Chapter 8 - Contract

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Shirakami parting ways with V, and go straight to the chief place, she walks slowly to the place, seeing her village for after 3 years being captive, she feel so much relieved that her village was safe and sound, on her way to the chief place, she met the villager, and the villager was so happy that their goddess was back.
in front of chief place, "it's been a long time doesn't it?", but suddenly a girl from inside chief place shouting so loud, "IT'S FUBUKI!! SHE'S BACK!!", Shirakami smiles towards the girl, "Helena, it's been a long time, i miss you" then Shirakami run to Helena and hug her, Helena was crying while the chief comes out, "Fubuki, it is really you".
"Chief, i'm home"
The chief walks towards Shirakami and hug her
Chief: Fubuki, i'm glad that you're alright, come inside, let me heal your wound
Shirakami: no, no, it's okay chief, i'm fine hehe
Chief: *a little bit concerned but do as Shirakami says* okay then if you're insist, Helena would you mind making us some tea, and let's drink together
Helena: okay chief
then all of them go inside
Shirakami: it's been a while and i miss everbody in this village
Chief: well, in there's a lot happen in the past 3 years
Shirakami: oh yeah? what happened to the village?
Chief: well it's a lot, but things like villager and the peasant were somehow prosperous
Shirakami: well isn't that good to hear?
Chief: but, there's a little bit of problem
Shirakami: a problem?
Chief: yes, the day you were taken, there's some knight called Tanuki who has been take money from the villager everyday, he said that it's for the protection he give but the money he taken was used for girl and alcohol
Shirakami: what? can't you do anything?
Chief: i've already say something to him about leaving the money from the villager, but he said that if he doesn't get what he want, he's gonna kill you, so i couldn't do anything
Shirakami: that's too cruel
Chief: it's true, but i'm glad that you're okay, that's my concerned, about Tanuki, we can deal with him anytime
Shirakami: but not like this chief, tell me where Tanuki is, let me talk to him
Chief: he's not going to hear you Fubuki
Shirakami: i don't care, i do anything about it, i don't want my village to come back to the day where it wasn't so prosperous back then, so please, tell me
Chief: i'm not gonna tell you and let you do anything stupid Fubuki, i made a promise to your parents to protect you, i couldn't let you do something dangerous
Shirakami: but it's for my village sake
Shirakami feel that she wasting her time to talk to the chief about Tanuki, so she run from the chief place, randomly running until she arrived at the center of the village, the other villager start surrounding Shirakami and asking about what happened to her, yet Shirakami told them that she need to know Tanuki's place.

-Back at V and Yuna-
Tanuki: well, well little girl, what are you gonna do?
Yuna: *struggling from Tanuki's hand* i'm.. i'm gonna crush you and save the village, so they would not suffer from paying to you
Tanuki: *mocking Yuna* hoo? but what you can do? while you're struggling only by lifted up by me.. right boys?
Tanuki's men: yeahh yeahhh *laugh*
Yuna: says what you want to say, if i can't crush you, then this man over here can destroy you
Tanuki: hoo? so this man over here? he doesn't look that strong compared to us
Tanuki's men: weaklings *laugh*
Yuna: come on V, you said to me that you're gonna protect this village, then proof it to me right now, you're strong enough to defeat them right?
V: *looking to Yuna* i guess you're hoping too much from me, i do said i'm gonna protect this village, but i don't care about what happened inside it, i don't even care with the villager, it's a normal thing for the strong take over the weak, so whatever it is, i don't want to get involved with it
then V takes his walk from them and leaving Yuna behind
Yuna shocked with V's statement, like her hope has been crushed into pieces
Tanuki: *laugh* look, even he doesn't care about this village, so this means i could easily reign over you and the others
Yuna: i couldn't believe it, i was so stupid that thinks i could trust you for becoming the real guardian of the village, you're... you're not a human V
V: thought i've been tell you this but i'm not a human in the first place, so whatever you said doesn't have any connection with me
Yuna: you're the worst V, you're the worst
Yuna cried as she lose her hope in V
V: Humans doesn't deserve my powers!!

V shouting as he disappear from his place...
Yuna who doesn't what to do anymore, only could accept the fate that she was weak and couldn't do anything, but Yuna refuse to just stay and do nothing
Yuna: i'll kill you all, i swear, i'll kill you!!
Tanuki: look how miserable you are *laugh* left and alone
Tanuki and his men laughing over Yuna, but V makes the other surprised by appearing behind one of Tanuki's men with his hand already grabbing the heart of the men..
Yuna: V!? but.. you said..
Tanuki: What the!? you boys, get him!

"thought it was what i think", V summon a dagger in both of his hand, one men try to attack V but V jumped out and rolled in the air with his hand cut through the men's body, splitting into two pieces.
Yuna: why did you come back? don't you hate a human?

"you told me earlier that you're Shirakami's precious friend right?" V throws both of his dagger, one men in the right and one men in the left, they both groans in pain as from V's hands appear a chains imbued with black fire that burned down both of the men that stabbed by V's dagger
Yuna: yes, i'm her precious friend, so what does it means to you?

"it means that you're important to Shirakami" V summon a single sword in his right hand, unsheathe it and slashing through the wind, one men who running away from V suddenly bleed out, groaning in pain yet the cut appear one after another resulting the death of the weak one.
Yuna: but why?
Tanuki: what are you doing insolent fool, get him!!

