Chapter 40 - Queen

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One night before Shirakami and the others leaving up the village, there's a group of bandit was rampaging on a secret village deep inside a jungle and creating a mayhem inside it.

"burn every building in this village, take every single girl and kids, their price would be high and we're gonna be rich in no time" one of the bandit leader taking a command to create a mayhem before taking any hostages.

"and if they're resist to be taken or doing any fight back, don't hesitate to kill them all, moreover if the male one trying to protect them... but try to not gave them any scare for it will reduce the pice"

"ALRIGHT!! FOR THE MONEY!!" all of the bandit shouting while burning down the village and taking all of the villagers they can.

Every single male villagers was trying to defend their family, but they not strong enough to fight back the bandit, and they've got overwhelmed in a single time and got outnumbered.

Far away on the village mansion, there is a sleeping queen inside it whose awaken because of the mayhem and a burning village.

"my lady.. i'm sorry to interrupt your sleep, but our village was on attack" one of the queen's maid was trying to tell the queen about the village

the queen witnessing the mayhem inside her village, raged in anger but showing no reaction at all 

"don't worry and calm yourself up, take every single villagers who survived the attack inside the mansion" the queen staying calm and looking at the window sharply

"i never expected for them to find this village this soon" not a brief moment she got out of her own room and walking straight to the elder chambers and kneel down.

"the respected elders.. i've come to-" the queen tried to explain the situation but the elders cut her words.

"Queen... before we talk about this village, we need to tell you about your destiny..." one elder talked to the queen.

"i'm all ears respected elders.. " the queen still kneeled and listening to the elders.

"Queen,  you've protected this village for a very long time, and in that very long time you've been imprisoned and binded with our village" other elder speaks up

"but elder.. i don't feel being imprisoned or binded, this village gave me everything that i ever wanted and if i can do anything to protect this village, i would do it" the queen express her feeling

"we glad if you're really loved our village, but you've been here for a very long time, and when you busy protecting this village, the outer world was corrupted and breaking the balance of the nature" the other elder speaking the truth

"corrupted and breaking the balance?" the queen was confused

"you keep protecting this village yet the darkness grow stronger, there's no point vanishing every single darkness if you didn't destroy on it's root"

"so respected elder.. what should i do to vanish the darkness root?" the queen asked the elders

"Creatures of the night,  seek one of them as this creature would led you onto their kin" the elders making a statement

"creatures of the night? but how do i seek for them respected elders as we don't know anything about them, and we don't even know whether they exist or not" the queen grabbing out the situation.

"they are exist queen as they are kindred of the darkness realm" the elders explained

"but respected elders, when i met one of them, what should i do? and how do i know if it's one of them" the queen complained a little bit

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