Chapter 3 - Red Tails

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-After the battle with knight, in the jungle-
V: hey Shirakami, can you tell me where are we right now?
Shirakami: well if i'm not mistaken we're deep inside the Deligient Forest, a dangerous forest full with knight and beast
V: Deligient Forest? i never heard the name of it before
Shirakami: what? are you serious? wait, if you say so then that means you're not from Aerilon Town aren't you?
V: Aerilon Town? i never heard of it too
Shirakami: whaa.. then where are you come from?
V: well how can i say this, i came from a town named Moonstead, ever heard of it?
Shirakami: Moonstead? i really never heard of it
V: *though to himself* i never heard both of the name mentioned by Shirakami, then she never heard Moonstead either, is it just my feeling or i'm actually in the different realms?
Shirakami: hey V, are you, could it be that you're from another realm?
V: well maybe yes maybe no, it still confusing me
Shirakami: well, to be honest, i never saw such a power before, maybe it's true that you're not from this realm
V: well where i come from doesn't matter, what really matter is that this almost night time and yet we still in this unknown jungle with heavy rain pouring from the sky
Shirakami: actually my plan was to escape from my prison and then head back to my village
V: well goodluck then, i would be searching my place
Shirakami: well V, you help me dealing with the knight, would you mind coming with me? maybe my village can help you gather information from your place?
V: *having a little though about it* do i have another option left?
Shirakami: *smiles* i guess not?
V: alright then, i'll go with you
then both V and Shirakami shaking their hand through each other and begin to walk
V: *looking at the sky* Vernon
Shirakami: ehh?
V: it's Vernon
Shirakami: Vernon?
V: my name, didn't i promise you after you tell me about this place, i tell you my real name?
Shirakami: ahh so you're name is Vernon so it goes with V
V: yeah Vernon D Melchiore
Shirakami: Vernon D Melchiore? what's up with this D?
V: D'Arche
Shirakami: so your full name is Vernon D'Arche Melchiore?
V: yeah, but i get uncomfortable if you calling me by that name, so if you can call me V Melchio i'll appreciate it
Shirakami: i'll stick with V then
V: *smiles* thanks Shirakami
Shirakami smiles gently towards V, but V suddenly removes his blazer and throw it to Shirakami's shoulder
V: use it, it's not much, but at least it'll keep you warm for a while
Shirakami: *embarrassed* it's.. it's okay, you better think about yourself, it's raining too and then- Achoo *sneeze*
V: *smiles* see?
Shirakami: *pout then smiles* thank.. thank you 

-Night time in the Jungle-
V and Shirakami still there in the dangerous jungle, they try to go out from the jungle but the rain was too strong also coming completely with the heavy thunder. In the jungle, on a heavy raining, with no shelter, no food and no source of heat and warmness
V: hey Shirakami
Shirakami: what is it V?
V: i don't know if it's gonna work or not but, i want to try something
Shirakami: you, wanna try something?
V: yeah, well actually just building a shelter in some kind of tree root
Shirakami: you can build a shelter?
V: well yeah probably if i can find some kind of big rooted tree or something, i can build it
Shirakami: well if you're tell me to looking for the big tree, i guess we can use that tree over there *pointing at some big tree
V: well that's strange enough but yeah it might work out

V go to the tree with Shirakami , then V check the tree was it be able to become a shelter or not, after a few minutes checking, V started to split the root into to pieces, but not entirely split but just a half of it and pulling all the things inside like a bugs and the sand inside of it, after cleaning the inside, V shoots out a powerful water from his hand to clean the inside of the split root, after all inside the root was clean, V condensed the land inside the root and deformed it to become a solid rock, then V started to collecting some of twigs and grass, after a five minutes, the shelter was done. It's not much but it's better than stay wet in the rainy situation, V though to himself leaving Shirakami amazed by how V working like a wizard.

Shirakami: V, tell me the truth *Shirakami insisted
V: what kind of truth you want me to tell you? beside, you're not explain anything to me yet
Shirakami: i'm gonna tell you that, but first, be honest to me that you're a wizard
V: *sigh* what kind of wizard? a stupid one who fight with his bare fist rather than his magic?
Shirakami: but no vampire has the ability to do anything like you do, what are you after all?
V: *sigh* now let me ask you, if i ask you, what is the goddess really are? what kind of answer you want to give?
Shirakami: yeah well, goddess is a goddess after all, what are goddess, yeah goddess is goddess
V: exactly, but if someone asking what i am, i just simply say that i'm V, nothing more, nothing less
Shirakami: clever boy, fine then
V: come on, you're waiting to get a hypothermia or something?
Shirakami: ehh uhmm, okayy

V and Shirakami goes inside the shelter, it's a nice little shelter with a warm little bonfire and a bed made out of grass not forget with the door from bendable roots,but the rain doesn't seem want to set, goes with V making  a move towards Shirakami