"it doesn't matter" V lifted his palm hand and pointing to 5 men, a monstrous hand appear out of nowhere and grabbing the 5 men, V started to crushing his hand, the monstrous hand following V's hand crushing the 5 men.
V: now tell me, do you want to get stronger?
Yuna: can i..
V: tell me, do you want to be strong?
Yuna: if i can.. then..
V: tell me! are you want to be stronger!?
Yuna: Yes!! i want to get stronger, for the sake of this village!

Yuna shouting her ambition to get strong, as V smiles and nodding, the crushed men who have been death before, thrown up in the direction of Tanuki which resulting Tanuki lost his grip to Yuna, but not in a moment, Tanuki already draws his sword and attacking Yuna.
"use this" V summons a sword in his hand and throw the sword to Yuna, instinctively Yuna catches V's sword and hold Tanuki's attack, both of them jump back and facing each others.
Yuna who holds V's sword sense a great power in the sword, not only the sword but affecting her body.
Tanuki: looks like we're gonna settle this in here right?
Yuna: as your wish Tanuki
Tanuki started to swing his sword to Yuna, but Yuna weirdly can dodge and hold all of Tanuki's attack, "my body? it's really light" Yuna bow down and slide through Tanuki, then jump out to attack Tanuki from above, but Tanuki turns around and hold Yuna's attack
Tanuki: do you think you could take a chance to wound me in the back?
Tanuki grabs Yuna and throw her down, but Yuna come back to her feet and standing tall facing Tanuki once again.
"i have to do it, i have to defeat him for the sake of this village" Yuna though to herself but Tanuki already rush toward her, swing his sword merciless, Yuna who has been overwhelmed also getting cornered from Tanuki. Only be able to hold the countless attack from Tanuki, Yuna give all what she have, then V shout to Yuna.
V: believe in yourself
Yuna who has been cornered grab a sand in her palm and throws the sand to Tanuki's face, blinded by the sand, Tanuki stopped his attack and wiped out his face, but before that Yuna has jumped out from the place she cornered to the sky.
"i believe i could do it, i could do it, i can!" Yuna shout that she can while attacking her sword from above of Tanuki, but Tanuki's sword was ready to parry Yuna's sword.
"not today human" V throw a chains to Tanuki's hand and pull him down
V: now! end him up!
Yuna swing the sword to Tanuki, the sword start to shine brightly, then from the sword appear a black fire similar to V's fire, with the power of the sword, the power of her will and the black fire, Yuna slash through Tanuki's body, splitting Tanuki into 2 pieces, but Yuna doesn't stop there, she swing again her sword.
"This is for the village" Yuna swing again the sword
"This is for my revenge" once again she swing the sword
"This is for my parents" swing again to Tanuki
"and this is for mocking down my ambition to get stronger" Yuna shout loudly to Tanuki as she swing his last attack to Tanuki.
Tanuki who has been shredded into pieces, burned down by the black fire, believe it or not, Yuna has win and become stronger with her will in her heart.

V who has witnessed Yuna's battle approaching Yuna slowly while clapping
V: *smiles*
Yuna: V.. i.. i did it.. i win from Tanuki
V: good for you then,
Yuna: here V, thank you, if you doesn't give me this when Tanuki swing his sword, i would've been dead
Yuna returning the  sword that V gave her earlier but V turn his body around
V: keep it
Yuna: what?
V: keep it, i break your sword earlier right?
Yuna: yeah, but, is it really okay?
V: yeah, beside, the sword match perfectly with you
Yuna: huh? how can you know?
V: the sword shines bright right?
Yuna: yeah but i don't know why?
V: the sword matching up with your energy and accepting your existence, also your heart reach out to the sword, so the sword answer your call
Yuna: so that's why my power was so strong?
V: let's just say like that *smiles*
Yuna: V, thank you so much, but even you say you don't care about this village, you still want to protect it right?
V: well not really, it's just if you're death i couldn't face Shirakami
Yuna: that's cruel, too cruel
V: *laugh* but yeah that's true

while V and Yuna having a conversation, Shirakami appear and shout to Yuna and V
Shirakami: Yuna, V are you too alright?
Yuna: Fubuki.. yeah somehow
V: hmm..
Shirakami: i'm sorry i'm late, i hear the story from chief but he won't tell me Tanuki location, so where is this Tanuki?
V: you're late Shirakami, he's already dead
Shirakami: ahh i'm sorry, but i'm a little bit lost, but luckily there's a villager who hear some kind of metal clanging and tell me but *punch V* i know i can always count on you *smiles*
V: no, *hold Yuna head* this girl over here defeat him with her own power not me
Shirakami: ehh? so, you defeat him Yuna?
Yuna: well.. well, you can call it like that i guess? ehe *embarrassed*
V: yeah, she kill Tanuki mercilessly
Shirakami: somehow if that come out from your mouth i feel uncomfortable, but i'm glad you both save
Yuna: yeah, i couldn't believe it that i can defeat him
V: glad for you isn't it? 
Yuna: yeah, i'm glad, right Fubuki?
Shirakami: yeah *laugh* ahh i remember we're not yet have some food, let's go have a meal in the village *smiles*

then Shirakami take a walk with Yuna and V, heading to some kind of building and eat there

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