Chapter 39 - Beginning

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"All of you were useless!!" the old king throw his glass while shouted to one kneeled knight

"I'm really sorry your majesty" 

"Is it really that hard to just capture one small girl?" 

"but your highness, everything we know about that little fox was all wrong"

"wrong you said!? so where did you get the information from!? you useless piece of shit!!"

"some local villager your highness, he said that she doesn't know anything to defend herself, and all of this time she held captive one of our base castle"

"one of our bases? who responsible for that base?"

"It's Knight Euridice your highness..."

"Good, tell her to bring that little girl here"

"but your highness..."

"huh? what is it?"

"we couldn't reach to Euridice right now, and the fox goddess was escaped from that dungeon"

"you guys are good at giving me a headache!! how could she escape on one of our base!?"

"she remember the shifting time of our cavalry your highness, and capable of using the condition of the shifting time for her runaway"

"and why don't they chase that runaway!?"

"they've tried to chase her your highness, but someone helped her"


"yes your highness, he capable of defeating all of the cavalry on that castle your highness"

"impossible, if it's true, then he must be the holder of the legendary magic"

"you mean people who could exceeded their power counter over than 5 digits?"


"but your highness, our informant told us, that his power counter was 0"

"what!? how could this happen? is he using manipulation magic?"

"unfortunately, we currently don't know anything about him your highness, but one thing for sure, he wasn't a human your highness"

"it's all makes sense now when you said he was not a human.. well if it's true then we don't need to worry about him, prepare all of our strongest sorcerer and cavalry captain, have them ready to defeat him, use all what we have to defeat him and we take our prize"

"as your command your highness!"

"don't worry dear little foxie, sooner or later you're going to be mine"

On the startails Village

Since Shirakami was the icon of the village, she was crowded with all of the villagers, and everyone taking their turn to talk with Shirakami.

And there's V and Lars who doesn't really goes well with farewell, so they staying silent.

"Ehh!! are you really going to go goddess Fubuki!!?"

"So when you're finally getting strong, you're going to save your parents!?"

"Finally this time has come isn't it goddess Fubuki"

All of the villagers were praising Shirakami of her effort to become powerful and when the time has come for her to save her parents, the villagers was praying for her return and wish her all of it's best.

"so it's already the time for your departments isn't it Fubuki?" The village's chief appeared to Shirakami to wish her as well

"Chief!! it was all a long journey, but it feels like it was only a dream for me to save my parents back then" Shirakami smiled to the Chief

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