Chapter 13 - Wish and Hope

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Lock down deep inside the dungeon, sealed from the bright of day, chained like an animals, Shirakami sat down there in a miserable place
"look at her, in her miserable condition"
"what'd you gonna do little fox? crying to your mama?"
"oh what do we have here? a little girl who fail to save her parents"
"filthy creatures"
"are you gonna cry filthy creatures?"
Shirakami couldn't do anything, can only accept the humiliation she received from the knight while holding down the tears in her eyes.
The time goes on so does the mockery from the knight, "i just want to go home and meet my parents again" Shirakami close her ear with her hands and close her eyes as she can not take the mockery any longer.
A footstep can be heard, slowly closing in and slowly revealing the form of V wearing a black coat wrapped in chains instead of his usual blazer alongside with Euridice holding up his hand followed by Eldridge behind them, Shirakami who was holding back her tears couldn't hold it anymore longer when she saw the figure of V stand against her with Euridice in his side, "this is not happening" Shirakami cries.

"it's too dark in here" V complaining and pointing at the ceiling while in the same time suddenly a light appear from V's finger and start to flew to the ceiling and shine bright to all of the dark place
V: it's time, would you mind me milady? *smiles to Euridice*
Euridice: *smiles to V* go on V
V release the hold of Euridice and stand in the center of everyone, "i bet you all tired right? be my guest for today gentlemen" V open up his arm and a magic circle appear, a chair made of bone appear behind all of the people in there, exactly the same amount, "please enjoy while sitting in there", confused, shocked and surprised yet amazed by V power, the holy knight sitting down in the chair that appear from V, not excluding Euridice and Eldridge.
"i'm gonna show you something interesting, so just relax and enjoy what i'm gonna give you" V talk to every single knight in the dungeon.

"bring her before me" commanding the guard to bring Shirakami in front of him, the guard open up the gate.
Guard: let's go filthy fox
the guard pull the chain that attached to the collar in Shirakami neck, dragged from her cell to V, all of the holy knight started to mock her out and throw her with dirt and mud.
Humiliated, dirty, covered in mud, healed wound are opens again, Shirakami couldn't say anything to V, just showing an eyes showing disbelief of what happened.

The guard that pulled Shirakami hand over the chained attached to the collar to V, "good work, you can go back to your seat" V smiles as the guard sit in the bone chair from before.
V looks to Shirakami and approach her slowly until their eyes was met "it's showtime now" V grinds and turn over to the knight and raising his hand who holding the chain.

V: look over here mighty knight... *showing the hand holding a chain* we have captured the fox goddess!!
not a moment after V shout, the knight who very proud after catching Shirakami start to shouting and cheering up V which V doesn't expect that.
V: this goddess, think that she can do anything with her strength, acting so brave and strongly while her true nature was so weak
"Yeahhh!! Weaklings doesn't deserve a place in this world" the knight start to shout again
Euridice: *smiles* this is interesting, don't you think uncle el?
Eldridge: it started to get better
even though Shirakami feel so much pain both physically and mentally but what could Shirakami do? except accepting all the mockery thrown to her

V: this goddess over should know her place and learn that she doesn't belong in her place right now
"the strong reign over the weak"
V: willing to do anything just to save her village and parents
"such a foolishness decision"
V: even until risking her life just to reach one goal in her life yet she failed it
"*LAUGHS* Make her learn her place"
V: well now let me ask a question, how does it feels to see your wish and hope was crushed before you?
"Crush it before her V"
Euridice: this is really entertaining uncle el
Eldridge: that's true, this kid know how to entertain people
All of the mockery, all of the humiliation, all of the crushed wish and hope, Shirakami feels that her life was useless and there's no reason for her to keep alive at this point

V: today, i'll show you, something incredible, something legend that could never be forgotten
"torture her, and take all of her blood"
V: i'll show you a useless life pulled out and send into despair
"YEAHHHHH" the knight start to cheering for V again

V approaching Shirakami and lift her up on her clothes, "here we are, once again held by the holy knight, how stupid is that?" V talks to Shirakami like throwing a mockery, "i don't know again what to do, so if you want to kill me, just kill me, a useless like me has no reason to live in this world" Shirakami cries while accepting her fate to die in V's hand, but without replying Shirakami, V just smiles to her and whisper to her ears.
V: now to the main dish every mighty holy knight *smiles* witnessed the legend born before your very eyes!!!
"YEAHHHHHH" the knight shouting louder and louder, then V summon a sword in his hand and pointing to Shirakami, "LET HER BLEED" the knight shouting once again
Euridice: go V goo!!
Eldridge: YES!!

V: Let's start the festival of Blood
V grinds widely showing his vampire form and swing his sword, but instead swing straight to Shirakami, V swing his sword to the holy knight in his right and just like in the village a black energy pulse come out from V's swing attack killing the holy knight right in their place.
Euridice: what the meaning of this!?
Eldridge: he tricked us!?
Euridice: all of the holy knight catch them both!!
Eldridge: what kind of treachery is this!!??

