Chapter 51

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"Arghhhhhhhhhh!! Ughhhhhh.... Uarghhhhhhhhh!!" the demon screamed at the top of her lung within the archmage and his apprentice alongside with the knight.

"Khekhekhe, good job for today little demon, soon enough you'll be able to maximize this abyssal crystal, stay alive until then khekhekhe" the archmage talk to the demon girl while slapping her cheeks.

the demon girl who was limped down to the ground, closed her eyes, accepting her fate to be a toy of a human.

She didn't even wish for a revenge anymore, she just hoped that she would be able to go out from that torment.

Since every night she always endure the pain from the abyss crystal, absorbing her power fused into the crystal.

The border between life and death was almost perished, when the archmage closed and sealed the door.

She was about to sleep and having a rest when not long after that, the sealed door was opened and revealing one man.

"This is quiet interesting"


Midnight has fallen in, everyone was on their bed falling asleep, but not for Jin who taking a walk through the mansion of Vey.

Jin walked through the garden, "it is truly beautiful how the garden looked like, too bad the owner of this mansion didn't looked as beautiful as this garden are"

Jin recalled the earlier lunch with Vey.

"just how rotten she are?  acted like she was an angel but the fact that she is truly devil, from the food she gave me, did i supposed to feel sick about it? i can already tell from the smell"

He keep mumbling on his own in his mind as he arrived at the kitchen where the chef prepared the food, Jin looked at the kitchen, "well at least the chef did a great job keeping the kitchen clean"

Jin did smell something fishy on that mansion moreover about Vey, she obviously hiding something, but for Jin who actually stronger than a normal human, he just curious about the mansion and not the dangerous he's about to face.

He's looking to every corner of the kitchen when he saw a steel fridge, of course with his curiousity of the place he approached the steel fridge and opened the fridge.

A couple of fresh vegetables stored there and a lot of various cooking ingredients, but the thing that catches Jin's eyes, was the perfect red apple alongside with a couple of fruits.

"They wouldn't mind if  i take some of the fruits here right?" Jin proceed to take a bunch of fruits, then he confused about how to carried all of the fruits when he saw a bucket under the sink.

"let's hope this is clean enough to carry my fruits" of course Jin takes the bucket and put all of the fruits inside, after that, he doesn't go straight to his room again instead he continued his night walk.

 Jin keeping his track following the corridor, when the corridor leading Jin to go downstair, "hoo basement or dungeon? anyway let's see what's this mansion hide"  Jin going downstair with his bucked, he doesn't know where the road lead him but anything wouldn't be a matter to Jin.

The road keeps getting darker and darker and the road started to get moist, that's right before Jin heard a couple of old man chanting some spell in front of a strange door, "strange, i don't remember Vey explain she had a robed cult" Jin saw a cracks on the wall next to him.

Doesn't want the old man to know where his position is, Jin crouched a little bit and staying hidden on the cracks of the wall inside the shadow, not long after chanting a spell, the door opened and all of them get inside the room.

"what do they keep in there, and what's with the crowd following him?"  indeed Jin are curious, but she doesn't want them to see him there, instead he waited for them in hope they got out from the room and then Jin going to break inside.

Bingo, after a few minutes there, the crowd got out from the room and resealed the door, as the corridor was dark, they passed Jin on his place without even noticing that Jin is there all the times.

As Jin's curiosity got bigger and bigger, he approached the sealed room, "an ancient seal, they obviously keeping something here, this seal strong enough to seal an old dragon, but just a mere toys to me" with Jin's power, he delivered the mana form with his hand, the sealed door supposed to received a certain amount of mana.

But since Jin got a tremendous mana capacity, even with a single touch, could make a complicated seal got destroyed.

"almost too easy i have to say" with confident he continued his walk, going inside the sealed room.

The pressure was heavy and the atmosphere is strong enough to cause a normal human to fall, even if it seem there's nothing there, but Jin knew all along he's not alone there.

Since Jin could feel a glimpse amount of mana flowed on the center of the room, but when Jin approached his step closer to the center, a chain rackling and an energies beam was fired over Jin.

But Jin dashed sideway and the beam missed him, but the true attack doesn't came from the beam, instead the demon girl pounced to Jin with her magic power.

Jin who doesn't hesitate grabbed the arm of the demon girl and pulled her over, before sweeping the leg which makes her fall to her back and the bucked he hold on to fall over.

both of them doesn't say anything, and Jin turned his back to the demon girl since he focused to grabbed the bucket and the fruits, looking at the chance she could never get again, the demon girl rushed with all of her power left inside her bodies.

the attack from the demon girl pierced straight to Jin's back, Jin bleed away and vomiting blood with his hand reaching out for the exit door.

She thought she finally did killed one human but then Jin turned his head to the girl and smiled with a creepy face, "just kidding" the demon girl got shocked when she saw her hand pierced through but Jin could still alive.

Then Jin kicked backward to the girl and turned his body, keeping up his distance close to the girl and grabbed her neck and slammed her down to the ground.

Jin now face to face with the demon girl, he smiled with his hand in front of the demon girl face, "go back to your realm in underworld" a magic circle appeared on Jin's hand.

But then the magic circle disappeared with Jin laughed and released her, "just kidding..." then he get up from her and helped her to get up before grabbed every fruits and put it back on the bucket, the demon girl feels humiliated, "why don't you finish me!? why you let me alive!? are you satisfied showing our differences in power by humiliating me?"

Then Jin get back to her while bringing his bucket of fruits, he reached out to the bucket and grabbed an apple, "apple?" but the demon girl still feel humiliated, she slapped Jin's hand and the apple got thrown, "are you still unsatisfied with your humiliation for me?".

But Jin doesn't say anything and grabbed the apple and going back to the demon girl, "are you listening to me!?" and then Jin just sat down and grabbing an apple before taking a bite.

The demon girl looked confused and angry when she saw Jin sitting down beside her and eating an apple, it feels like her power was nothing compared to his power, she doesn't know anymore, her head feels dizzy and her body feels heavy, it just a moment before she collapsed.

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