Chapter 49

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"Then we should help him" Botan suggested for them to help this True Blood, "i doubted that he ever needed some help" Noir giggled a litte before shouting, "i'm gonna take a look at that ruin with Botan, you guys stays here and holding onto something, i couldn't guarantee your life if you force yourself to came" 

Tetsu nodded, "we stay here guys, and don't do anything stupid as it would be burden to Noir-san and Botan-san" Tetsu coordinating his friend to stay with all of them nodded on the wyvern's back.

Noir looked to Botan, Botan gave a nodded as she agreed to do it with Noir, a portal opened beside the wyvern's head and a griffin came before they jumped to the griffin and dashed through to the ruins, "go away from here boy" Noir talked as he referred to the wyvern.


After dodging and avoided every single energy beam came out of the ruin, Botan and Noir arrived at the ruin and jumped ground, but they didn't see a single person there, "hmph.. it's strange, did you believed they just gone into thin air" Botan looked around as she didn't found anything related to the person there.

But suddenly a girl with purple hair appeared and attack Botan from the back, but Botan had a reflex so she dodged and the purpled haired girl missed her, "quite an energy you got there miss purple" but the purple haired girl just stay silent while preparing for her next attack.

"they didn't disappeared into thin air, they did a surprise attack for us" not long after Noir announcing the surprise attack, a man with the same blazer like Noir appeared behind him and tried to attack Noir, but Noir has already predicted when he opened up his noble blood before holding up the scythe on his back.

"pardon me for interrupting your fun time... descendant of the Welford family" Noir smiled at the man who wield the scythe, and the man got a shock on his face, "well.. well.. well, what do we have here... the descendant of the Alcherone family" but they backed off a bit before the Welford talked to Noir, "so.. are you mimicking one of my family?"

"Mimicking? does impostor could do this?" Noir unsealed his aura and released a noble pressure, witnessing the same power and aura, Jin nodded and smiled as both of the vampire sealed off their aura and the weapon on their hand were vanished.

Both of them shouted at the same time and jumped before hugging each others, "i never expect to saw a familiar face around here, moreover my own brother" Jin laughed as he teased that Noir was there too, "well some kind of white javeline thrust my heart, and the last thing i know, a lion girl got attacked from human" Noir explained how he got there to Jin.

"Okay now, if you and me was brought here, do you think there's a chance another True Bloods were brought here?" Jin asked as he was curious to Noir, "perhaps so, the other could be here too, but i doubt V would be here" Noir explained as he mentioned V, "you think so too? yeah he definitely won't be here and laying on the woods beside our school isn't it?" both of them talked about V and his habit before they heard a 2 girls were fighting.

"i don't expect you to be this quiet strong, i admit you lion girl" the purple girl smiled as she charged through Botan, "well, i'll accept it as well" both Botan and the girl fighting all over when Noir and Jin stopped them.

"Whoa whoa whoa, easy now girl.." Jin talked to the girl while holding her hands, "Jin.. You're in my way, let me go" the girl talked to Jin as she tried to leave Jin's hold, "yeah i'm on your way, but i can't afford you to lay a punch on that man's girl" The girl stop her attack, but then asked to Jin, "didn't we agreed to help each others taking out anyone who stepped in our way?" her eyes was sharp as she knew her prey.

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