Chapter 48 - On The Sky

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"I don't think i could ride it, since i'm going to puke right now" Kato doesn't seem to quiet get it in riding the wyvern.

 Kiara shrieked as she saw a giant wyvern right in front of her eyes, while Tetsu trying to hold her off from falling.

"i never saw someone called a dragon as a summoned pet, even in our village, the strongest mage could only pulled a tiger and that's far behind the dragon" Kin talked to Rin as Rin agreed to Kin, "yeah you're right, i never saw it either in my entire live"

"who tells you it was a dragon?" Botan asked both Kin and Rin

"EHH IT WASN'T!?" Kin and Rin shouted as they got shocked again.

"take a look again, is he has 6 limbs? no right?" Botan explained as the wyvern isn't a dragon

"Uhm... Noir..san? are you sure we're going to ride this beast? i mean pet?" Tetsu asked as he was unsured about the wyvern.

"yes, we rode it when we came here first.. why?" Noir asked again with his innocent face.

All 5 of them still doesn't believed their eyes.

"Time is ticking, we shouldn't waste anymore, let's go!" Noir jumped out to the wyvern's back while holding Botan's hand with Hana on his shoulder.

but Kiara and her team still hesitate about jumping to the wyvern, "uh could we just walked while you guys flew around with the wyvern? we only-" Kiara trying to convince Noir they're going to walk but she couldn't even finished her word and Noir has already grabbed Tetsu with Kin before pulling them into the back of the wyvern.

When in the same time Botan did the same like Noir pulling in Rin, Kato and Kiara to the wyvern's back, and all of them now ready to go on the back of the wyvern's

"WOOHOOO LET'S GO AND FLY!!!" Hana shouted with the full excitement to fly behind the back of a mythical beast, but on the other side Kiara and her team was vice versa with Hana.

"You guys might want to hold on to something since the wind would make you float off" Botan told them a joke with a serious face.

then all of them shouted at the same time, "WHAT SHOULD WE HOLD ON TO!!" they didn't hear some answer, only a laughter came from Noir, "HAHAHA YOU GUYS SURE ARE FUNNY, THAT'S ONLY SOME EXPRESSION" Noir full with smiled and laughter when he told the wyvern to flew away.


a few hours after they flew away from the city, Kiara and her friend are getting used to the fly even if there's a scared feeling about falling down of the wyvern's back.

"Noir.. uhm... i asked about the griffin earlier right? uhm.. can i.. ask again? about you and Botan-san?" Kato approached Noir with a lot of hardwork since they're on the back of the wyvern.

Kato wanted to know more about Noir and Botan but Kiara hold her off since it would be rude to ask someone's privacy, "Kato.. i think it's pretty rude to ask someone about their privacy don't you think?"

"i uh.. just.. wanted to..." Kato stuttered as she tried to explained what she meant, but Noir doesn't seem to get a problem from it.

"Uh Huh no it's okay.. so what about it?" Noir talked while still gaze around.

"back then when you fought, i was a little bit conscious even in a borderland between alive and death, but i saw how you guys fight" Kato was serious about her question while she still stuttered talking to Noir.

Noir seem hesitant, but he listened to the question until the end.

"i never saw someone's have that kind of power, you've been stabbed on the heart with the sword from the strongest knight" Kato eyes becomes sharp.

"Kato... i think this is beyond what they could-" Kiara tried to stop Kato but Kato won't listen to her, "i just.. Want to know Kiara, they are strong indeed, but can i get as strong as they are by learning from them?"

The question from Kato makes all of them were quiet all of a sudden, Botan has already feel uncomfortable with the question, "ah.. I'm sorry i don't mean too but i just... I mean.. I just.. Wanted to get strong too" Kato realized what she doing and apologize to Noir

But Noir doesn't seem to care, instead she goes for Botan and patted her heads as he whispered to Botan's ear, "Thank you very much milady" Botan face turned red as Noir smiled, back at Noir then Botan gave the answer, "i just don't want people to know about you more than i am" Botan sulked.

Noir laughed as he turned his head to Kato, "very well little lady, you want to know then i'll show you" Kato seems to be surprised when she saw Noir laughed and turned serious at a sudden, but since she asked it anyway, she prepared what worse could happens, Noir pointed his finger and showed it to his head, "Mind"

"WHAT!?" Kato confused as she shouted, "if you ever wanted to get stronger, sharpened your mind, it'll become your greatest weapon, since you can predict how your opponent would act and completely use your surrounding" Kato and the others nodded as they learn something, but Kato doesn't seem to satisfied from the answer

But Kiara who saw Noir with his aura unsealed, "but.. what about your pressure? i mean when your eyes turned red and having a thirst of blood" Botan and Noir got surprised for a while before Noir answered, "it's a power bestowed from my family, it's a legacy of my family, so i don't want to talk about it too deeply, as it'll uncover the secret of my family" Noir explained and Botan smiled as she know, she's the only one know about Noir with Hana.

"ahh i see, i'm sorry to ask about your privacy" Kiara apologized to Noir, but Noir doesn't replied and just nodded a little before jumped into the wyvern's head.

With the tense situation between Kiara and Noir, Botan tried to melt the ice between them

"Look at you guys, you can't even sit normally the first time, now you got the hang of it... beside didn't elven race are used to flew away with the help of the animals? your race sure loves animals isn't it?" Botan teased all of them while asked about their races.

"We do likes animals, but we don't ride them as they won't be able to hold off our weight, also.. did wyvern count as an animals? they are beast isn't they?" Tetsu explained.

"i don't even know myself, did they even considered as an animals or not, it's the answer only Noir knew" Botan explained.

"Botan-san, you and Noir-san seems closed, what are your relationship with him? are you his girlfriend by any chances?" Kin asked Botan a little daring question.

Instead of blushing, Botan just laughed at the question, "we're both travelers who coincidentally crossed our path, and now he protect and i protect him " Botan smiled while Kin feel so warm inside his heart, "they are wholesome keeping each others back"

"So what did your village looks like?" Botan asked Kiara about her village, "oh it's a ordinary village, with a lot of nature around it" Kiara explained her village with full excitement, "it must be a good village right?" Botan laughed alongside with Kiara which the wyvern take a turn all of a sudden followed by Botan noticing Noir's aura was unsealed.

"UARGHHHHH!!" Tetsu and Kin tried to hold on, while Kiara Kato and Rin tried to balance their bodies, in the same time with they feel a strong killing intent, "Noir what happened, what did you saw?" Botan tried to approach Noir who was on his stance while gazing through a ruin of a castle with an energies emitting all over the place.

The wyvern was maneuvering, avoided every single energies that shoots out from the ruin, "Someone was fighting something in that ruin, they are strong" Noir taking a sharp gaze at the ruin when Botan notice something was off from Noir, "Noir... your eyes, it's green" Botan feels the same pressure as Noir, but it doesn't came from Noir.

"What is this Noir? did someone has the same power like you?" Botan asked to Noir, "Nobody would have this power, if it's emitting the same pressure like i did, then the answer is obvious" Botan got shocked to Noir's word, when she remember that Noir isn't the only of his kin with a strong power moreover there's someone who inherits all of the Almas, "then it's definitely isn't it?" Botan make a quick guess with Noir nodded as a reply.

"It's one of the True Bloods"

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