Chapter 4 - Sword of Justice

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-Castle far from the Jungle-
an old man with guards with him walk through the corridor and start to knocking a room
inside the room was a woman sitting in front of her desk, looking into some paper
woman: come on in *looking into the paper*
old man: excuse me miss Euridice, i have something to report to you *bows down*
Euridice: uncle Eldridge, thank you for your hard work, is there any something happened?
Eldridge: i'm afraid i have to tell you that the goddess that we keep in the prison has escaped
Euridice: *stopped looking to the paper* what!? how can she escape!? 
Eldridge: i'm afraid that she know our weak spot whenever the guard shifting the post with another guard
Euridice: uncle, you know how important she was right? 
Eldridge: with a full respect, i understand miss Euridice
Euridice: then what are you waiting for?
Eldridge: i already sent a full knight after her, but-
Euridice: what's the matter uncle?
Eldridge: bring him in *order a guard to bring someone in*

then a guard bring a terrified knight
Eldridge: i'm afraid you have to hear it yourself from this man
Euridice: hmph.. fine, tell me what happened then
Knight: it.. it.. it wasn't.. it wasn't a human... *tremble in fear*
Euridice: what? i don't understand soldier, come on tell me briefly so i can understand the situation
Knight: i.. i.. i was sent after the fox goddess, we almost catch her in the rain.. but.. there was someone... with her..
Euridice: a someone? tell me soldier, who was this someone?
Knight: i.. i.. i.. don't know miss Euridice, my squad were about to take him down... but.. but.. but... this man... he wasn't a human.. he.. he.. he was a vampire...
Euridice: a vampire? i never knew a vampire still exist
Knight: this.. this.. one is real... he open up his mouth, and shows his fangs... his eyes was red blood, and suddenly in a blink of eye... our.. our squad has been wiped off, i.. i.. i never seen such a creature... viciously.. killing all of our squad... and then burned down all the rest of the knight with a black fire... i was lucky i could escape through his vision... after i that, i immediately take my horse and then get back here to report..
Euridice: *confused* i knew a vampire has some kind of power flowing in their veins, even they're stronger than a normal humans, but a black fire? i never heard or seen such a power, are you uncle El?
Eldridge: no miss Euridice, me neither never heard of it
Euridice: and then, are you hear where they're gonna goes after?
Knight: no miss Euridice, but one thing for sure, the fox goddess surely gonna go back to her village
Euridice: the fox goddess village?
Eldridge: with all respect, Startails village miss Euridice
Euridice: are you sure they're gonna go to this village?
Knight: well uhm actually i don't really sure, but
Euridice: what!? you're telling me to go to this village yet you're not sure where they're gonna be?
Knight: i'm, i'm sorry miss Euridice
Euridice: you, you fool
Eldridge: by any chance miss Euridice, i recommend you to go to this village
Euridice: what's the reason uncle El?
Eldridge: even if they're not in the village in the mean time, we can destroy the whole village, sooner or later they're gonna find out about what happens to this village
Euridice: destroy the village? what's the merit we can get from destroying a village?
Eldridge: if they found out that the village has been destroyed, they're gonna come to this castle to have a revenge, in fact the fox goddess would do her revenge
Euridice: a revenge? i see, then what would her friend do?
Eldridge: he will go with the goddess, with they both be here, we capture them and hold them in the prison
Euridice: but we don't know yet his power, even this is the first we hear such a power, what are you going to do?
Eldridge: even if we don't know his power yet, he won't be able to face our whole army in this castle, and if the scenario get worst, i'll be helping you to defeat him miss Euridice
Euridice: hmm, i see this, where this is going, alright then, Knight! you have worked hard.. go have a holidays for a week and have some of this gold *handing a purse of gold*
Knight: *bow down* thank you very much miss Euridice

then the knight go outside the room leaving Euridice and Eldridge
Euridice: i never though that the fox goddess can make such a powerful teammates
Eldridge: me neither miss Euridice
Euridice: *while thinking* well our priorities was to take back the fox goddess, though it would be easy if she doesn't have any teammates or something, but it's different stories if she began to forming a team
Eldridge: why such a worry miss Euridice? we know already that you're a powerful knight, with sword of justice in your hand, you can easily defeat any powerful enemies in your way
Euridice: well you maybe right, but this black fire things has been in my mind
Eldridge: i think it's nothing to be worried about, because you already have the elemental resist coat that can nullifies almost any elemental attacks
Euridice: *smiles* well you're right uncle El, i would be extra careful and go all out this time
Eldridge: yes miss Euridice
Euridice: okay then, how far the Startails village from our castle?
Eldridge: it takes three days by horse miss Euridice, but you should not worry about that, because we already taming a pegasus ready for you and the holy knight,
Euridice: *smiles* as expected from you uncle El
Eldridge: it's all my pleasure to serve you miss Euridice
Euridice: alright then, it's my order.. tell all the holy knight, we're going to have a meeting
Eldridge: as your order miss Euridice

after Euridice giving an order, she immediately goes to the armory and find the silver armor that rumored good against vampire, wearing a full vampire hunter like armor, Euridice go to the underground and opening a door, inside the room revealed a white silver sword that has been sealed because of it's power, Euridice take the sword and sheathed it, "with this Sword of Justice, nothing can stand in my path, even if it's a demon itself"
in the meantime Eldridge spreading out the order to held a meeting for all of the holy knight in the castle.
time for the meeting has arrived, Euridice come fully prepared
Euridice explaining that the fox goddess has been escaped from their prison, "this could happen because the lack of guard's awareness in the prison", while explaining the accident of escaped fox goddess, Euridice says that they're gonna go all out and sent all of the holy knight after the fox goddess, "i expect you go and show me all your might can do, i always bring a few man and soldier with me because i can handle it myself, but this time it's different, we're encounter a powerful enemies that even me not sure can win in the mean time condition", then the holy knight start to talk with slow and low voice, but Euridice continue to assuring the holy knight that there's nothing to worry about, "you don't have to worry about anything soldier because i have myself armed with this", then Euridice unsheathe the Sword of Justice and show the holy knight it's power, "with this sword in my hands, nothing can stand in our way, none want defy us the holy knight", then all of the holy knight started to shout and calling Euridice name, "even the toughest shall flee whenever they saw this sword", "right here, this time, i sworn in front of everyone, i will crush every enemies that i encounter and bring back the fox goddess, i fight in the name of Euridice Vleshield Doonatelli, i shall bring the victory in our hands"
then after the meeting, Euridice and all of the holy knight immediately go to the Startails Village where the goddess fox and V are gonna be

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