But the holy knight who sit in the bone chair couldn't move or get up because the bone holding them in the place and not letting them move, "you don't really expect that i'm selling my own contract and change to your side right?" then V create a sphere from his energy wrapping both V and Shirakami.
Inside the sphere, V crush the chains and collar that holding Shirakami, "there, is that painful?" V asking to Shirakami gently while leaving Shirakami in shock.
Shirakami: V!!!
as V breaking the chain, Shirakami cries and running to V, and then hugging V tightly, V who was hugged by Shirakami, feel that Shirakami's body was trembled and shivering, but V replying to Shirakami and hugged her back, "i'm sorry Shirakami, i'm sorry to make you going through all of this" V tell Shirakami about his apologize but Shirakami just cried in V's hug while V patting Shirakami's hair
V: it's okay now Shirakami, i'm here now
Shirakami: V... V... V.., i.. i... i was so scared... and feel frustrated...
V: it's okay Shirakami, you can cry all you want
Shirakami: i'm really useless V, i can't do anything, i'm weak, i'm coward... i can't bear it anymore
V: Shirakami... *smiles* you've doing great
Hearing Shirakami burst out from her bravery and breaking down, making V more tightly hugging Shirakami and try to protect her from anything that try to hurt her.
"I have a contract, and that's contract gonna be my promise to always stay by your side"
Shirakami who hear V promising to not leaving her side just nodding and cried in V's chest.

After a little bit while, V trying to talk to Shirakami
V: hey there Shirakami *smiles* you're a little bit messed up, let me help you
after talking V shoot a warm water from his hand, drenching Shirakami and blow her up with wind from his palm of hands
Shirakami: what are you doing right now V? what'd you after? and moreover what's is this?
V: *smiles* i'm after the location of this place and don't worry, it's a shield made out of my energy
Shirakami: what? *shocked and can't believe*
V: it's my plan after all *smiles*
Shirakami: explain this right now V
V: well you remember when we get attacked in the woods and you're telling me that you want to be sacrificed so i can run away?
Shirakami: uhum..
V: but i'm asking you that is it really what you want right?
Shirakami: yeah, you did ask that
V: but you're answering that you don't want to go back there right?
Shirakami: it's true
V: then we make a contract, so this is our contract *smiles*
V's statement making Shirakami confused and failing to understand
V: after we're making a contract, i'll immediately creating this plan
Shirakami: ehh!? what kind of plan?
V: well, you don't want to go back to this place but your position was chased by the holy knights right?
Shirakami: that's true but...
V: so rather than being a fugitive, better to destroy the place itself
Shirakami: what!? but you don't even know this place right?
V: that's true, that's why i'm leaving one knight behind to run away when i was killing the entire knight army back then in the woods
Shirakami: what? what's the connection between running knight and your plan?
V: what do you think the fleeing knight gonna do after running to save his life?
Shirakami: ehh? uhm.. get back to his base?
V: right.. he's gonna tell the other about the dangerous he face in the woods, or in other words telling Euridice about me who met you and kill all the knight
Shirakami: well you're right, it's logically true
V: after Euridice know that i'm in yourside, what does her choice?
Shirakami: her choice? like what?
V: she doesn't know anything about me but know all about you, and then all she know only me and you are in the same side, but never know where are we're going right?
Shirakami: yeah you're right, so she targeting my village to search for me
V: yes that's right, after a while, i flew away from the village to search for the knight and convince them that i'm in your side
Shirakami: hoo so that's why you're leading the guard to catch me, but you're fighting with Yuna and slamming her to the ground... that's too cruel V for your way!!!
V: well uhm.. indeed i torture her but, everytime i'm attacking her, i cast a spell to her body
Shirakami: what kind of spell?
V: pain absorber and protection, so she's not gonna received any damage nor feel any pain
Shirakami: so that throw?
V: yeah, i throw her in the direction of the village and slamming down with my hand but in reality, my hand catching her in midair and delivering her safely to the ground
Shirakami: ahh that's a relief
V: *smiles* 
Shirakami: but since when you go to find those holy knight?
V: when we fight over the drowned man
remembering the moment where Shirakami couldn't understand the pain that V's going through, could only make Shirakami silent for a moment.
Shirakami: V.. about that pro-
V: let's go Shirakami, we could talk about that later, the time has come
Shirakami: what? what time?
V not explaining about what's gonna happen but suddenly V open up the magic sphere and then opening a portal beside him.
V: go Shirakami
Shirakami: eh? wai-
Before even can finish her word, V pushes Shirakami to the portal he made earlier and Shirakami get teleported to the outside of the castle.

V grinds widely and closing his palm, suddenly all the light that shining through every dark place starting to fading away letting the darkness wrapped the dungeon, all of the holy knight was froze in their set until the black fog starting to appearing and sealing all the vision in the dungeon, in the darkness and blindness a voice echoing to the holy knight, "now witnessed how every humans in this place getting slaughtered" 

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