Chapter 6 - On The Road

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the sun begin to rise, meaning a new day has arrived
both V and Shirakame already prepared for their journey to the Startails Village
but despite they're going to Shirakami's Village, Shirakami looks a little bit down
V: Shirakami, are you ready?
Shirakami: *daydreaming*
V: hey Shirakami
Shirakami: *still daydreaming*
V: hey, Shirakami, hey what are you thinking till you're passed out in your though *touching Shirakami cheeks gently*
Shirakami: *snaps out* ehh, well, uhm, it's just, i've been thinking about my village
V: hmm? don't you said that there's nothing happened in your village?
Shirakami: i do said it but still, i don't know what happened in the village after they take me to castle

Shirakami lost to her though once again, but V saying something to Shirakami
V: i'll kill them all
Shirakami: ehh?
V: i'll kill them all, anyone who dares to touch your village
Shirakami: ehh? why? why you're willing to go that far?
V: *pointing to Shirakami* you
Shirakami: *confused* me?
V: we're already made a contract right?
Shirakami: but, the contract doesn't involve my village
V: are you a bird? try to remember correctly the contract we've made
Shirakami: *confused* i'll stay by your side and you're protect me with all of my concern?
V: are you not concerned about your village?
Shirakami: *smiles widely* yes!!
V: *smiles* then let's go 
Shirakami: it'll take a week for us to go to my village, but i have you accompany me so i think it would be no trouble
V: who said it's gonna be a week?
Shirakami: ehh? we're gonna walk right? since we don't have a horse
V: like hell i'm gonna walk a week *lift his arm*

after V lift his arm up, a black magic circle appeared in the ground, black clouds suddenly appeared in the  middle of the magic circle
then a black fire start to shoots out to the sky, not long after that there's a voice echoing from the circle, "i'm here answering your summon master", V smiles as he sees his chariot from hell.
a black skeleton horse with purple fire in every part of the body appeared from V's magic circle
"yo, it's been a long time since i last summoned you my friend", Shirakami who have witnessed V summoning power left with a surprised and shocked looks with lost of her comment.
"it's always been an honor for me to serve the True Blood of Bloodline master V", V smiles as he answer the loyalty of the skeleton horse.
V: Ataxia, would you mind giving a ride to our destination?
Ataxia: it would be my pleasure master but i have a question master
V: and what is it?
Ataxia: pardon my rudeness but don't you hate a humans?
V: that's the fact, why?
Ataxia: then why you bring this human with you?

Ataxia mentioning Shirakami despite her looks as the fox goddess
V: hmm? what do you mean she's  a human?, she's a goddess
Ataxia: a goddess? i do see the goddess smell but her human smell was dominating
Shirakami: *confused* ehh?
V: so what you're saying was she's not fully turned into a goddess?
Ataxia: exactly master
V: well i don't understand either, turns out that this realm isn't my old realm, so i can't just judge everything on my own, even if she's a human, turned out that she's already making a contract with me, and you known how important a contract to me right?
Ataxia: i understand very well master, so where are the destination master?
V: *tapping Shirakami shoulder* Shirakami
Shirakami: ehh, uhmm, to the east of this forest
Ataxia: hmm i see, very well then climb up to my back and i'll take you to the destination

Shirakami who looks a bit afraid embrace herself and trying to talk to Ataxia
Shirakami: so uhm, Ataxia isn't it
Ataxia: hmm? what is it?
Shirakami: i'm Shirakami, nice to meet you
Ataxia: hmm? it's a pleasure for me as well
Ataxia give Shirakami her head indicating Shirakami to pet Ataxia in the head
Shirakami: *shocked* ehh, uhmm.. thank you very much Ataxia *pat Ataxia in the head*
Ataxia: it'll always been an honor for me to help master's contract
Shirakami: so, uhm, you're not, you know, hate a human?
Ataxia: i don't have a grudge against them so it's doesn't matter to me
Shirakami: i see, okay then *smiles*

after a little bit conversation with Ataxia, Shirakami climb onto the back of Ataxia, but V doesn't look like that he's gonna climb up to Ataxia
Ataxia: master, are you not gonna ride me?
V: no, i take the twist
Ataxia: i understand, as your wish master
the conversation between V and Ataxia once again made Shirakami left out in a confused state
Shirakami: ehh? why don't you ride? and twist? what is that?
Ataxia: it means master want to go to the village as fast as we can
Shirakami: ehh? why with the rush V?
V: don't you missed your village already and want to be there soon?
Shirakami: *smiles* well actually yes, but i know i can't have a selfish wish like that, there's Ataxia has made me grateful that we can go to the village two days
V smiles to Ataxia
Ataxia: well we better go, because we're gonna go fast, i need to do some protection to you
Shirakami: ehh? protection?
then from the body of Ataxia, a chain holding Shirakami
Shirakami: ehh? what's with this chains? it looks like holding me tightly but i don't feel crushed or feel hurt
Ataxia: i don't want you to fall down when you ride on me so my chains will hold you, but i don't want you to get hurt from my chains too
Shirakami: that's awesome
V: so are you ready Shirakami? Ataxia?
Shirakami: ehh you're not gonna ride Ataxia?
Ataxia: on your command master

ignoring Shirakami's question, V commanding Ataxia to get ready to run, "Let's go to the village!!" V shouts, then Ataxia stand on two of his legs and galloping away leaving V behind
Shirakami: ehh? you're leaving V behind?
Ataxia: don't worry, he's the fastest in the history
Shirakami: ehh? beside, i expect you're gonna be fast but i'm not expecting for you to be this fast
Ataxia speed really amazed Shirakami, because in her life, she never see a skeleton horse who can run as fast as the pegasus itself, even more faster than the pegasus.
Only five minutes has passed since Ataxia start to run, but Shirakami already seen a winged fox statue.
Shirakami: are you sure that V gonna catch up?
Ataxia: yeah, so don't worry
Shirakami: but we're already half the road, because i already seen the winged fox statue
Ataxia: trust me, he's gonna be here soon
Shirakami: ehh?

"seven minutes has passed, i think it's my time to run now", V changed his eyes from blue sapphire to glowing blood red, V smiles then start to run from the place where he stays with Shirakami in the jungle, only a few running steps, he already there catching up with Ataxia and Shirakami.
V: yo there *smiles while running*
Shirakami: EHHH!!?? *shocked*
Ataxia: i've told you that he's the fastest in the history
V: i never told you that we're gonna spend a few days traveling to your village
Shirakami: but still, this is insane, i know you're strong, but not like this strong
V: who do you think i am? i never lose in the running match
Shirakami: who's gonna win if your speed literally like a pegasus or even more
V: *laugh* well then you're better hang on, because after this we're going full speed
Shirakami: *shocked* YOU'RE NOT ON FULL SPEED!!??
V: of course we're not, Ataxia show her your full speed
Ataxia: at your command master

Ataxia adding up the speed, more, more, and more until she's reached the full speed
V who doesn't want to lose the speed from Ataxia, released his power even more
so he's right beside Ataxia, but Ataxia noticing that V doesn't shows his full speed, V seems to understand to Ataxia, "i don't want to leave you with her behind, that's why"
after riding and running for fifteen minutes, the Startails Village has been seen, it's a beautiful small village with a river flowing in the village, also with a fox statue in the middle of the village, Shirakami's gaze at the village while V seems to be cautious because of something
a little bit more riding, they're now arrived at the entrance of the village..
seems to be someone stand guarding the village

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