V: Hey Shirakami, come here
Shirakami: what again? *Shirakami approaches V slowly
V: *touching Shirakami's clothes
Shirakami: wha..whaa..whaa.. what are you doing you pervert? *Shirakami get embarrassed
V: you're wearing a wet clothes, along with my wet blazer, come take it off i'll make it dry for you
Shirakami: wha.. wha... what are you saying? t.. t.. take.. it... off.. you.. said..?? *Shirakame get really embarrassed and slap V in the face really hard
V: you lil fox, what are you doing?
Shirakami: i.. i.. it's my.. line.. what.. do you.. want me to.. do.. by taking.. off.. my.. clothes?
V: *sigh* come on now, what if you're catching a cold? or far more worst a hypothermia, here let me he-
Shirakami slapped V in the face again
V: you really did it now lil fox.. *sigh* fine my bad, but at least give me your head
Shirakami: *still embarrassed* well.. if only my head.. then i.. think it's.. okay
V: *nod*

Shirakami then tilt her head to V, as V open up his palm above Shirakami's head, a water pour down on Shirakami head, not a cold water but a hot water, but not hot to make a sever burn wound
Shirakami: *surprised* huh? you can create a hot water?
V: didn't i tell you to do it in the first hand?
Shirakami: you tell me to open up my clothes
V: fine fine okay, that  was my bad
Shirakami: but the water really feels good
V: here let me help you wash your hair
Shirakami: uhum

V started to wash Shirakami's hair, within his hand, V feels a wound from Shirakami head, he doesn't what has happen to her but he knows that she has through a lot of hard things, making him want to ask what happened but the time doesn't seems so good
Shirakami: it's full of wound isn't it?
V: huh? uhm yeah well
Shirakami: it happened for over 3 years, if i'm not running away from that castle, i don't know what's gonna happen to me
V: *stays silent
Shirakami: it's a long story, but i end up getting tortured every morning and every night
V feels a tremble in Shirakami voice, but he keep washing Shirakami's hair
Shirakami: they sometimes hit me with a whip, or sometimes they beat me till i don't have any energy left, because i was a goddess, my blood can cure any wounds or any illness
V remains silent while hearing Shirakami's story
Shirakami: so they making me bleed everytime they torture me, extracting my blood and then lock me again in a cage, i can't recover as fast as the troll, but not as slow as the human, but the pain is still there
V: Shirakami... why did you telling me this? are you even trust me?
Shirakami: i do trust you V, that touch in the forehead, i can see you, you're not a bad guy
V: i see, so you see something that convince you, i'm not a bad guy?
Shirakami: yeah but not much, i can feel it from your energy too
V: energy?
Shirakami: yeah, i can see through energy, if your energy was red, it means you want to kill me, but if you're energy was blue, it means that you're might be passive or not interested in me
V: i see, so mine was blue right?
Shirakami: yeah you're right
V: i see, but well, i have some issue to trust someone or a stranger with my traumatic memories, but i think i can trust you for some reason
Shirakami: you have to, because i'm telling you the truth
V: yeah i trust you
Shirakami : *Smiles gently*

V knows that this girl beside her was powerless and weak, but have a strong heart to break through the fate that binds her from her own will,
V: Shirakami..
Shirakami: yeah V?
V: can i, maybe touch your uhm.. ear?
Shirakami: my ears? which one? this one * pointing to the normal ears* or this one * pointing to the fox ear*
V: you have 4 ears!?
Shirakami: yeah and i don't know a reason, but yeah, you can touch it
while still washing Shirakami's hair, V touching the fluffy Shirakami's ear, "it was really soft, whenever Shirakami blink, it twigs a little" V though to himself
V: it takes away my doubt
Shirakami: it is real you know
V: yeah *laugh* well i'm creating this *creating a bucket from stone* then i'll do this *fill the bucket with hot water until it's full* i'm gonna wait outside, you go on take a bath, and give me your clothes, i'll dry it up for you
Shirakami: *embarrassed* but it's still raining, you're gonna catch a cold
V: don't worry, i've made some kind of roof, i won't get soaked again by then *smiles*
Shirakami: *flustered yet blushed* okay then.. but just the clothes, not my underwear too
V: here take this too *giving Shirakami an empty bottle*
Shirakami: *confused* what is this?
V: it's a glass bottle which i made earlier by heating a sand
Shirakami: *amazed*
V: i've put into the bottle my wind, so for your underwear, dry it after you soak it in the hot water
Shirakami: *punches V* you.. pervert.. just go...
V: *laugh nervously* okay okay, just lend me your clothes
Shirakami: *blushed and embarrassed* wait outside and i'll give you my clothes

then V go to the outside under the roof that he made earlier, waiting for Shirakami to give him her clothes.
After a few moments waiting outside, Shirakami calls V out and her hand goes out from the shelter, V knows that she's gonna give him the clothes, so with respects V close his eyes and try to reach Shirakami's hand
V: Shirakami, i'll put my hands in here, so you're the one who's gonna put your clothes in my hand okay?
Shirakami: *heartbeat goes faster* ehh? why?
V: i close my eyes, so i can't see you get naked
Shirakami: *flustered and embarrassed* f..f..fine.. by.. me..

Then Shirakami open up her clothes, revealing a lot of wound in her body, slowly open up the pants too and then give it out to V's hand, after V sense a clothes in his hand, then V ask to Shirakami that can he open up his eyes yet, Shirakami close the door tight and say that V can open up his eyes.
V open up his eyes and see to his hands revealing that it's not a clothes but a lot of leaf from the tree, V then laugh a little bit but understanding what Shirakami want
it is too embarrassing to let a boy dry up your clothes while you are taking a bath
V then lay his body to the tree trunks and not long after that he fell asleep.

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