Chapter 9 - The Truth Untold

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"it's only two days since i arrived here, my body doesn't feel anything weird, but how long would it takes for me to holding a blood requirement?" V though to himself as he concerned that he never even touch a human food before, yet he try to not look weird.
V, Shirakami and Yuna are on their way to some kind of building that preserving a food for the village
Shirakami: i wonder what's the food gonna be today
Yuna: i hope it would be something nice, sweet and fresh
Shirakami: ohh Yuna, are you thinking what i've been thinking?
Yuna: i don't know, are you?
Shirakami: hmm.. maybe it's gonna be..
Yuna and Shirakami: Melon Nectar!! yeayy
both Shirakami and Yuna were enjoying their conversation, while V only stays in the back and stay quiet, lost in his deeply though
"if this realm was not my realm, then is there a way to get back to my realm?" 
Shirakami: ohh, it's been 3 years that i've not taste the food in here
Yuna: exactly, i bet you miss the food here
Shirakami: not only the food, i miss everything in here
Yuna: yeah, sure you was
both of them laugh and V still lost in his though
"i may be the strongest in my realm, but how strong does i am in here? i don't have enough information about this realm yet"
Yuna: what they do to you in the prison?
Shirakami: it's miserable, they torture everyday
Yuna: that's really cruel
Shirakami: yeah, it's a painful torture i've hold everyday
Yuna: okay, now don't tell me other thing, let's focus on tasting the delicious melon nectar
Shirakami: okay then
they've ended the sad conversation and start the happy conversation yet there's V still in his though
"while i still don't know anything about the condition, i will considering that there's someone who stronger than me, well if it's a human, it shouldn't be a problem, and my plan was working"
Shirakami: oh well, i couldn't wait to eat the melon nectar, i bet V gonna love it
Yuna: oh he will love it
Shirakami: how does it sounds V?
V: *silent*
Shirakami: V, hey V

Shirakami who was talking with Yuna about food notice that V's been quiet for a while
Shirakami: hey V, you're been quiet for a while, is there something on your mind?
V: *still thinking*
Yuna: hey V, are you worrying about something? don't you wanna talk about it?
Shirakami: V, hey V
V: *snaps out* i pass the melon nectar
Shirakami: ehh why?
Yuna: it's really good, you have to try it
V: well yeah, maybe

then the three of them arrived in the building, entering the inside, and the chef give them 3 melon nectar portion.
Can't hold back the hunger, both Shirakami and Yuna immediately eat the melon nectar while V just fidgeting his spoon and not touching the melon nectar, "this is a human food, i don't eat human food" without saying anything, V stand up from the chair, hide his presence and left the building, leaving Yuna and Shirakami who still eating behind.
Outside the building V see a beautiful village, a kid with his parents,  a peasant who working in the field, V start walking on his own wandering around a little in the village.
V walking in the village as he hear some kind of conversation, "give me your gold and anything else if you don't want to get hurt"
V come to the center of the voice in a abandoned building revealing that there's 10 people who robbing a little kid and a woman.
"i don't want to get involved in this" V though that he doesn't want to help the kid along with the woman, but V action doing the opposite of his thinking.
V slamming the door that has been sealed with a chains easily, "come on now, does this village filled with a bunch of criminals? first some arrogant knight who robbed a whole village with his power, now a bunch of idiots robbing a little kid and woman?" V mocking the robber as V throw a scythe with a chain attached to V who flew away stabbing the robber in their leg, the robber terrified of V power, "i don't plan to save you, make sure you're thanking Shirakami for what i did okay?" V talk to the kid and woman while giving back what's belong to them before jumping out to the sky and heading to the river.
"Human who have been disgust me since the Melchiore insident" then V slam the robbers to the river and made the chain attached to the bottom of the river.

Shirakami and Yuna who has finished their feast
Shirakami: ahh i'm really full, the melon nectar was really really good, isn't it Yuna?
Yuna: yeah Fubuki, it's really nice
Shirakami: ahh i feel nostalgic tasting these, how does it taste V?
they're asking but V isn't there
Shirakami: ehh, V isn't here
Yuna: doesn't he sit there earlier? where he go?
Shirakami: i don't know, but we better go searching him
Yuna: yeah okay, i'll be right behind you
then Yuna and Shirakami go outside the building and start to search for V, Yuna goes to the east of the village and Shirakami goes to the west of the village, while asking the villager about V, they're trying to search for V
"ohh a white haired guy with sapphire blue eyes and some kind of clothes we never see before, yeah i've seen him in the river" some villager telling Shirakami that V is in the river.

Shirakami arrived in the river and as the guy said, V is really there standing still in the riverside.
walking to V and approach him slowly making Shirakami realize that in front of V, there's ten person who've been pulled to the bottom of the river.
Shirakami running towards V and shouting to V but V ignore Shirakami
V: come on now, if you don't swim, the chains gonna pull you all to the bottom of the river
Shirakami: V, what are you doing!? are you going to kill them all?
V: they robbing a child and a woman so why not?
Shirakami: V, i know they're robbing someone, but killing them doesn't make them repays what they've done
V: i know, but who cares, they're paying by their lives, so what's the matter?
Shirakami: of course it matters because killing them makes you no different from them?
V glare to Shirakami
V: so why? i don't really care what i am, here i am punishing a guilty human yet you told me to release them
Shirakami: whatever V i don't want to fight with you, just pull them and don't kill them
V: tchih, why do you even care about them?
Shirakami: it's because they're a human why can't you understand?
V: how many times i should tell you that i'm not human
Shirakami: so why!? being not a human doesn't make you less human
V: who care about what i am? 
Shirakami: i do care, even though we only met yesterday, i understand how you feel
V: don't act like you're understand what i feel
Shirakami: then tell me how you really feel
V: i have a grudge against humans and i disgusted about them, there, you happy now?
Shirakami: why V? Why do you hate humans that much!?
V: you won't understand the pain i've endure until this time, the terror that i've walk through
Shirakami: then tell me V!! what makes you having that pain?
V: because they kill my parents in front of my very eyes and take everything from me!!!

Shirakami couldn't say anything to V regarding V's parent, yet she once again requesting to pull the men to the land, "it won't solve anything even if you kill them V" Shirakami requested,
but hearing Shirakami's request making V really angry yet he can't do anything, so V following Shirakami request and pulling them to the sky and slamming hard to the ground.
Shirakami: V!! What are you doing!?
V: i do as you said, i don't care anymore, do as you want
V who doesn't understand why Shirakami choose to let them free, walks away and leave Shirakami behind, but then Yuna came over and approaching V
Yuna: *looking to V* V, are you okay?
V: *not giving any responds and walks away*
Yuna: hey Fubuki, what happened?
Shirakami: i.. i want to save him, now i know his past
Yuna: but what are you gonna do?
Shirakami: i don't know but i will try everything for him
Yuna: i hope it would work, i will help you too
Shirakami: no Yuna, it was my mistake, so i will fix it myself
Yuna: well okay but please don't push yourself too hard okay?
Shirakami: i will so don't worry
Yuna: then, i hope everything's fine
Shirakami: yeah me too Yuna
then the two of them parting their ways, Yuna taking care of the mens and Shirakami go back to her house.

In his pain and hatred, "even though this is a different realms than my real ones but my hatred to humans still exist" V said to himself before jumping out to the sky and flew away from the village.

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