Chapter 52

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*Crunch* *Munch* *Munch*

"Ughhh... my head.. feels heavy..." the demon girl tried to open her eyes slowly with the sound of someone eating an apple, she tried to get up and sit beside Jin while she doesn't understand why he keep eating an apple.

When she completely opened her eyes and realized Jin just sitting there the whole time while eating an apple, "why?.." Jin stopped his bite and looked at her, "why are you here? what are you after?" but still Jin doesn't talk about anything and he just grabbed another apple from the bucket and gave it to her hand, 

Jin looked at her while stopping his bite to his apple, "apple..." looking at the gesture of Jin, the demon girl doesn't seem to have any other choices, then she take a big bite to the red round thing on her hand.

*Crunch* *Munch* *Munch*

then Jin smiled to her, "is it good?" then the demon girl started to flow down some tears, somehow an ordinary food could turned the taste on it's top most, when on the right situation, "somehow it feels like the tastiest apple i ever eat"

Jin laughed, and handed over the bucket, "you can have it... sorry it doesn't contain much of a various fruits" the demon girl looked at the fruits bucket, it doesn't have much of a choices but it could satisfy the hunger she hold for a moment.

she looked to Jin, "is it okay?" Jin nodded and she started to eat the fruits Jin brought, the demon girl looks so happy when she eat, Jin joined her with taking a bite on his apple.

Both of them having a feast on a dark and pressured room, a few moment passed away they finished their fruits, then Jin get up from the place he sat down, "i will go back now, see you later.." 

She saw Jin walked away from her to the door, her instinct told her to run, so she do like her instinct told her to do when she realized she already grabbed Jin's hand.

"wait... why did you spare my life? and why you're being so kind to me.. didn't you didn't like the existence of a demon?" then Jin got silent again just like before, "i don't know, i just followed my instinct" then Jin leaved her without saying anything and closed the door while keeping the seal shut.

The demon girl feel a little different from Jin, "he's... different?"


The night has passed when Jin still sleeping on the bedroom.


The peace on a beautiful morning was ruined when someone slammed the door in Jin's room, "come on wake up Jin" Vey stands beside the bed and waking up the ancient vampire lay on the bed.

Jin slowly opened up his eyes and shouted when he saw Vey waking him up, "VEY!!"

"Come on wake up Jin, let's have a breakfast" and again Vey pulled Jin's hand and run straight to the dining room, when they arrived as usual the chef brought the meal to the dining table.

Vey looked at Jin gulping down an entire meat when the sound of a metal hitting each other was heard from the back of the garden.

Jin jumped from his seat and grabbed Vey, while on stance, "Is there any enemies here Vey!?" what was Jin did actually makes Vey surprised a bit to see his reflexes, but indeed she have a plan for Jin.

"it's okay Jin, it's just my guard training in my backyard over there" Vey pointed at the tall bushed over the wall, Jin open up his eyes with an excitement, "Vey can i look at them!?" Vey nodded as she approved taking Jin to the place where her knights train.


With the eyes of an awe to the knight, he looked at them without blinking, Vey looking at Jin and laughed before a commander approached both of them and bowed down.

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