Chapter 31 - Trained

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"there, Fubuki's room" Yuna guiding V to Shirakami's room and opening the door for V

A simple room who doesn't indicating of a goddess room, thought on his mind just came without any notice or something

"alright, i should leave, i'll meet you tomorrow" V leaving the room

"uhmm V wait... are you okay with all of these?" Yuna stopped V from leaving and asking a question

"what is it? do you mean about the hatred of the village?" V stopped and guessing about Yuna's question

"i mean yes, doesn't it bother you?" Yuna asked again 

"trust me, i'm far more than you think i am" V gave a confusing answer and leave without any single word out of his mouth

Yuna looks worried about the situation but she couldn't do anything besides believing everything in V.

The next morning, while everyone trying to prepare for their day of work, a sudden scream and a terrifying roar could be heard from one of the villager's house.
All of the villager was curious about the scream from before, all of them approaching the house where the scream came before, what they could see was only a scattered house with a giant shred on the ground

A moment passed, Yuna and Shirakami arrived at the scene

"what kind of thing that could causing this kind of destruction?"  Yuna was confused

"i don't know, since i never saw this kind of damage before, even a wolf bear couldn't have claw this big" Shirakami stating while looking at the claw damage on the ground

the villager around the shredded house was scared since they don't know what could causing such a damage while thinking they could be the next victim of the beast.

But then...
"Look at that!" one villager shout while pointing to the sky

In their terrified state, a sudden trumpet echoing in all of the startails village's sky with a horde of flying stone monster

"what is that!?" Yuna prepared her sword

"i don't know, but this couldn't be good" Shirakami implying

"this is over... this is all over... this would led to our destruction..." a terrified villager was froze because of his fear of the beast

"don't be afraid, the guards are all here, they would protect you, we will protect you" Yuna trying to comfort the scared villager but then one villager shouting "Look at that!!" Yuna and Fubuki looking at the pointed way and in the front gate, a horde of a black wolf pouncing one guard after another

"what is happening? i never saw a black wolf before" Shirakami questioning up the condition she was right now just before Yuna rushing to Shirakami forcing her to bow down "Fubuki look out!!"

A flying stone monster strike through while flying low and Shirakami was the target of it,"this is insane, how could our village got attacked like this, it never happen before" Yuna was shocked while trying to get herself together

"there's no point questioning unanswered question right now, let's just focus on villager's safety, let's go" Shirakami raising her hand getting ready to cast a magic

"tch so we don't know anything? alright i'm right behind you Fubuki" Yuna following Fubuki by drawing her sword

Both of them trying to fight off the beast, Yuna easily fought off the beast since she was used to the battle, while Shirakami has to keeping up the pace between fight with saving up the villagers who got attacked, since she was just learned magic last night.

They're holding back the beast little bit with a lot of them were defeated but still the villager have to be saved  "Yuna, we should led them to safety, we couldn't let them stay in here, should the riverside safe?" Shirakami asked Yuna, "i don't know about the riverside, but let's try it, we don't have any choices" so both of them nodding to each other and guiding the villagers to the riverside while trying to fought off the beast.

At the riverside
Shirakami and Yuna arrived at the riverside followed by the villagers who already got tired and terrified, with an ongoing havoc happened on the village, they're fighting off their lifes

"there Yuna, there still a lot of beast but if we could bring the villager to the riverside, we could make a floating barrier in the middle of the river" Shirakami created a plan

"your plan sounds compromising Fubuki but are you sure? can you create a huge barrier for all of us?" Yuna looks worried about Shirakami

"i can, i believe in myself i can do it" Shirakami believed in herself

"alright then let's go, everyone follow Fubuki" Yuna shouted

But then, Yuna saw two familiar figures who just stand still in the middle of the river while gazing sharply to them "Fubuki look! are those Lars and V?" Yuna pointing to the middle of the river

"it's them!! we are saved now" Shirakami looks happy also tired

Shirakami's group approaching both of them but they just standing still..
Before Lars raising his hand and shouting "alright boys wrap it up! bring all of the corpse you've killed and drop it here in front of the villagers" with just a single shout, all of the beast was shouting "Yes Master!!" 

"what!? all of those beast was under Lars command!?" Yuna got shocked

"what the meaning of this Lars?" Shirakami was mad at Lars

"don't get mad at me, it's all V's idea" Lars straightened it up

"V!!??" Shirakami got shocked again

But V not giving out any reaction beside he's just chillin and smiling

"Alright folks you've gathered here as planned" V smilling

"you attacked the entire village with a horde of a beast just to gathering us in here? we're not even prepared to get our training yet" one villager shouting up

"alright let me straightened this, so... how's your feeling about your first training? is it pumping up your adrenaline?" V smile widely

"you call this a training? this is not a training, this is a bloodbath torment, my son was killed by one of those beast and now getting dumped in that pile of corpse" one female villager shouting while crying

"well then let's say your son got killed in the battlefield, are you gonna say the same? "this is not a war, this is a bloodbath torment" are you going to say the same thing and begging for your son's life while crying? are the enemies of your son would be so kind to returning your son's life like this?" V pointing his hand to the pile of corpse and a black magic circle appeared on the ground, the bodies of the corpses started to glow and then turned into particles before forming a new body and the soul got back to it's body meaning the all of the dead person has been resurrected.

All of the Villager was surprised, but couldn't hold the urge to run through and hugging the one who have lost.

"My son! Tatsu..." the female villager run through the horde to hug her son and all of the villager running to their loved ones

"Shirakami, tell me, are there any village who've died caused not by natural aging?" V looking to Shirakami

"all of them.. they sacrifice their life by protecting the village" Shirakami looks down

"alright, listen here folks, i know all of you have suffered since you've lost your loved ones, give me your best effort, i'll consider reviving all of them who've died" V looks serious

"how can you do that, we never saw a ridiculous magic before" a villager shouting

"simple, life and death are just a mere toys to me, you'll know it if you walk through hell and crawling back to earth" V explaining

Witnessing such an impossible state turned into a possible state makes all of the villager turned silent, thinking who are the creatures standing in front of their very eyes.
The training has been started since the havoc of the gargoyle, creating a strong mental prepared for what worse on the battlefield

"let me ask you something, why does an elephant run away after sees a lion despite his size?" V asking a question but the villagers seems couldn't answer it

"the answer lies on their mentality, when an elephant saw a lion approaching, he thinks about running, but when lion saw an elephant, he thinks about food, it's all about mentality, so if you have a strong mental, you can overcome even the strongest opponent" V explained a lesson to the villagers despite his image, surprisingly was accepted by the villagers

"so make sure all of your mental was strong enough to overcome you enemies, you got it?" V shouting

"Yes!!" all of the villagers shouts replying to V

"good!! so let's begin our training, you can get yourself serious,  you'll get undefeated"

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