Chapter 7 - Startails Village

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V and Shirakami approaching the entrance while Ataxia comes back to her realm, slowly walk with Shirakami, V saw that the guard who's guarding the entrance was a human, V's hatred start to rise, yet because he's been made a contract with Shirakami, he's try to hold his anger and hatred because now he's in Shirakami's Village.
"Halt and stand where you are" said the guard,
Shirakami: Takaki!? is that you?
Takaki: goddess Fubuki!? is that really you!?
Shirakami: yes Takaki, it is me
Takaki jumped out from his post and running to Shirakami, trying to hug Shirakami, but V pull Shirakami backwards and Takaki fell to the ground
V: whoa, almost
Shirakami: ehh? Takaki, are you alright?
Takaki: ouch ouch, eh? are you with someone goddess Fubuki?
Shirakami: yeah, it's my friend V, V this is Takaki, my childhood friend
Takaki: huh? well, it's nice to meet you, my name's Takaki *handing his hand*
but because V have a grudge against human, he refuse to hand shaking a human, and rejected Takaki's hand to shaking hand
V: nice to know you, but sorry, it's against my tradition to touch other whenever it's my first meet
Shirakami: ehh? i never knew that you're have an unique tradition
V: it's my tradition
Takaki: ahh i'm sorry, but thank you for taking care of goddess Fubuki, i will take the responsible from here
V: i'm sorry but i can't hand over Shirakami to you
Takaki: ehh why? i hope she's not troubling you
Shirakami: mou, i'm not troubling anyone
V: well it's complicated but yeah
Takaki: i see, i see, then i'll leave it to you 
V: yeah
Shirakami: why you're talking like i was some kind of a thing
Takaki: *laugh* sorry, sorry, well go on, to the village
Shirakami: thank you Takaki, i'll be on my way to my house then with V
Takaki: okay take care goddess Fubuki, and V, protect her with all cost okay?
V: leave it to me

V and Shirakami go from the entrance inside the village, V saw much of a thing, from little kid running and playing in front of his eyes, a peasant who work in the field, a housewife cleanse the clothes for her family, then some kind of a knight practicing his sword, gazing from one side to another side, V's feeling weird inside him, but V choose to ignore his feeling, walking behind Shirakami.
they're doing their job at first, but after they saw Shirakami, they suddenly stop their jobs and start to approaching Shirakami one by one
"goddess Fubuki, i'm glad you're safe"
"i'm so happy to see you again goddess Fubuki"
"welcome back to the village goddess Fubuki"
"goddess Fubuki, i miss you"
they're all pushing V and surround Shirakami, yet V just stay silent despite his hatred for humans but his eyes, suddenly V's eyes changes it's color by itself, "disgusting" though V 

Then a female warrior came from some building "Fubuki!!, Fubuki!! i missed you Fubuki!!"
shouting from the distance, she start running to Shirakami, but suddenly stopped while see V in her way, "who are you? why i sense some dangerous aura from you?" her expression change after see V's aura, "hoo, it's not important who i am, don't you want to hug your beloved little foxy goddess?", "i believe that we're gonna have to settle in this in a different way", but Shirakami come from the surround of the villager and running towards V and the female warrior.
"watch out Fubuki, i sense a dangerous aura on this man", then the female warrior jump to the sky, try to attack V from above with her sword. "ehh?" Shirakami reacting
"hmm.. filthy humans" V reacting by disappear from the sight of eye leaving the female warrior searching for V,  "i'll let you choose, lose all of your blood or lose all of your body parts" V appear in the sky, "what? how can he-" before she can even finish her sentence, V struck down to the ground breaking the female warriors sword, "ohh i missed a little, but next i won't miss" V glancing towards the female warriors with his blood eye, "Yuna, what are you doing?" Shirakami ask the female warrior... yet Yuna froze out because he saw V in his true nature. V became the spotlight in the village, because every villager near him focusing on him.
Yuna: wha-? wait..? you're...
terrified because V almost kill her, Yuna not capable to speak
V: not a human? exactly as you thought, i'm not a human
Shirakami: V, you don't have to do it that far, look at her, she's terrified because of you
V: she's the one who attack me first, i only counter her attack, i don't have any intention to kill her
Shirakami: but could you do it a little bit humanish? because asking somebody "lose all of your blood or all of your body parts" doesn't sounds so human after all
V: come on Shirakami, what do you expect? i'm not a human in the first place
both Shirakami and V getting in a conversation but Yuna still froze and terrified of V
Shirakami: well i already know that you're not a human, but could you at least not asking that question again?
V: i can't help it, it's my habit
Shirakami: whatever you said, you can just change it, well just don't do it again.. i'm begging you
V: hmm, fine then *frown*
Shirakami: come on, it's not that bad, right Yuna?
V: yeah yeah whatever you said, here let me help you, don't worry, i wouldn't kill you so here *give his hand to Yuna*
Yuna: *still froze* well.. uhmm.. okay... tha.. tha.. thank.. you
V: *keeping his cold personality*
Shirakami: yeah yeah just like that *smiles* now apologize
V: *sigh* whatever, i'm sorry i have cause you a trouble
Yuna: well, uhm.. it's, okay *stuttering*
Shirakami: Yuna, will you accompany V to the village? i want to meet chief
Yuna: ehh!? you want me to, accompany him to the village? i don't want to, i don't want to get killed
V: you're going Shirakami? fine then, i'll take a walk with her
Shirakami: yeah, it's been 3 years, so i want to talk with him
Yuna: Fubuki, are you really gonna left me with this dangerous man?
V: who're you called dangerous?
Yuna: well.. uhm.. of course... you.. mr red eye
V: mr red eyes? *V change his eyes color to blue sapphire*
Yuna: ehh? so you can change your eyes? *amazed by V's eye color*
V: why did you wanna know? don't you think i'm a dangerous person?
Yuna: well, i did think that you're a dangerous person but, after you change your eyes, i feel that you're no longer have that dangerous aura, like sensing a different person with a same form
V: *laugh so hard* what is that, only with eyes change, you sense a different aura
Yuna: *embarrassed* it's true, i'm not lying
V: yeah yeah i believe in you mpfftt *holding laugh*

