Chapter 18 - Mine

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"Come here you all little brat, i'm gonna crush you and make you know your place, BELOW OUR FEET!!!"

Yuna: V, Fubuki i'll
V: don't talk, you've done what you can do, now rest
Kurokami: no need to worry leave the rest to us
Yuna: V, Fubuki, i can still fight-
V: nope, your condition doesn't prove it
Kurokami: just rest Yuna
then Kurokami casting a sleep magic on Yuna which resulting Yuna to sleep, and then laying her in the ground which followed by V who creating a sphere of energy which turned out into a barrier keeping Yuna safe inside it, Yuna's condition was really battered because of fight with Euridice but with the help of V and Kurokami, Yuna was safely rest inside the barrier

V: looks like our fight was not over after all
Kurokami: you're right
Euridice: what the hell you're doing to uncle El?
Kurokami: hoo that weak old man?
Euridice: what did you called him?
Kurokami: if you're looking for that old man, then this man over here already ending his life and now his soul was already destroyed
Euridice: what... what have you done.. i won't forgive you for this!!
V: your beloved uncle already facing his death, now i'll give you two choices, surrender or facing the death itself?
Euridice: don't get cocky you foolish creature just because you're holding my attack earlier doesn't change the fact that i'm stronger than you, even our last fight was like taking care of bugs
V: hoo, so you're really thinking that my counter was really only under million?
Kurokami: you're talking nonsense Euridice
Euridice: shut up, whatever you said, i'm far much stronger than you, i can tell it, with my eyes

Turned out that Euridice has some kind of knowing eyes which can be used to knowing one's power counter and all of his weakness
Kurokami: she can read the power counter?
Euridice: yeah exactly and now with this, i can reveal your weakness
Kurokami: V, it's bad, if she know our weakness then..
V: let her see
Kurokami: what? you're kidding right?
V: no, let her see
Euridice: what a foolish decision, now don't mind me if i do
Then Euridice uses her eyes to look at V and Kurokami power counter, but after using her eyes, Euridice can't believe what she has witnessed that both of Kurokami and V's power counter number doesn't showing any of big number exceeded than 100 but just showing 0 on her eyes

Euridice: what is this? how can someone has zero power but have the possibilities to holding my attack and even killing uncle El who's the power counter was more than 1 million, how can this is possible? what are you!?
V: painful isn't it? knowing the truth that your eyes couldn't even see our number?
Euridice: what kind of trick did you use? you must be using some blocking spell and the manipulation to make your number like that, a hideous monster using a hideous trick, it's was an absolute truth that you can defeat me and using those hideous trick i couldn't even-

before Euridice could even finish her mockery to V, he was already behind Euridice with a dagger in his hand pointing straight to Euridice neck, "monster you say? don't you ever think that your action, was even more than a monster itself" Euridice trying to grab V and slam him to the ground but V disappear from Euridice grab and appear in front of her, "don't you ever realize that we're far different from every aspect" but Euridice doesn't take any chances and going straight draw her blades and strike to V but once again V disappear and appearing beside Kurokami

Euridice: shut up monster!! a monster like you should be gone and perish to the hell!!!
V: looks like a demonstration of my power doesn't stopping you for trying, i'll give you a reward for having a strong will to fight
then V cast his monstrous soul hand beside him, but just a moment before V dashing through to Euridice, Kurokami stopping V and telling him something.

Kurokami: V wait, don't kill her yet
V: huh? is there something you want? or are you still unsatisfied with the earlier torture of Eldridge?
Kurokami: no, not that,  she's know the place of the slavery, maybe we can use her to guide us there
V: but i already know it and we have no use of her now, do you still want to take her?
Kurokami: oh, you already know it? then she's no use to us, do whatever you want to her V, i'm already satisfied with the earlier torture actually *smiles
V: then, i shall makes you more satisfied by doing this

then from the other side, Euridice shouting to V
Euridice: are you done chit chatting monster?
V: oh i'm sorry, are you waiting too long?
Euridice: whatever you said monster!!
then without hesitation, Euridice charging through to V with her sword, but V kick the sword and kneel down before kicking Euridice in the leg, resulting Euridice to fall down to her back but immediately get back up to her feet and back again to thrusting her sword to V's heart.

