami: what should we do V?
V: what else do we had?
Kurokami: why do you keep pushing yourself like this?
V: it's not a big deal, i just wanted a power to crush my enemies.. and that's all
Kurokami: hoo and what if you're not stand a chance against your enemy?
V: then i just need to keep trying over and over again
Kurokami: *smiles* what a stupid answer, but i don't hate it
V: yeah it's up to you whether you like it or not but right now we'll face it straight forward, you can run away if you're scared
Kurokami: who do you call scared V? *smile*
V: i don't know that is this my place to say this but, if i ever going to face my death are you going to follow me as well?
Kurokami: why should i?
V: exactly isn't it, that makes me relieved that you should not going with me to face the death
Kurokami: i'll save you..
V: huh?
Kurokami: i'll save you, you say if you ever facing your own death, i won't let you give up that easily, that's why i'm going to save you
V: looks like we got our strong goddess back
Kurokami: it's my feeling, even thought i was another one but i share the same feeling with the white one
V: i don't really care actually
Kurokami: about what?
V: whether you are black or white, you're the same weak stupid goddess who just keep being a burden to me
Kurokami: is that supposed to be a compliment because i don't see that as a compliment
V: let's just say it like that
Kurokami: *silent*
V: let's go, we're already dodge all the attack, now it's our turn to attack
Kurokami: i'll be right behind you

then once again V and Kurokami charge through the horde of the skeleton army with the same pattern of attack but this time, the pyromancer of the skeleton casting an exploding fireball which resulting V to jump out from the place he stand and pull Kurokami with him unexpected a fireball hit him in the back and blasting them far to the back with Eldridge laugh over their torture.
V: now this getting a little bit dangerous
Kurokami: are you okay?
V: hmph, it's nothing
Kurokami: well i'm just asking
then suddenly V feel a resonance in his entire body, leaving a tremendous pain on the head, so painful that even V could barely stand, but then V realize something "if it's going to be so be it" 
after that V smile and stand in his position trying to talk to Kurokami but Eldridge cut the conversation between V and Kurokami

"just stop your useless try and surrender to me, i'll give you a second chance to give me the fox and then maybe i'll let you live, because i'm gonna enjoy the little girl in my room"
V: who the hell going to give her anyway?
Eldridge: hoo i thought you're gonna be far more smarter V
V: i don't intend to give what's mine, because what is mine was mine and not yours
Kurokami: but i'm not yours too V
V: soon enough you're gonna be mine too
Eldridge: hahaha you really know how to entertain people isn't it V? but sadly it was your time to die, face your own death now!!

Eldridge commanding the skeleton army to capture Kurokami and killing V while he casting a bind spell to Kurokami, she would easily break through the bind spell but because her stamina was drained before, she nearly can break the bind, because Kurokami was binded, the skeleton army could easily catch her and bring her to Eldridge while the other army was surrounding V and hunch at him, but saw that he being hunched, V just stay still closing his eyes before he kneel down.
"Looks like he's already surrender but i'm taking his life with me" the skeleton army hunching to V with Eldridge laugh creepily but V shouted "Awake now!!" with his voice shouting to the sky, V open up his eyes and a symbol appeared in both of his eyes, from his eyes appear a black-red lightning going through the horde of the skeleton army.. passing through every skeleton who try to attack V but then it seems like there's no reaction to the skeleton army because the skeleton army left undamaged, "HAHAHA You foolish creatures... none can damage my skeleton army and no one will-" but V just smiled and blink

Suddenly all the skeleton was exploded and shredded to pieces, but even after the skeleton exploded they keep regenerating but this time V already holding a sword in his left hand and the sword seems to be engraved with ancient words, emitting a large energy pulse, V released the energy to the skeleton horde which burned them into ashes with nothing left "if they keep regenerating with each other, then i just have to make it all through that left with nothing"
Eldridge who doesn't believe what happen stand right there frightening and trembling in fear while still shouting "who.. who are you... i never knew there's someone like you..."

V: Remember my name as you trembled before it, i'm Vernon D Melchiore, The True Blood of the Melchiore family blood line, came from the darkest pit of the death as the Blood Prince to claim whatever is mine

Then after declaring his noble place as the prince, V look straight to Eldridge with an intimidating sharp glare, and even from the glare Eldridge feel a chill in his spine and in his whole body.
Then V summon his monstrous soul hand towards Kurokami and breaking the bind that binding her in place followed by V throwing his sword to Kurokami
"Avenge your pain, i'll lend you my power" 
Kurokami nodded and draw her blade with her left hand while the other hand catching V's sword, "i'll make you feel what i feel before" then the sword from V affecting the sword of Kurokami while her eyes appearing a symbol the same as V.

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