Chapter 17 - Revenge

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"Haa, don't think that you're gonna make a wound with that sword ever again, because i have a spell that can negate the damage that i received before" Eldridge confidently talking to Kurokami, taunting even though he was trembling, "skeleton general, attack her" Eldridge commanding the general of his skeleton army to attack Kurokami, the skeleton army take the order and targeting Kurokami with eyes of death
Kurokami was ready to holding the attack with her stance "come forth all of you, this sword will be the proof of my power" but before the skeleton army reached Kurokami, they're all shredded and burned down to ashes with the same black lightning from before, "you're in the way, get out" V talk as he burned down all the skeleton that trying to attacking Kurokami.

Kurokami walk from her to place to the place where Eldridge was, slowly walking and drawing her blade alongside with V's in her right hand, the skeleton doesn't just stay quiet and do nothing, they're charging through to Kurokami but V always burned them down before they reached Kurokami, "all of this pain" Kurokami walks as she remember the pain given to her when she was captured and tortured (even though in the form of Shirakami, basically they're the same person)

"All of this blood whose spill just because of a selfish humans" Kurokami started to flow down some tears as she walked full with hatred to Eldridge, "filthy human, i'll make you feel what pain is" then Kurokami dashes forward to Eldridge while slashing through, cutting both of Eldridge hands
Kurokami: it's nothing from what i feel back then you filthy
Kurokami: ohh so this is the feeling whenever someone begging for their life, feeling great

Kurokami was about to kill Eldridge by cut his neck and decapitating Eldridge's head but V shouted and stopping her from doing that
V: wait Kurokami
Kurokami: huh? what is it?
V: if you're killing him, are you gonna be satisfied?
Kurokami: what are you talking about? my hatred was about to kill him, of course i will
V: no, you're wrong
Kurokami: why does i'm wrong?
V: because it'll gonna free him from his sin
Kurokami: ehh?
V: you kill him quick, and he's not gonna suffer anymore, so rather than doing that, let's just do it like this

Then V pointing his finger to Eldridge hand, after that a black magic circle appeared and healed Eldridge hands, they're regrow back to normal as if there's nothing happens, "hoo i see, i'll take your way blood prince" then V smiled as Kurokami once again draw her blade and releasing the energy pulse to Eldridge, this time not to his hand but his legs, after the energy go through Eldridge, his leg was separated from his body, leaving a blood to spill and Eldridge groans in pain, they torturing him and heal him, the circle goes through with Kurokami torturing Eldridge brutally while V continue his job healing the wound that Kurokami give, resulting in the broken of Eldrige mentality because of the pain they're given to him

V: are you satisfied?
Kurokami: i'm really satisfied
V: *smiles* then let's end this shall we?
Kurokami: would you mind end his life?
V: it would be my pleasure then

Hearing the request of Kurokami, V walk approaching Eldridge who already cannot speak and just trembling in fear, "looks like your luck was already end isn't it" then V grab Eldridge head and lift him up, "it'll gonna be a waste if your power perish alongside with your soul, i'll take your power with me" while lifting Eldridge, V's intention to take Eldridge's power with him causing his right hand to turned into a demon hand.

Kurokami: V your hand
V: what is it?
Kurokami: it doesn't look good
V: don't worry, i'll grab the power and make it mine after this
Kurokami: so it's normal?
V: it's pretty much normal if you want to take away the power of person you defeated
Kurokami: i see, well, do your things, i'm just gonna take a look from here
V: then watch it carefully

"So.. Let your soul perish into deepest part of the underworld" then V proceed to stab Eldridge right in the chest and his hand grabbing Eldridge's heart and pulling it out leaving a bleeding Eldridge with a hole in his chest while his lives was faded away, then the heart in V's right hand turned into a large white crystal ball.

Doesn't take any moment, a black energy appeared from V's demon hand binding the crystal, then suddenly the crystal emitting some kind of power which then sealed by the black energy came out from his hand before, looks like as he know what's gonna happen.
Not long after the white crystal sealed by the black energy, the crystal who was shining before slowly going fade away and losing the energy which indicating that V already absorbing the power lies within the crystal, then after the crystal completely out of energy, he crushed the crystal into pieces before throwing them into the ground.
Eldridge who has already lost his live turned into a solid stone

Kurokami: you done?
V: pretty much done
Kurokami: what is going on? 
V: well i take his power
Kurokami: then why his body turned into a stone?
V: after he die, his soul was freed from the body, leaving them into the real freedom
Kurokami: uh huh and then?
V: soul was the key of every power no matter how strong the person is or no matter how much they're training, soul was the one containing all of the power
Kurokami: so the power lies within the soul?
V: exactly, soul have the power but because it was very fragile, he need a shelter
Kurokami: a shelter? you mean the body?
V: yes, soul creating a shelter out of his energy, now what do you think gonna happen if the soul providing the energy for body was taken away?
Kurokami: the body doesn't have any energy and dissolving? 
V: you really known well, if i take the soul, then the body lose it's energy which resulting them to petrified, just like this
Kurokami: then what's with the crystal and stuff?
V: well since soul was an astral thingy, i need to turned them into 'real' thingy, so i turned my hand and my hand giving out a large energy condensing the soul, hardened it, which resulting them turned into crystal
Kurokami: so if the crystal was the soul, then what're you doing earlier was..
V: absorbing the power and destroying the soul
Kurokami: as i thought
V: yes, it's a way to keeping them out from entering the body again for a moment, because the crystal will lose the large energy and revert it's form to astral which then can return into it's body
Kurokami: you're not keeping them out, you permanently keeping them out
V: well actually yes
Kurokami: it's really like you, then, what's gonna happen to the body?
V: it'll gonna get destroyed by itself, but if some soul got attracted, it'll gonna live again so it's better to do this

V slowly approaching the stone before kicking it with all he got leaving the stone got destroyed into little piece which then turned into ashes and fade away

Kurokami: i should have known it earlier
V: yeahahah, so let's-

before V finishing his word, Yuna who was fighting with Euridice earlier got thrown from the place she fought to V's place.
Seeing Yuna get thrown away, V and Kurokami reflexively jump out to the air and catching Yuna followed by Euridice standing in front of V and Kurokami and start shouting to them.

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