Euridice keep attacking and swinging her sword to V but V keep dodging and not letting Euridice touch his flesh
Euridice: stop moving and die monster
V: oh should i?
Euridice: shut up!!
V: oh look at you, doesn't it cute? seeing a human barking like a dog?
Euridice: shut up! i'll let you know what a true monster is
V: oh scary... 
Euridice: you're facing a wrong opponent

hearing Euridice statement about monster and opponent, making V stopping his movement and stay still while suddenly staying silent.
Kurokami: V, don't tell me you
"what happen monster boy? finally knowing that you cannot defeat me and surrender? hahaha now die!!" Euridice was about to stab V in the chest but V catch the sword with his bare hand and glare deeply to Euridice with eyes thirst of blood making Euridice a little bit trembling because of V's killing aura.
"True monster you said? facing a wrong opponent you said" the sword he was grabbing before, with a single crunch, Euridice sword was broken into two pieces leaving Euridice shocked and jumped back down with V chewing the sword pieces
Euridice: what!? how can be? is he-
"Maggot!! Know your place!!" V appear in front of Euridice, grabbing her neck and lifted her before V ascending to the sky slowly, "you should know your place before talking big in front of the monster itself but rather than a monster, a demon was more fit to me" then from the hand grabbing the neck, appear a leashes tied to Euridice neck with a chain tied to V's another hand. After ascending high enough, V throw Euridice to the ground with no hesitation nor holding back making Euridice slammed to the ground and vomiting a blood, but before Euridice grab a breathe, V pulled the chain and jumped down to the ground and slamming the chain to ground, Euridice who was already weak get pulled up high to the sky only to be slammed down the second times, Euridice vomiting blood once again, but V doesn't give any mercy or chances for Euridice, he immediately pulling the chain and kick Euridice until she thrown to the wall of her castle, "where was your arrogance? if it turned out like this, i don't have to use my magic" again V pulling the chain and Euridice was pulled again, but this time V punch Euridice in the face and making Euridice once again thrown far to the castle but suddenly Euridice shout "ENOUGH!!! DON'T YOU HAVE ANY SHAME BEATING A GIRL INTO-" V doesn't care what Euridice said and keep pulling the chain and punches her to the ground, once, twice, thrice.
V's brutally torture and beating Euridice, Euridice couldn't even to do anything because V doesn't stopping for moment and keep giving her a demonstration what a demon could do to a mere human until one moment where Euridice couldn't hold it anymore and kneeling before V.

Euridice: please.. no more, i don't want to be tortured again, please spare my life, i'm begging you, i don't want to face my death yet, please, have mercy
V: i'm sorry, i'm all out of mercy

then V proceed to do the torture to Euridice even more brutal from before, like a vicious blood creatures playing with his victim before eating it down, far more brutal than you can imagine, but after a while Kurokami came stopping V
Kurokami: V hold on.. give me a minute
V: alright go on
Kurokami: alright then, thank you V

Kurokami approaching Euridice who was already battered and weak because of V's attack, slowly bow down to see Euridice's face, but then get back to stand and suddenly kick Euridice in the stomach with all of her got and then leaving while thanking V "that's it, thank you V"
V: well uhm.. okay
V little bit surprised and not expected for Kurokami to kick her like that, then V approaching Euridice but Euridice was really scared of V and trying to go far from V
Euridice: no, no, no i'm sorry, i'm begging you, please have mercy
V: i'll give you chance, if you really want to live that bad, i'll give you a chance, it's up to you whether want to take it or not
Euridice: i take it, whatever it takes, i take it
V: you have do such a terrible and unforgivable things toward her, if she agreed to forgive you, then i'm gonna release you, but if not, i'll grab your heart and take it
Euridice: i'll take it, i'll take it
V: good, now go
but after V tell her to go, Euridice fall unconsciously because of the damage she received "*sigh* she keep falling after all"

with the defeated Euridice, V left behind with a big victory in his hand
Kurokami: looks like you won tiger
V: *smiles* nggehehe, couldn't do it without you
Kurokami: i know, and here thanks to you and this sword, i can revenge my parents hatred to them, i couldn't do it without you either, and this *mentioning the sword, so we're even *wink
V: *smiles widely* keep it
Kurokami: wait what?
V: yeah, keep the sword
Kurokami: are you sure?
V: yeah, 100% sure
Kurokami: no late charges i hope
V: well, let's just said that this sword is a symbol of me want you both to becomes mine?
Kurokami: *punches V*
V: ouch hehehe i'm just kidding, beside, dual blades looks good to you
Kurokami: whatever, but if you insisted that you want me and the white becomes yours, just tell the white one, if she's okay then i'm okay with it
V: that's a deal i guess?
Kurokami: deal *smiles* and about Euridice..
V: let's leave it to Shirakami, i'm sure she can handle it
Kurokami: looks like we've been understanding each other after that symbol appear in my eyes isn't it?
V: symbol huh?
Kurokami: is there something wrong with the symbol?
V: no, nope, there's nothing to be worried about
Kurokami: are you sure?
V: yeah, well then, let's get back home i guess? to your village?
Kurokami: *smiles* not in this form

then Kurokami create a circle with her sword which changing back into Shirakami before V hug Shirakami tightly and pat her hair
Shirakami: V, uhm V, are you okay?
V: don't ask why, but i'm glad you're safe

Hearing that from V making Shirakami smile and replying by hugging V back

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