Chapter 14 - Redemption

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"Humans... weakling yet arrogant" V appearing out of the darkness approaching one holy knight and grab his head.
Knight: arghhhh... arghhhh, let me go you filthy creatures... arghhh *struggle*
"Filthy.. " V crushes the holy knight's head and kill him instantly.
Dealing a great damage also affecting his body, "so my limit was close isn't it?" holding his chest while enduring the pain.

Euridice: you bastard, you really broke our contract
V: what kind?
Euridice: what?
V: remember in your little memories, i never make a contract with you
Euridice: what? but you smile over when i said we have a contract?
V: does smiling makes me looks like agreeing your contract?
Euridice: you a sly one, i'll kill you!
V: back in my place, a contract was a sacred bond, so i will never break a contract even if it costing my life
Euridice: you really pissed me off
V: now sit there and wait till your time to come

V summon his monstrous hands and grabbing two holy knight.
Knight: arghhh... you will die in miss Euridice hands.. remember that..
"Good luck on trying then" V slam both of the holy knight to the ground, hard enough to kill them.
But again, V's body enduring a pain because of the power he used, "if only like this i could push it a little bit more"

Knight: our death won't led you to victory against miss Euridice
"But your death would be my stepping stone" a black fire appear in front of 3 holy knight and approaching them which resulting the holy knight turn into an ash immediately after the black fire burnt them down...
V starting to sweat a lot, but he continue to create a large power, "my body being crushed yet i won't let this end right now" V punch himself in the chess while continue to emitting a large power

V continue his massacre, but Euridice and Eldridge won't stay quiet while seeing their army and comrades being slaughtered.
Euridice: uncle el, use your magic to remove this bind
Eldridge: i'm on it Euridice, just give me a moment

In a moment where Eldridge trying to remove the bind, V already holding a double sword in his hands.
"Suffer to your death" V swing both of his sword in 4 dimension, where the slash cut through half of the holy knight.
But with the slashing attack, V's body starting to vomit blood because of the over limit power he used, "not yet V, not yet, even if it costing my life, at least she got saved in time"

Euridice: uncle el hurry!! our comrades are being slaughtered
Eldridge: what do you think i'm doing?
Euridice: we can't afford to lose anymore knights
Eldridge: just wait a little bit Euridice beside, look at him, he doesn't look so good
Euridice: looks like he's at his limit, it's our chance now to take him out
Eldridge: but how strong is that kid that he able creating such a powerful bind like this
Euridice: don't worry uncle el, he won't be dangerous if his condition was like that
Eldridge: yeah, so let's break this bind and kill him

Eldridge trying to break the bind created from V but V was at it's limit, "my body.. so this is my limit? well i think it's the time" V point his finger upway then from behind his back appear ten silver sword, "let this became the end of the blood festival" then V pointing to the holy knight, the sword starting to forming a circle and flew away aiming to all of the holy knight's neck.
Not long after the sword flew away, a death body lay down in the floor of the dungeon and the blood starting to flow everyway, it's really was a blood festival.
"now just 2 left" but suddenly V got attacked from Euridice with her sword and Eldridge was already holding a staff

Euridice : not looking so good aren't you little vampire
V : *smiles* but it's enough to crush you both
Eldridge : look at him, even in his worst condition still be able to throw a mockery, let him taste the suffer
V : bring it on old man
Euridice : i'll make you suffer V
V knew that in his condition, he won't be able to take them as much as in his full condition yet he still challenge both Euridice and Eldridge, "i'll hold them as far as i can for them, Shirakami.. Yuna.."
Eldridge start to casting a spell to V, a water slash appear before Eldridge and starting to go to V but V roll down to his hand and his leg kicking the water slash, the water slash was destroyed completely.
Before V could even take his breathe, Euridice has already rush through V with her sword getting swing and aimed to V's neck yet V's hand punching the sword upwards making Euridice lost her balance, V used the moment to summon a blade in his leg and kicking it strikely to Euridice but Euridice parry the attack and making both of them thrown far to the back.
Eldridge doesn't take a moment for V to taking his breathe, casting a fireball goes on with icicle and a lighting straight to V, seeing the attack go straight forward to him, V jump right before the fireball hit him and catching the fireball with his black fire before redirecting the fireball to Euridice, and then V bend the lightning direction back to Eldridge right after kicking the icicle resulting the icicle to break.
Noticing the fireball was engulfed in black fire and directly straight to her, Euridice trying to hold the fireball but she failed and the fireball create a great wound to her but Eldridge immediately casting a healing spell to Euridice making her back to normal without a scratch, "tch back again to starting point"

Euridice : what are you after? Why you defy the empire?
V : it's simple, i'll crush whoever was her enemies
Eldridge : why are you costing life for such a lowlife goddess? You can join us, if you're joining us, we will forget this accident and gave you anything you want
V : no thanks, i'm good, i already got what i want, beside if i want it, i would just take it with my power
Euridice : it's stupid, why do you even bother to trick us in the first place if you're that powerful?V : *pointing downward* this place
Euridice : huh? nonsense
V : i never knew about this place before, i believe the humans i've slaughtered before was a pawn, and every pawn should have it's own queen back their base, so in order to track you down, i'll do this plan
Eldridge : how dare you to defy us!!!Euridice : you will suffer for this

"i'm the one who's gonna be the judge!!" with her anger filled in her body, Eu pointing her sword to V, "Let the sword of justice bring judgement to this evil and let me be the judge of this creature" the power of the sword starting to overwhelm and giving Euridice a huge power, "so this is her true form" V just glare at her.
Euridice's body which wearing a knight like uniform starting to forming a white armor completely with it's helmet and wings
Eldridge : behold the true judgement!!
Euridice: with this power, i'm gonna makes sure you got your punishment

"Let's start V"
"Fine by me then"

Euridice charging to V with her sword, V try to hold the attack but the power was to strong for V at this moment, V was attacked from every direction, but V trying to balance the attack and his movement but V was overwhelm by Euridice power, "where are your arrogant attitude from earlier?" Euridice mocking V but V just stay silent and watching all of Euridice movements
"Judgement fall onto you"

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