Chapter 26 - Wrath and Pride

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"Surround both of them!!" one knight shouting to the other and started to make a formation surrounding Lars and V

Lars: it's been a long time i've been surrounded by humans
V: they won't worth your time, no need to get your tension high
Lars: well at least they're trying to kill us isn't they?
V: you always knew how to twist my words, unbelievable
Lars: was that supposed to be a compliment?
V: *ignoring Lars* to your left!

a knight swing his lance in direction of Lars, but with Lars right sword, he twist the lance so the point of the lance missed his target and get redirected to V.
But V jumped up to the tip of the lance while his hand grabbing the neck of the knight to his right into the line of lance, resulting the lance thrust right into knight's hearts and straightly killed him instead of V.

Lars: ouch, i'm sorry
V: you trying to kill me aren't you
Even while talking with V, Lars was swinging his left sword in the direction of upcoming knight's neck, decapitating his head before falling down to the ground.

Lars: it's not like you're gonna die by a stab in the heart isn't it?
Then V throw his daggers in the air before doing a rolls in the air and kicking the daggers to the head of knight which then stabbed the knight right in the forehead. 
V: just a mere human won't be able to kill us
Then he lift his arm to his dagger and the dagger was pulled by it's own and flew to V's palm

But then 4 of the knights started to charging at the same time with their sword towards Lars and V, but both of them could easily dodging the sword attack delivered from knights, "Do they even have a honor in a battle?" Lars was confused but not a moment after the sword attack, V standing up on his right hand while his leg kicking a swords to his left and doing the straight strike to the knight's chest with his bare leg before standing up and attacking the knight using his other leg, resulting the body of the knight get separated from it's leg, "i won't questioning their honor if i was you" V covered in knight's blood.

Lars combining his double sword into a twinblade side by side, then he disappear from his place which then confusing the 3 knights from before, "sometimes i forgot that a mere humans was just a food to us" then Lars reappearing behind V with his twin sword was already covered in blood, V glaring to the side towards Lars while behind him was a shattered body of the 3 knights, leaving no trail of existences rather than a pile of meat to them.

The power of the knight was no match to the power of the true bloodline, it was just a massacre to mankind, several knights army was terrified by their power and trying to run away..

But they not stopping there, Lars was jumping up to the sky while V throwing his dagger who has been attached to a chain in the direction of the running knights, the daggers stabbed through their leg and resulting they falling down to the ground, but then Lars came from the sky while swinging his blade with the pulsing energy released at the knights.

Erased from this world and the soul banished to the underworld, the knights who get hit by Lars attack, their existences was no more.

Back at Shirakami's place
Rewolf: even one true blood was enough to create a massive destruction, but with another true blood, not just a destruction, but it could lead into the fall of mankind
Yuna: i couldn't believe my eyes, they're fighting and talking at the same time
Shirakami: i couldn't believe it either even thought i already knew V's power but still couldn't understand, why can they are be so strong? i mean i know it's their ancestor power, but how?
Ataxia: it's their nature Shirakami, how they see a battle, and what it's meaning to them, V sees a battle as a way to seek his revenge after his parents was taken away from him.
Shirakami: So when he's fighting with his enemies, he regaining his memories of his past?

Back at V and Lars
"They're too strong, we can handle them"

V: look at that, brave enough to stand in front of us but when they realize, they started to run away
Lars: i still couldn't understand their language though
V: well good for you isn't it? you don't have to hear their filthy blabbering
Lars: well now that you mention it

While they're still talking, magic arrow came from the direction of the knights, piercing it's way to V and Lars, "Seriously? with this toys?" then Lars parrying the magic arrow with his sword followed by V who throwing his dagger to the magic arrow so the magic arrow gets redirected into the caster, "it's ridiculous isn't it?"

Then suddenly a clapping sound can be heard from a man that walking from the Knights to confront V and Lars, "Amazing, amazing, i don't expect that somebody could even parrying my strike, but i saw that both of you parrying and redirecting my arrow to me", a man in robe like a wizard appearing and exposing himself with opening his hood from his head.

V: huh?
Lars: who is this guy?
???: hahaha you must be wond-
the man couldn't finish his sentence...
Lars: bishop?
V: arc bishop?

???: well if you're that curious let me introdu-
the man couldn't finish his sentence... again...
Lars: a wizard? or a mage?
V: arc wizard? or arc mage?

???: let me introduce myself my name is-
the man once again couldn't finish his sentence...
V: a fool?
Lars: foolish human?

???: how rude both of you, i'm not a-
then again the man couldn't finish his sentence...
V: yeah definitely a fool
Lars: agrees with you 

???: could you at least let me fini-
Narrator: i think i don't have to explain it to you guys again, you'll understand
Lars: you want to hear his name?
V: is it important to us?
Lars: i think no
V: then i pass

then Lars take a few step forward and shouting a little bit, "sorry sir, i think we don't have to hear your name, it's okay, you can go"

then the man in a robe was full of anger "ARGHHHHH!!!! MY NAME IS DUKE CORNELLIUS SMITH THE 3RD NOW YOU HAVE TO PAY THE PRICE FOR MAKING ME REALLY ANGRY" duke Cornel was really angry at V and Lars, the duke started to chanting a magic words "oh dear lightning and thunder God please hear my voice and answer my call, i'm.. Duke Cornellius Smith the 3rd, in the name of-" but before he can even finish the chanting, V appeared in front of duke Cornel and kick him in the face resulting the duke to fall over backwards, "what are you 5? chanting over for a magic" then V disappear from his place back to Lars.

Then the duke trying to stand up with his leg and shouting to V and Lars, "that's it you have to pay for it!!" the duke casting a lightning magic towards V and Lars having an intention to kill both of them, but Lars grabbing the lightning, "don't think a toy like this could even touching the true blood" and then he throw it back to the duke, the duke was really surprised and cannot do anything, but the lightning magic was having a strike to the duke and resulting in him get's defeated by his own magic.

V: he's a fool
Lars: definitely a fool

at Shirakami's place
Rewolf: what a fool
Shirakami: he's a fool
Ataxia: absolutely fool
Yuna: definitely a fool
Euridice: is he a fool?

the duke was succeed in trying but failed miserably at destroying both V and Lars.

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