Chapter 19 - Creature of Another Realm

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The fight with Eldridge and Euridice was taking time too long, the sun was already setting and it's too dangerous to go back to Startail Village as there is something that they might don't know in the woods, so V and Shirakami alongside with Yuna and Euridice was resting beside Euridice castle ruins.

V was really calm and still scouting for the area to rest with the other girl, while Shirakami remind her mistake with V back at the Village, where she couldn't understand the pain V's enduring during all of his time, Shirakami know that she was nobody to V but her feeling always wanted to help and understand more about V.

Shirakami: hey V, uhm.. do you remember back when we're at the river in the village?
V: uh huh.. *looking at the area
Shirakami: well uhm.. i just want to said that when we're fighting about the.. well you know, human thingy?
V: uh huh.. *still looking at the area
Shirakami: i well, just wanted to say.. you know-
V hear what Shirakami has said but his mind was not into the conversation instead he give her a question

V: hey Shirakami, do you think we can use this area to get rest for a while?
Shirakami: huh? eh? uhm.. well i guess we can
V: i'm thinking the same as you too within this area in the ruin
Shirakami: that sounds good, the surrounding ruins could be the perfect barrier from wild animals
V: hmm.. good thinking, come to my mind that maybe i could do something to even more securing this area
Shirakami: don't tell me you're gonna do and create something like when we're in the woods?
V: not gonna precisely same but... to think what i do in the woods maybe i could just do something about this place
Shirakami: eh? what do you mean?
V: back at the woods, it was an emergency situation, so i need to figure it out quickly but this time, we're setting up the place where we could rest and not in an emergency situation
Shirakami: so this time gonna be different?
V: well not really but let's just see with the environment in the area
Shirakami: i don't really understand but, be careful
V: don't worry, i won't die that easily, beside sooner or later i need to know my strength
Shirakami: eh? why do you need to know your strength? don't you already know all your powers?
V: back when i was still in my realm
Shirakami: oh yeah, i totally forgot that you're not belong to this realm
V: exactly, that's why i need to know which power i inherit and which power was not
Shirakami: okay, well just be careful
V: *smiles*

Then V walked further a little bit, "i think this is not the best time to talk about it, feels like he's avoiding the conversation about that, well we settle it later, let's just rest for a bit" Shirakami talk to her own mind about V before she taking care of Yuna and Euridice.
After walking for a while, "i think this is the best place to do it" V thought it to himself before kneeling down and facing his palm to the ground and a giant magic circle appear in the ground from V's right palm, suddenly without any moment, an ancient rune words carved in the ground circling around the magic circle before shining and summoning an invisible barrier, "and now with this, no one can pass through the barrier and hurt us"

In the same moment, Shirakami saw the shining rune and confused about it
Shirakami: V, what is that? i never seen such a power before, but to think of it, i never see all of your power either
V: oh, it's an ancient rune
Shirakami: eh? what is that?
V: let's just say that it was my ancestor language
Shirakami: oh.. that's great, and what does it do to use? i don't feel anything
V: well it's a barrier, won't affecting us because it protect us from anything that could harm us
Shirakami: oh wow.. the shield spell, it could be useful whenever we facing a harming enemies
V: well actually, the use of it rely on your needs too
Shirakami: eh? what do you mean rely on my needs?
V: because the function of it depends on the words carved in it?
Shirakami: ahh.. so the power of it depends on the words, got it
V: yes exactly
Shirakami: but it'll gonna be taking time right?
V: taking time?
Shirakami: yeah for you to carving the words one by one and then proceeding to the next spell to be carved again one by one
V: i guess you're not fully understand the ancient rune right? *laugh
Shirakami: well i don't know, who's gonna know the power of vampire from other world?
V: well uhm..
then Shirakami hit V in the shoulder, after that V create a little magic circle and ancient rune in the ground showing Shirakami
V: here take a look at this, one rune could contain countless effect at the same time
Shirakami: what? really?
V: yeah, the one i carve was only a barrier, but if you add more into it, it could be more than a barrier
Shirakami: how can it possible, one spell could contain one effect at the time
V: so that how it works here
Shirakami: yeah, no one could do more than one effect in the spell
V: well not in my case, the rune, the spell, i could add a lot of effect into it
Shirakami: and somehow i don't feel shocked again after saw such a power.. more likely, i'm tired of everything that you do
V: hahaha, i'll take that as a compliment then..
Shirakami: it's not a compliment
V: well we better prepare the area, otherwise we won't get a good rest
Shirakami: ehh but we-
V: well you can have a rest now, leave all of it to me
Shirakami: what do you want to do again V
V: oh not much, just this

After the conversation, V walked a little bit and gazing to the jungle before he raised his hand and creating a 5 magic circle in the ground, "come forth my loyal servant and answer my call" then after V chanting the words, 5 creatures was summoned and appear in each of it's magic circle and start kneeling before V
Shirakami: just how far was his strength
Shirakami thought to herself and already tired after witnessing all of V's power

"Raise your head my loyal servant" V ordering the 5 creatures and one of them start raising it's head and talking to V, "We're here to answer your calling master V"
V: yo Rewolf, long time not see my friend
Rewolf: it was such an honor that you finally calling us again after the incident master V
V: don't talk about that Rewolf
Rewolf: pardon my rudeness master V
V: *smiles* i have a job for you
Rewolf: all of my life was to serve you master V
V: go down to the woods and bring me the finest tree that you can find, bring just enough tree to build a hut and campfire
Rewolf: as your wish master V
Rewolf disappear from V and began his task

then V proceed to look into the remaining servant of his and calling their names before giving them task.
V: Lygast.. 
Lygast: it was really such an honor master V
V: go to the river and bring the finest fish you can catch, bring 18 of it
Lygast:  consider the task is done master V
V: Reckon.. 
Reckon: Reckon on your service master V
V: find me a good material that could be used as blanked, bring me 4 of finest quality material
Reckon: i'll bring you the best master V
V: Nyx..
Nyx: i'm ready to take an order master V
V: go and hunt down a wild animals, kill it and butcher before gave it to me 
Nyx: i won't disappoint you master V
V: Ruscher..
Ruscher: my claws ready to shred all of your enemies master V
V: find a hidden spot and scout the area nearby, be prepare and stand by if in case there we're enemies trying to attack
Ruscher: any of your enemies shall have a twisted destiny master V
V: good now all of you has a task, now go and get the jobs done
4 of the creatures: Yes master V

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