Chapter 43 - Respected Elders

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Botan changed her clothes on her room before going back to the hot pond and meet Noir there, but she doesn't seem to find Noir at the pond at this point.

But then she crossed her eyes witnessing Noir standing at the railing and gazing to the sky, Botan approached him but he just keep on staring on the moon shining it's light.

When Botan close enough with Noir, she realized how Noir looked like a normal human compared when he goes bloodlust earlier.

"Noir... what are you thinking right now?" Botan curious about what he thinks

"ahh, it's nothing, i just like to gaze one the night sky, since no matter where you are, the sky were always the same.. don't you think?" Noir talked to Botan

Botan joined Noir gazing at the sky, before she realized she became drowned on it, "yeah.. you're right.. it's the same.."

With Botan joined Noir gazed at the sky, both of them enjoying the night sky as Noir stopped and asked Botan to go meet the elder.

"okay now, should we go and meet the elder?" Noir asked Botan to meet the elder

"huh? ahh.. well okay.. let's go" Botan snapped as she enjoying her gaze to the sky.

Botan laughed awkwardly as she's going to the elder room with Noir following behind her back.

Botan walked through the stairs, and through many room before finally arrived at the elder's room.

"okay here we are, it's the elder's room" 

"well i can already tell, no wonder it smells like a gathering of an old man"

"hey.. they maybe old, but they still our elder"

"hehe.. okay, sorry.."

Botan knocked in the front of the door before the door got opened, both Botan and Noir going inside the elder room.

"Respected elders" Botan approached a little bit to the elder before kneeling in front of them, but Noir doesn't seem going to kneeled as Botan did.

"what are you doin-" Botan whispered to Noir but then Noir followed Botan to kneeled before the elders which making Botan surprised as the powerful creature like him would kneel over the elders

"Queen, i'm glad that you are safe.. you may be strong and agile, but we are worried also with your safety, as always we express our gratitude for you from protecting this village" one elder seems to worried about Botan but on the same time he express his gratitude towards the white lion. 

"it's always been my job respected elders, but this time i didn't deserved any of your gratitude, because i've been defeated, but this man over here came out of nowhere and saved me, destroying our invaders" Botan explained how Noir saved her.

"ohh! we couldn't express our gratitude for saving our Queen and our village, may i know your name young man?" the elders expressing their gratitude to Noir.

"i'm Noir respected elders, it was an honor to meet the elders" Noir stands up and bowed down to the elders as he introduced his name before kneeled again on his knee.

"i never know he's got all that manners inside him" Botan thought to herself.

"Noir , please tell us, what kind of gift you expect, thought we're not sure, whether we could gave you something that would satisfy your needs or not" the elder intended to give Noir something as a token of their gratitude.

"By all respect and all of my appreciation, i don't expect anything from you or this village, as i'm not intended to save the queen nor this village, i just simply doesn't like human, that's all"

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