Chapter 5 - The Fox Goddess

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"Powers! i need more powers! the day my parents died, i'm still weak, i let my family died once, i would never let them died again even if i have to kill every enemies" V wake up in the middle of the rain, "is that what i really after all this time?" V though to himself.
"V, come on in, i'm done" not long after that Shirakami called him to go inside the shelter, V nod and then goes inside the shelter
V: Shirakami.. can i ask you something?
Shirakami: surely, go ahead V
V: well, in your perspective, what is power?
Shirakami: power?
V: uhm.. *nod*
Shirakami: well, i think power exist for a reason, even though sometimes the power itself depends on how the person are, like if the person hate violent, their powers gonna be for everyday routine
V: i see, okay then *smiles* 
Shirakami: why are you asking?
V: well i've been through something
Shirakami: through something?
V: yeah, something bad that resulting my powers to awaken
Shirakami: so what are you trying to tell me that you're power existed because you've been through a hard times?
V: well you can call it like that if you want it
Shirakami: hmm.. interesting, you've made me curious about what happened to you
V: trust me, you don't wanna know it, besides, it's a lame and boring stories
Shirakami: *pouting* uhmmm... why? i want to know it, please tell me, please

Shirakami begging V to tell her the stories of his past, but V think that his traumatic stories wasn't an open public stories
V: *smiles* i'll tell you later *wink*
Shirakami: *pouting even more* you always like that since we met
V: *laugh* say shirakami
Shirakami: what? *still pouting*
V: how long does it takes from here to your village? and then what is your village name?
Shirakami: *looked down a bit* if we go by horse, it's gonna be two days, but if we're going to walk, then it'll be a week
V: *noticing Shirakami are a little bit down* what's the matter? is everything alright?
Shirakami: ahh it's nothing, i just, worried a little about my village
V: is something happened to your village?
Shirakami: well something did happened but yeah
V: *silent and keep hearing*
Shirakami: i want to make my parents happy but in the end i couldn't
V: can you, tell me how can a goddess have a village and a parents? i fail to understand

then Shirakami tell the stories about how she can be a goddess
Shirakami: my village, was the reason i become a goddess, my village was not that prosperous, everyday i encounter a starving person, crop failure, drought condition also the river was all dry, "if i have power then i will help this village with all i can" or so i thought to myself, and my father as the village chief couldn't do anything as well
V: that's pretty bad
Shirakami: yeah it is, then one day someone from the castle came to my village and tell me "this village was really miserable" without him telling the condition about my village, i already know
V: then what happen?
Shirakami: he tells me that if i come with him, i can save the village, i will have the power to help my village
V: so you accept the offer?
Shirakami: yeah, i accepted it without thinking twice and through even my father against it the first time, "i want to save this village" is all what i think in the moment
V: *silent*
Shirakami: then after i accepted the offer, the man bring me to the castle and bring me into some kind of praying chamber, they told me to pray and say what my wish was, i do as they told me to do, so i start praying and wishing, "i want to save my village"
V: hmm
Shirakami: then suddenly a bright shining light appear out of nowhere and the voice was echoing "i hear your wish, your wish shall be granted" then in a blink of eye, the light was going inside me, then i go unconscious
V: *remain silent while seriously hearing to Shirakami voice*
Shirakami: i don't remember anything when i go unconscious, when i wake up, i already have a tail and this fox ear and i was in my village
V: so you have become the goddess?
Shirakami: yeah, i thought it was all a dream but, when i look closely to my tails and ear, it looks real and turn out it is real
V: *nodding*
Shirakami: i was shocked so as my parents, they though that this is a kind of curse, so they searching for a shaman to remove the ear and tail, the shaman then tell my parents the opposite of what they though, because the shaman couldn't sense any bad energy from me, both my parents doesn't believe it that easy
V: well it does hard to believe it when you said it like that
Shirakami: two days passed in my new form then i realize my power
V: you have a power!? that's surprising
Shirakami: *pouting* didn't i tell you that i'm a goddess?
V: *laugh* yeah yeah sorry my bad, go on
Shirakami: *pouting* i hate you, i realize my power when i see to the river, i though to myself "i hope this river could have some water flowing in it" then some voice tell me to hold my hands and start to give out a blessing, i don't understand it at first, but i realize it when i have a wish of something
V: a wish of something?
Shirakami: yeah, i wished that the river could have some water in it, it's not immediately work, but the day after i wished it, the river filled with water flowing also with some fish
V: wow, that's sounds like a miracle
Shirakami: i though it's just a coincidence and nothing more, but as soon as i have a wish to rebuild my village, then the one that i've wished become the reality
V: well that's in fact sounds like a power of a goddess
Shirakami: i tried to help my village as far as i can, and i pushed myself to help all he way i can
V: *nodding*
Shirakami: a month after helping my village, all went perfect and my village went prosperous
V: well isn't that good?
Shirakami: only for a month, after my village prosperous, the mysterious man who brought me to the castle and made a goddess comes back
V: come back?
Shirakami: yeah, the man comeback and tell me something
V: telling you what?
Shirakami: he's telling me that i become a goddess not for free, there's a price for me to pay, not by money but by a blood
V: by a blood?
Shirakami: exactly by a blood, they take me from village everyday and making me bleed
V: so they're torture you?
Shirakami: yeah, but the worst part isn't they're torture me everyday, they're even take whatever they can from my village, anyone who refuse and defy the knight, gets executed in the place
V: the knight that you're mentioning, is that humans?
Shirakami: what are you talking about? of course they're all a humans, but they consumed by devil from their hearts so they do such a cruelty
V: hmm, so what's the worst part?
Shirakami: they take my parents to the castle far in the east and sold them as a slave
V: *shocked but remains calm* ah, uhm, sorry
Shirakami: it's okay, i just hope that they were fine even being hold as a slave