Yuna feel embarrassed with V laughter but she doesn't feel the dangerous aura anymore from V, after the apologize and stuff, Yuna take V to walk around the village and shows him the village, V doesn't say anything about the village yet he only gazing through one side to another, he could feel the wind in the sky blowing through his air and his clothes, "if, that day, i'm not weak, would my fate be different?" V lost in his thought but then Yuna calling him and asking him to continue the walk.
Yuna: and this is the river, isn't it beautiful
V: not quite..
Yuna: tch, what a cold guy
V: yeah, call me anything you want
Yuna: anyway, can you tell me how'd you meet with Fubuki?
V: what? are you her guardian or something?
Yuna: well i'm her precious friend, so it's a normal thing that want to know about it
V: *sigh* fine
V telling Yuna how he met Shirakami in the woods and how he fight with the knight and saving Shirakami.
Hears V's story made Yuna a little bit down
Yuna: it's good to be strong isn't it, not like me a weaklings
V: not really
Yuna: really? why?
V: there's a person, he's a legend in my place, his name was Ben Parker, he said "With great power comes great responsibility", that responsibility made you think that you have to use your power wisely, whether it's to kill or protect
Yuna: whoaa.. did you think before using your power?
V: i never knew, beside, i don't really cares what my powers are
V continue his story mentioning his contract with Shirakami
Yuna: a contract?
V: yeah, i did made a contract with her, that i'm gonna protect what's important to her, including this village
Yuna have a little thought on her mind
Yuna: so, your name was V right?
V: *nod*
Yuna: do you have any last name? like anything? or?
V: does everyone in this village have a tradition to always ask someone their last name?
Yuna: well, it's just, weird that your name only V, i mean, if you're not comfortable to say your last name then it's okay
V: Melchio, it's not my real name, but everyone related to me call me V Melchio
Yuna: so, V Melchio, i'm sorry but, is there any reason for you to hide your true name?
V: for now let's say that "i don't want someone find out about my weakness"
Yuna: *confused* i don't understand
V: it's okay, just leave it to your mind
Yuna: but is it goi-
"well, well, look what do we have here, a little girl with her boyfriend, surround them boys" a knight in gold armor and broadsword approaching V and Yuna with a pride on his face alongside with his men behind his back surround V and Yuna.
Yuna: *holding anger* Tanuki.. what do you want right now?
Tanuki: ho ho ho, you already knows what i want right? i want money for the protection that me and my men do for your village *laugh*
Yuna: didn't i give you the money yesterday?
Tanuki: ho ho, i'm afraid that the money you gave me doesn't enough to cover a whole village coverage this month
Yuna: you.. you rob from everyone in the village
Tanuki: wahahaha, you don't understand don't you little kid? we're adult taking what we want, if we don't get what we want, then we'll take it by force
Yuna: but, yesterday money, that was all what i have
Tanuki: ho ho ho, so you're just a poor kid in this village... but maybe *glance towards Yuna's body* there's other things that you can give me *rubbing Yuna's shoulder* 
Yuna: *push Tanuki away* hands off from my body, i would not let you do what you want in this village
being pushed away from Yuna makes Tanuki's anger rise up, then he grab Yuna by her clothes and lift her up
Tanuki: listen here you little rat, if you don't give me what i want, then i simply gonna crush you until i get what i want *looks at V* and you too little cat, don't think to help her or something, my men gonna crush you before you know
V: *glare and stay silent*
Yuna: rghhh, like hell i'm gonna do as you said, *spit into Tanuki's face*

Tanuki was harming Yuna, but V doesn't do anything, yet he was about to leave Yuna on her own...
"humans doesn't deserve my power"

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