Chapter 41 - Full Moon Midnight

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"okay now, i want to walk away from this mess actually, but it would be a great miracle if i could just walk away don't you think... " the mysterious figures talked to Botan.

"well, if they would let you then-" Botan replied to the mysterious figure, but her enemies are shouting from the other side.

"quit your nonsense, who are you and where are you came from!?" the bandit shouted

the mysterious figure put his hand on his head, "*sigh* what a foolish creatures you are, i could already tell from your smell" the mysterious figure referring to the crowd before turning his head to the crowd, "would you mind staying silent a little bit? i'm trying to talk to this lady over here?"

A pale snow skin revealed as the moon shined his figure up, "what?" Botan shocked as she never saw a human as pale as him.

"your skin? are you sick?" Botan asked as she more curious about the mysterious man appeared out of magic circle instead of herself who've been wounded.

"oh don't worry this is a mark of my kin, differences between races just like your ears and tail" he pointed to Botan as Botan wasn't a human herself, but in the middle of their talk, the crowd was shouting again.

"quit it!! take them down boys.. kill both of them" and with a single command, all of the crowd striking forward to the mysterious figure.

"*sigh* i said silent!" the mysterious figure got his eyes glowed and a dark aura emitting from him, all of the crowd trembled in fear as well as Botan.

"what a strong intimidating power, it would be the end of my fate if he chose to make me his enemy... " Botan feel a strong pressures.

"what is this!? i could feel a strong emitting pressures from him, there's no way he's that powerful right!?" the crowd refuses to believe about him.

"i don't care if it your life was the cost, attack him at any cost!!" the crowd still trying to attack the mysterious figure.

"*sigh* what a troublesome race you are" the mysterious figure takes a few step before raising his hand and pointing with his finger, without any moment, a freezing frost wall appeared and surrounding the figure with Botan.

"Wha-" Botan was stunned and couldn't speak witnessing the power he used.

the mysterious figure walked slowly approaching Botan on her place, Botan realized when he approached her, his eyes glowed blood red and his blood thirst aura was giving her a pressures.

"why are you here? do you want to take my life? if so then suit it yourself, i could barely even stand" Botan gave him an intimidating pressure as she accept anything would happened to her.

"don't worry, just stay still" the mysterious figure pointing his finger to Botan and a magic circle appeared below here before a light shined through Botan's body and healed all of her wound, "wha-" Botan seems hesitant to him.

 but the mysterious figure kneeled down on his knee and giving his hand to Botan.

"can you stand?" as he helped her, Botan suddenly doesn't feel any pressure or blood thirst aura from him anymore, and as she realized, his eyes weren't glowing anymore and a green emerald eyes could be seen on his face behind the glasses he wore.

Botan reached his hand and tried to stand up as she asked him, "why you're helping me? don't you want to walk away from this?" she was confused.

"actually i am, but these foolish creatures just act like they could do anything, perfect time for me having a massacre" Botan was surprised as she heard the fact from his word.

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