Chapter 54

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A strong bond between demon and vampire, sealed under the witnesses of shadow, pact on a chained torment.

"NO WORRIES!! HE'S STILL GOT THAT MANA ABSORBER DEVICE!! HE WOULD BE WEAKENED OVER TI-" But Jin who already noticed the device lift his clothes and show her his bare skin with cold stare, "what device?" Jin asked when Vey feel shocked about how he can removes such a device.

"Y... Y.. You... Just.. Who.. yo.. what.. are..." Vey stuttered to talked when Towa shout to her

"VEY!!!" Towa dashed straight to Vey after Jin released her leg and throw a huge boulder blocking the entrance.

Meanwhile Jin jumped on the ceiling and hanging there like a bat with his vampire aura still emitted.

On the other hand, Towa grabbed Vey on the neck, "All of my races, all of my kin, all of my family, and the pain you gave me" with all of her anger, Towa looked at Vey with the eyes of rage.

"Quick!! Protect the lady, she's our key to victory!" the archmage and his apprentice cast a magic energies and directly released to Towa, 

Towa got her instinct called on her, when she saw a magic energies directly going to her direction, but the magic energies perished into thin air before it could touch her.

Jin had destroy the magic energies with his wind, and stomping on the ceiling before a stone pillar formed below the archmage apprentice and crushed them all between the stone pilars and the ceiling, blood sprayed everywhere.

"you're going to play with me!" Jin creates a tornado who then pulled the archmage to him, and without any moment, Jin grabbed him on the neck while hanging upside down on the ceiling.

Both Towa and Jin looked at each other with a sharp gaze before nodded to each others, "don't think you can get out from here alive after what you done to us filthy demon" Vey cursed on Towa but Towa doesn't seem to care about anything since she got what she want at last.

Towa sweep Vey legs as she kneeling before stomping on her face, Vey got thrown back to the wall.

Towa dashed straight to Vey and choked her hard as she slammed her to the ground, "Uarghhh!" Vey vomited and start looking at Towa in deep fear, the archmage screamed in agony for his lady is tortured, he cast a holy magic to Jin and cast a strong magic to Towa.

But his effort is useless as Jin dashed from wall to wall while slamming the archmage as he landed.

Towa eyes glowed when she looked at Vey in disgusted looks, Towa knuckle her fist and directly hit Vey on the face, "my race!" Vey tried hard to escape from Towa but she couldn't when Towa hold her on the neck while slowly choking on her.

Towa directly after Vey's face again for the second time, "my bloodline!!", the third times, "my family!!!" and she did it for the last with all she got, "my life!!!!" Vey isn't conscious anymore as she received a damage from demon.

Towa flows down a tears on her eyes while keep beating Vey when she recalled how Vey had took everything from her and tortured her.

Towa looked at her damaged Wings and Horns, she summoned a claws on her hand, "you took mine and this time i took yours!" Towa shouted and was about to kill Vey when Jin jumped from the ceiling releasing the archmage and grabbed Towa.

"stop it Towa stop!" Jin holding off Towa when Towa tried to release herself from Jin, "Release me Jin!! Why you stopped me! i have to deliver this revenge to her!!" Towa shouted when Jin just hugged her so tight and pat her head, "i know.. i know... but don't be the same like her! when you killed her it'll makes you the same! don't you hate it when you becomes the same like a human!?" Jin asked her the question which then Towa's eyes widen and realized as she cried far more louder than before.

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