Chapter 12 - Cloudy Moon

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Euridice Castle
V was escorted by Euridice to her office room, while walking with Euridice
V: you have a great castle i see
Euridice: do you like it?
V: well i must admit that it's really comfy
Euridice: *giggle* thank you very much then
V: no no, it's really comfy in here
V took a glare into the guard who guarding Euridice's office
Euridice: hmm? do you see anything weird in the guard?
V: no, but i just hope that we can talk in privacy
Euridice: of course V, as you want
V: *smiles* good then
Euridice: follow me V

V following Euridice into her room but suddenly V expression suddenly change while entering the room
V: what's the meaning of this?
Euridice: what? what do you mean?

V looking into the corner of the room, approaching it then kick it hard, revealing some old man with white mantle from his hiding place, "though i didn't want anyone bothering us while we're talking", V approaching the old man slowly while in the end he lift him up
Euridice: uncle?
V: should i kill this old man with my hands?
Eldridge: ughh.. watch your tongue kid, i'm more experienced than you
V: then try this old man
then V proceed to slam Eldridge into the ground, making Eldridge grunt yet disappear from V sight, "foolishness" V close his eye and his hand reaching out to the right and then grabbing something from thin air, "uaghhhhh" V grabbing Eldridge's head and crushing it with his hand, "more experienced old man? then let me introduce you this" out from V's hand, appear a chain with thorns flying to wrap Eldridge, but Eldridge was able to get off from V's grabbing, casting a frozen icicle from magic spear but V was already rush through with a sword in his hand
V: too slow
Eldridge: *laugh* you're win young boy, go ahead kill me
V: you're too old for being killed by me
Euridice: uncle El what are you doing?
Eldridge: i sense a strong aura from this man, so i need to protect you from everything that may danger your life
V: you mean like this? *revealing his form*
Revealing his form making Eldridge want to attack V again but Euridice hold Eldridge and tell him to go outside
Euridice: uncle el, he's not dangerous, he make us found the fox goddess
Eldridge: but i can't let you alone with this creature
V: what do you say? 
Euridice: well well V, i guess you don't need to show your true form right now
V: *smiles and sealing off his form* fine then
Eldridge: just be careful with this creature Euridice, we don't know what may he think
V: calm down old man, you're way too paranoid
Eldridge: whatever you said kiddo
Euridice: i'll be fine uncle El, you can go *smiles*

then Eldridge go outside Euridice's room while Euridice talk with V
Euridice: so now that there's only us in this room, you can say what do you want
V: yeah right, first let me ask you something
Euridice: if it's not restricted then i'm gonna answer all of your question
V: alright then, i want to make sure that my powers are only mine and no one can use it
Euridice: so you're wanted to be the special one?
V: well you can call it like that *thinks* (just like a regular vampire wanting to be a true blood regardless their power have the same amount with other weak vampire)
V: so what do you think my power are?
Euridice: from what i see, you categorized as the mage summoner, who can summon entity to help you in combat
V: hoo, you're categorizing the power?
Euridice: yeah, divided into several classes 
V: classes?
Euridice: yes classes, Mage, Knight, Ranger, Warrior, Assassin
V: hoo, i see
Euridice: so as far as i can see you're a Mage who summoning
V: hmm *smiles*
Euridice: oh yeah and i hear that the summoner mage have the limitation of summoning entity, for example, you summon a sword and a chain, that means you cannot summon a warrior type entity
V: hmm, *smiles again*
Euridice: what is it? is it wrong?
V: no no no, you're not wrong, i can't summon a warrior just like you said
Euridice: so it's true, but can you tell me about the black fire?
V: black fire?
Euridice: the one you used to gave the village a warning
V: ahh that one, it's a special power
Euridice: special? like what?
V: special, because it's a legacy from the bloodline
Euridice: bloodline? you mean the family tree?
V: let's just say that it's my family's special power
Euridice: ahhh, you make it clear... okay then continue what do you want to ask?
V: you're not answered my question yet, do you ever see someone have the same power like mine?
Euridice: no, it was my first time seen such a power in my life
V: glad to hear it then.. okay let's continue
Euridice: *nod*

V: tell me about the slavery
Euridice: slavery?
V: i hear that there's slaver in this real- i mean country
Euridice: ah you're must be mentioning the slave market right?
V: ho, there's a slave market?
Euridice: yes, and you can buy a slave from there as long as you meet the requirement
V: requirement? what kind?
Euridice: money of course, as long as you have the money, you can have countless slave
V: hmm, *thinks* (money the requirements in the end after all)
Euridice: well after you bought the slave, you can treat them as you like to them, because whenever your status became a slave, you're no longer a human
V: *smiles* nice, that's enough for me
Euridice: mostly, the slave from the slave market was the same race like the goddess fox
V: hoo? i'm just know about this
Euridice: yes as i said, the slave mostly came from the same race as the fox goddess, they lived the place as normal citizen before the new king reign over them
V: so what'd you say are this place was belong to them before?
Euridice: yes, but we reign over them so we can gain our victory
V: nicely done, it's so natural that the strong reign over the weak
Euridice: agreed *smiles*
V: yayyy, but can't wait to get myself a slave
Euridice: getting excited to buy a slave?
V: well of course i am, but we can talk about that later, i have what i want right now
Euridice: eh? already? 
V: *closing his eyes* i've connect your voice to all of your holy knight, tell your men to gather where the goddess kept held, i'll show you something interested *grind*
Euridice: what do you want to do? 
V: oh not much, i just want her blood a little for me, i have a little wound to close
Euridice: ahh i see, so you want to torture her in front of us right? *laugh* fair enough
V: *smiles* now tell your men to gather in her place

Euridice do as V told her to do, "to all of holy knight in the castle, do not worry, this is V power, now gather in the dungeon below the castle where the fox goddess are, we're gonna have a good show from V", V smiles widely to Euridice and kneel before her while giving his arm to Euridice, "now would you mind be my special guest for today milady?" Euridice smiles as she grabs V hands and holding his arm into her, "i would love to young knight", once again V smiles to Euridice and shout to Eldridge who was waiting outside all this time, "you too old man"
Eldridge: tch, i've found out
V: don't think that i'm not realize you're outside all this long
Eldridge: tch
Euridice: well well uncle el, we can enjoy the view that V was about to give us, so let's just enjoy it together
Eldridge: i think i've got no choice, make sure you have a good show kiddo
V: ohh don't worry old man, i've got a good show for today *grind*

then the three of them go through their way to the dungeon below the castle where the holy knight has been gathered before and V smiles widely as he knows what's gonna happen next
"from this time, it's your showtime Shirakami"

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