hearing Shirakami's story makes V recalling again his traumatic memories and making V wrapped in pain, so much pain resulting V fall down to his back
V: ughhh... *hold his chest*
Shirakami: *panic* V.. what happen V
V: *get hold himself* yeah yeah sorry Shirakami, i'm fine
Shirakami: what happened to you?
V: no, that's nothing, only recalling something painful
Shirakami: something painful?
V: it's nothing, only a stupid past, it's okay i'm fine
Shirakami: no, i don't believe in you
V: really really, it's okay
Shirakami: are you sure? because you're looks so much in pain
V: yeah it's okay
Shirakami: fine then if you insist, but you have to tell me if you're in pain
V: why should i tell you?
Shirakami: *pouting* because we're already made a contract
V: that's only temporary, only to know my power
Shirakami: no, if we're making a contract then, you have to properly make it
V: it's only a contract, nothing more
Shirakami: fine then make one with me again
V: *looks troubled* what kind of contract you wanna made?
Shirakami: let's make a contract, until you find your place, i will stay by your side
V: hee? why do you want to come with me?
Shirakami: because you save me once
V: when?
Shirakami: *smack V in the head* you stupid
V: *laugh* okay okay my bad, just until i find my place right? okay then i'll make one too
Shirakami: ehh? *surprised*
V: until i find my place, if you're staying in my side, then i will protect you with all of your concern, i swear nothings gonna hurt you *smiles*
Shirakami: *smiles* then it's deal right?
V: yes exactly
Shirakami: *laugh* okay then
V: anyway Shirakami
Shirakami: hemm?
V: if from here to your village takes two days.. then hmm, i think i can
Shirakami: *confused* huh? what is it that you can?
V: ohh no no no, i just talk to myself, that's all ehe ehe
Shirakami: hmm, suspicious
V: we'll leave this place tomorrow morning, before the sun appear, so you better get some rest
Shirakami: i'm afraid if i go to sleep, then you're gonna do something to my body here
V: *palm hand in the face* come on there, i'll be outside guarding for you, while you sleep and sound in this cozy little shelter
Shirakami: fine then, but if you're trying to do anything, i swear i will kill you in the place
V: *laugh* like you can do it
Shirakami: *pouting back again* mou... i don't know
V: *laugh nervously* okay okay my bad, you can go to sleep, i'll be in the outside
Shirakami: *still pouting*
V: before i go out, can i ask something?
Shirakami: i'm hearing
V: if i not from this realm, then by any means, i'm not bounded by laws in this realm right?
Shirakami: don't you dare to do anything stupid
V: *laugh* okay okay, i won't, go ahead sleep
Shirakami: fine then
then V go to outside and guarding till morning

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