Chapter 36 - Path of the villager (F)

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"Your highness" one knight kneeled before an old king.

"What is it? how's your preparation surrounding Startails Village?" sipping on his wine.

"all of the progress went so perfectly according to the plan your highness" the knight explained.

"good then, continue your preparation and scout through the village, we don't want any intruders ruin our perfect plan" the king ordered.

"as your orders your highness" the knight stands up, and was about to leave the king alone.

"one more thing, how about the progress report?" the old king asked.

"yes your highness, the cavalry captain Bingham has already reached the village with his scout team succeed infiltrating the village, Captain Bingham should confront the fox goddess whether she would submit or not, it's only a matter of time before the fox goddess surrender and submit to us" the knight explained.

"and what if she refused to submit?"

"the scouting team would burn down the village"

"i see, one more thing, are you confident with the plan?"

"with all of the respect your highness i am, it would leave the fox goddess no choices"

"then let's hope there would be no one to interfere and victory should be with us eventually, alright for the time being continue on the plan, i go down whenever necessary"

"yes sir!" the knight left the throne room

"hehehe, it wouldn't take any longer my dear white fox" the king grind creepily.

-on the other side of the startails village-

Lars and V tying up the assassin group with a rope, before interrogating them.

Lars slap one assassin on the head, "wake up, come on wake up" the assassin slowly to regain his conscious, "urgh... what do you want? let go of me" the assassin realize his hands and legs were tied after regaining his conscious.

 "not so fast, answer me! who send you to us? what are you after?" Lars grabbed the assassin on his cloak and lift him up easily, "urgh.. you can do whatever you want to me, i never gonna tell you and betray my king" the assassin refused to answer Lars question, "*sigh* come on, i thought they would be much more smarter than this"

Without hesitation, Lars threw the assassin to the ground which make the assassin spit out his blood, "uarghhh.. even with this i'm not gonna spill anything" the assassin still refused to talk and makes Lars torture him even more.

but in the middle of the torture, "Lars.. would you mind?" V opening his palm of hand signing of he taking over the job, "you go ahead" Lars putting down the assassin and walked back letting V handle the rest.

the assassin were in pain but still refused to talk, "i.... told you.... no matter... uargh... no matter.. what torture you... gave to me... i would never betray.... my king" V sighted while rolling his eyes before opening his aura and walk slowly approaching the assassin.

"you would endure all of the pain torture given to you, i immediately know you're trained well but can you even endure this" the strong aura reigning to the weak was so dense that the assassin having a hard time to breather and slowly fear were feed on him while V lifting him up.

"now take a look to my eyes" but the assassin couldn't even hold out to stare at V, most of it he's just moved his head away from V.

"o.. o.. okay.. i'll... t.. t.. tell you... so.. please... don't.. kil me.." the assassin stuttered and surrender to V and telling both of the vampire the plan.

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