Chapter 37 - Bind

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"Looks like you won that battle foxie..."

"kuro? yeah.. it's a lot of work, but yeah i won that battle, it's unbelievable"

"you definitely grew stronger over the time with him aren't you?"

"not me, but we, i believe we grow stronger together since you and i was the same person"

Kurokami doesn't say anything just smiled while patting Shirakami's head.

The sun already began to fall and the darkness falls over the entire land with moon shines it's light to the land.

"ughh... how long have i been collapsed?" Shirakami struggling on waking up and tried to open her eyes, then she saw V sleeping on the couch while his hand holding his head.

"he's with me all this time right?" Shirakami smiled and slowly getting up from her bed and approaching V slowly while holding on to the table beside her bed.

Shirakami slowly walking to V and she's now in front of V, Shirakami lost on her thought, "he sleep so boldly, it makes me want to pinch his cheek" then Shirakami slowly touch V's cheek, "it's soft.." but her action made her unconsciously grabbing V's head and holding it on her chest while patting his head.

Shirakami smiled and putting her forehead on V's, "thank you for all this time, the struggle you faced, from this time on, let's share the burden with both of us" then Shirakami kissed V on the forehead and letting him rest on the couch while covering him with blanket.

"ehem, looks like i'm interrupting your lovey dovey moment..." Lars appeared on the door half opened.

Shirakami surprised to Lars and blushed all of sudden, "you should knocked before Lars..." Shirakami complaint to Lars for not knocking on the door, "ehe, i apologize" then Shirakami walk to Lars, "so, what happen? do you need anything?"

"oh nothing much, just the crowd wanted to meet you when there's a chance, and now to think that you're awake, you should greet them tho?" Lars telling Shirakami about the villagers.

"ahh.. that one... you know what? i guess you're right, but aren't this are too late for them? didn't they had to work tomorrow?" Shirakami worried about the villagers.

"don't worry, they've fought well, maybe they'll get some rest after knowing their goddess was fine.."

"alright then, i'll go greet them" Shirakami goes outside her place to meet the villagers followed by Lars.

Exactly the moment where Shirakami opened the door, all of the villagers surround her with a worry on their face.

"are you okay goddess Fubuki?"

"you're not hurt aren't you?"

"is there any pain goddess Fubuki?"

But the villagers feel relieved when Shirakami tell them that she was okay and V was with her all the time.

"it's okay, V is with me all this time" Shirakami explained to the villagers.

But then some villager appeared and asking Shirakami some embarrassing question.

"Goddess Fubuki.. what is master V to you? you seems to be closed and changed toward him, is he someone special to you?"

Shirakami who heared the question get's really embarrassed, but she overcome her shy and smiled to the person.

"let me ask you then... how'd you feel about him yourself?" Shirakami asked and smiled.

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