Chapter 21 - Breaking The Chains of Fate

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Later that night, after every preparation that had to be made, now it's dinner time with Shirakami and V sitting in front of the campfire waiting for the food to be ready while having a little conversation.

Shirakami: V 
V: hmm..?
Shirakami: how was it back in your realm?
V: you wanna know?
Shirakami: *nod*
V: well, it's pretty much the same like this realm, a village, a kingdom, a place where someone could live, the only thing different between your realm and my realm was the ruler 
Shirakami: the ruler? do you mean that the king of some kingdom was a vampire?
V: exactly, but that's not all, one that could become a king must be the original descendant of the lineage, or you can call it the Bloodline
Shirakami: is there any differences between the bloodline vampire and ordinary vampire?
V: there's not much differences actually, the only things that makes us different is just the power that we have
Shirakami: so the bloodline vampire have greater power than ordinary vampire right?
V: exactly, but the biggest thing was ordinary vampire have it's limit while we don't, as long as you was a noble vampire, you can keep expanding your power also we have the blood eyes if we're emitting the aura of noble blood
Shirakami: that must be nice to have a great power to protect the one you loved
V: it's not always a good thing to have a great power Shirakami, sometimes there's someone who hate to have such a power, and sometimes there's someone who want to trade the power with the lives of their loved ones
Shirakami: ehh? why does it have to goes like that?
V: well our powers doesn't get awakened just like that, indeed that we have the powers comes from our ancestor, but it's like a beast locked in a cage sleeping that we have to wake it up in order to get the power
Shirakami: then what was it?
V: huh?
Shirakami: what was it?
V: what do you mean?
Shirakami: what was the requirement to have your power awakened?
V: oh that one, well there's many thing that could lead to the awaken of your power, like when you have a great will to protect the others or maybe sworn to fight for your race, or maybe you make a promise with your lovers or someone you care actually awaken it, there's a lot of cases and mostly everybody has their own cases
Shirakami: then what about you? what's your cases? what's the thing that creating your power?

Shirakami asked to V boldly while V looked down to the ground and get silent for a while
V: well, it's..
Shirakami: hmm? what's wrong? come on tell me, it must be a great thing, i know it
V: *stay silent*
Shirakami: V.. what's wrong? you don't want to tell me?
V: *looked to the fire*
Shirakami: well if you don't want to tell me then it's okay, i won't force you
after being silent for a while, V get up from his seat

V: it was a death.. of my parents..

after V said the true reason behind his power, Shirakami couldn't say anything to V and feel wrong that she force him to said a traumatic memories

There was an incident 14 years ago, back then in my mansion or to be precisely Melchiore Mansion.
There was me, my father, my mother and my big sister. I lived happily in that mansion, even the maids was very kind to me, everyday was like the best day for me, there's always something new for me to learn and play when i was with my family. But then one day, some group of humans found the Melchiore mansion and breach inside with their greedy eyes over gold, my father, the leader of the Melchiore Bloodline confronting them in order to just scared them away and make them go back to the city where they belong, it was a big success at first, but was a big mistake to letting they know that there was a vampire inside the mansion. One week after the confrontation, they came back with a lot of people and more than a 1000 completely armed paladin, they was greed over the gold before but after knowing that there was a vampire, especially a bloodline in the area, they're done with the gold and trying to kill all of my family including me.
My father was trying to hold them off while me my mother and my sister trying to run away from them, but they already surrounded the mansion and starting to infiltrate and breach inside, my father got defeated outside the mansion and have to go back inside to defense his family, but the paladin started to throwing a sword at the mansion, all of the maids already fall to the grounds facing their death, there was no choice back then rather than to fight the paladin until the very end.

Father: we don't have much choices and times, honey, you go take Claudia and Vernon to other family, i'm sure they'll take care the three of you, i will hold them back
Mother: i won't leave you behind dear, if you're gonna fight, i will fight too, you're not the only Melchiore bloodline now
Claudia : i'm fighting too father, i will protect my little brother, i'm one of the Melchiore bloodline

the three of them fighting side by side just to protect me, but whatever action they take, and how strong is their will to protect me, no matter how strong they are, no matter how hard they're tried, with only two noble vampire and one young vampire, they're get outnumbered and couldn't stand a chances against 1000 man of armed paladin.
Overwhelmed by the paladin, my father and mother, they died in front of very eyes, and my sister was thrown away to the cliff, leaving a weak little Vernon alone in front of my parents corpse.

Darkness, despair, fear, blackened, pain, helpless, dreadful fate, powerless, lifeless, falling down
there was nothing i could do back then except than accepting the facts that i'm still weak and couldn't even protect the one i loved the most, my heart was full of hatred, then there was my eyes turned red and my power was awakened as the bloodline, i tried to fight the paladin, but that was useless because i'm just got awakened and doesn't know anything about it, i have no choices but to run away from the mansion and seeking a help into another family, as my father said, they're helping me out and taking care of me, even teach me all of the defense system that vampire have, they found out that my eyes was blood red back then, i was told that Melchiore was the strongest family and the True descendant of the Vampire bloodline, which in meaning that i was the only one strongest vampire left because of my eyes was the brightest red eyes, not only that, the reason of me got my power was a hatred, and that was a rare case in history of the vampire blood.

five years after the incident, i get back to the mansion to seek revenge, because there was a news in town claiming that the mansion i used to lived got used as their headquarters, without thinking twice or anything else, i was only ten back then, but my powers was already like a thousand years ancestor or more.
When i arrived in the mansion, i see a lot of paladin was guarding the mansion, but without hesitation, i slaughtered them all, shredding all the flesh from the body of a paladin, drinking their blood, while rip their heads from their body before crushing their hearts, i remember the one killed my family, and i found him, i'm not giving him a merciless death without having a pain, so i tortured him first until he suffered enough and then kill him in the most painful way, after all of the paladin was dead, i'm pointing my hands to the mansion and releasing a big magic energy in the mansion that causing an explosion in the area, there was nothing left in that mansion, all of the paladins and even the mansion was all erased the same like my hatred lies deep down beneath the ground and the Melchiore mansion was no more alongside with the paladins.

2 years have passed and i rebuild the mansion, now i'm lived there with all of the maids, all of the vampire was really respect me because i'm the only one Melchiore family left after the incident, and i already became the strongest vampire in human history, there was none of the human dare to facing me, because all of the foolish humans who dare to fight me equals like giving me their live.

it was a long story actually, but yeah, that was the reason of my power and the reason why i hate humans all the way here

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